I do believe in Jesus and see many signs that Revelations is being fulfilled. I also do have doubts that Christianity is the only way to heaven. If you look at other religions or beliefs most believe in a God just different ways to get to him. Main point is a one true God that all have different paths to get to him. We as Christians believe that thru Jesus is only way to heaven. Keep in mind that those who were raised that way we believe that. If there were many ways to heaven then how would one know if they were on the correct path, or even one of the correct paths? Imagine roads were few and only one exact road led to my house. If I were having guests at my house, would it make sense to tell them to just find their own way, or tell them that all roads lead to my house (even thought they don't) or would it make more sense for me to tell them the address and EXACTLY the one way to get there? It makes way more sense (to me at least) for God to provide one specific path for redemption rather than having everyone try to guess if they have found a correct one or not. If one was raised as a Muslim then that is your belief taught to you from parents. Generally you have a point, but this certainly isn't true for a lot of people. It wasn't for me. There are actually more Christians in China today than in America; think about that for a minute. I am big on history. Many questions that are not answered by Christians. Example like Enoch and Elijah were only two called up to God. Yet book of Enoch is not in Bible because the Christian Church believed it to not be worthy to be in Bible. So a man writes a book and is called up to God yet his book is not worthy to be included in the Bible? I have read it. It’s very worthy to be read by all Christians. Another question. God killed people in the Bible in Sodom and Gomorrah and the Flood and the children of Egypt and other times. Because of sin (being separated from God) we are all going to die. Does God not have the ability to "play God" (in this case deciding when some people die)? Why do we justify it when we "play God" (abortion, war, death penalty, even self protection) but we say God is evil when he does it? Killed people when they did not have chances to know him. I question a God so loving he killed his people and his own son. Death is a consequence for our human natures and rebelion. God did not kill Jesus, my sins (and those of all of us) are the reason Jesus was killed. God gave us the life, death, and resurection of Jesus because he loves us. "For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son..." John 3:16) I understand the choice of choosing him but some don’t get the chance. Great question, and there are some good responses to this. Don't forget Romans 1:20; "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Plus multiple scriptures discuss the nature of God being written in the hearts and minds of men (humans). And of course, this is exactly why so many Christians have a heart for missions work, to share the Gospel. Another is when we get to heaven we will not know anyone and we will want to worship him all the time. So all those loved ones and those parents that lost kids will never know them in heaven. That to me sounds sad. We know very little about what the expereince of Heaven will be like, but remember that God is a relational being and relationship (which is key on Earth) will likely be an enormous part of Heaven. Yes we will not remember or care but that to me sounds like he’s creating people to be robots in heaven. Think only one way and to only think of him. I think it's just the opposite. That's is why we have free will even here on Earth. God wants us to choose him, not be robotically forced. Love must be freely given or it does not exist. As for thinking "only of Him", I don't that is the correct intepretation. But heaven will be communion with Him, so "un-Godly" ways will not be known. When I think lovingly of my family, I am not thinking only of God, but that love is from God, thus Godly. Is that free will? Bottom line of someone is raised to believe a certain way then that’s there belief. If what we are taught that God calls those he wants to him then that means he creates people to hell. Which is that right? Here is something I wonder. My grandparents and my parents and me have all been saying he’s coming back. Others have addressed this, so I'll leave it there. What happens if another 100 years passes and we’re still saying same thing? Thing is in another 100 years there will be hardly any Christians. The numbers each year decline faster and faster. 8 of 10 churches closes a month now. 9 of 10 graduating seniors do not believe. Babies are killed every day. Hunger and sorrows. I question why would God who loves us so much allow this to continue on? As a father would you allow your children to suffer? Is that really love? See my prior post for some one this.