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I do believe in Jesus and see many signs that Revelations is being fulfilled. I also do have doubts that Christianity is the only way to heaven. If you look at other religions or beliefs most believe in a God just different ways to get to him. Main point is a one true God that all have different paths to get to him. We as Christians believe that thru Jesus is only way to heaven. Keep in mind that those who were raised that way we believe that. If one was raised as a Muslim then that is your belief taught to you from parents. I am big on history. Many questions that are not answered by Christians. Example like Enoch and Elijah were only two called up to God. Yet book of Enoch is not in Bible because the Christian Church believed it to not be worthy to be in Bible. So a man writes a book and is called up to God yet his book is not worthy to be included in the Bible? I have read it. It’s very worthy to be read by all Christians. Another question. God killed people in the Bible in Sodom and Gomorrah and the Flood and the children of Egypt and other times. Killed people when they did not have chances to know him. I question a God so loving he killed his people and his own son. I understand the choice of choosing him but some don’t get the chance. Another is when we get to heaven we will not know anyone and we will want to worship him all the time. So all those loved ones and those parents that lost kids will never know them in heaven. That to me sounds sad. Yes we will not remember or care but that to me sounds like he’s creating people to be robots in heaven. Think only one way and to only think of him. Is that free will? Bottom line of someone is raised to believe a certain way then that’s there belief. If what we are taught that God calls those he wants to him then that means he creates people to hell. Which is that right? Here is something I wonder. My grandparents and my parents and me have all been saying he’s coming back. What happens if another 100 years passes and we’re still saying same thing? Thing is in another 100 years there will be hardly any Christians. The numbers each year decline faster and faster. 8 of 10 churches closes a month now. 9 of 10 graduating seniors do not believe. Babies are killed every day. Hunger and sorrows. I question why would God who loves us so much allow this to continue on? As a father would you allow your children to suffer? Is that really love?
I've come to realize debating Christianity with nonbelievers isn't too effective. Best thing we can do is point them to Jesus, set the example and pray. Unfortunately all will not come to him and that is heartbreaking.

God is real, His love, His mercy, His grace and the salvation He gave us through His son Jesus is very real and I'm thankful everyday that by His grace I am saved!
As Christians we are taught he has to prepare them to receive the gospel. If he has not prepared them then they will not receive it.
I do believe in Jesus and see many signs that Revelations is being fulfilled. I also do have doubts that Christianity is the only way to heaven. If you look at other religions or beliefs most believe in a God just different ways to get to him. Main point is a one true God that all have different paths to get to him. We as Christians believe that thru Jesus is only way to heaven. Keep in mind that those who were raised that way we believe that. If one was raised as a Muslim then that is your belief taught to you from parents. I am big on history. Many questions that are not answered by Christians. Example like Enoch and Elijah were only two called up to God. Yet book of Enoch is not in Bible because the Christian Church believed it to not be worthy to be in Bible. So a man writes a book and is called up to God yet his book is not worthy to be included in the Bible? I have read it. It’s very worthy to be read by all Christians. Another question. God killed people in the Bible in Sodom and Gomorrah and the Flood and the children of Egypt and other times. Killed people when they did not have chances to know him. I question a God so loving he killed his people and his own son. I understand the choice of choosing him but some don’t get the chance. Another is when we get to heaven we will not know anyone and we will want to worship him all the time. So all those loved ones and those parents that lost kids will never know them in heaven. That to me sounds sad. Yes we will not remember or care but that to me sounds like he’s creating people to be robots in heaven. Think only one way and to only think of him. Is that free will? Bottom line of someone is raised to believe a certain way then that’s there belief. If what we are taught that God calls those he wants to him then that means he creates people to hell. Which is that right? Here is something I wonder. My grandparents and my parents and me have all been saying he’s coming back. What happens if another 100 years passes and we’re still saying same thing? Thing is in another 100 years there will be hardly any Christians. The numbers each year decline faster and faster. 8 of 10 churches closes a month now. 9 of 10 graduating seniors do not believe. Babies are killed every day. Hunger and sorrows. I question why would God who loves us so much allow this to continue on? As a father would you allow your children to suffer? Is that really love?
Below is a link that addresses a couple of things you mentioned above. It is from a Catholicism point of view, but does a good job of delving into the Old Covenant vs New Covenant. I started to try and explain it myself, but this does a way better job. Our pastor actually spoke about the different covenants as part of yesterdays Easter service. His sermon addresses a lot of the questions you have toward the end of your post. If you would like I can send you a link to the sermon in a PM, just let me know. In reference to one God but different religion(beliefs) on how we get to heaven. The New Testament is very clear on how we get to heaven, so either you accept and believe that or you don't. It leaves no room for interpretation or other avenues(religions) to get to heaven.

Because Man brought sin into this once perfect world God created and allowed the world and all its inhabitants to change for the bad because of it.

pandemics, hurricanes, and earthquakes aren’t about free will. The above doesn’t makes sense using the logic above.
pandemics, hurricanes, and earthquakes aren’t about free will. The above doesn’t makes sense using the logic above.
Those are all part of natural law. We are all going to die at one time or another whether that be old age, cancer, or a natural disaster. Yes, God does allow(doesn't stop) natural disaster. But as Christians we can not only look at the bad allowed, but more so the blessings He also allows. The same God that allows a hurricane to cause destruction and death, also allows many more hurricanes to not cause destruction and death.
To say there is more than one way to heaven, would be calling Jesus a liar.

John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
I do agree that sure seems this world is on a face pace to come to a close. With Jesus coming back or the world destroying itself. All the signs definitely are being full filled in the Bible. The hate and division amongst the whole world is so bad. Earthquakes, locusts, volcanoes, tornadoes, sickness, poverty, homelessness, crime and so much more. I could see this virus starting the end of times.
I do believe in Jesus and see many signs that Revelations is being fulfilled. I also do have doubts that Christianity is the only way to heaven. If you look at other religions or beliefs most believe in a God just different ways to get to him. Main point is a one true God that all have different paths to get to him. We as Christians believe that thru Jesus is only way to heaven. Keep in mind that those who were raised that way we believe that. If one was raised as a Muslim then that is your belief taught to you from parents. I am big on history. Many questions that are not answered by Christians. Example like Enoch and Elijah were only two called up to God. Yet book of Enoch is not in Bible because the Christian Church believed it to not be worthy to be in Bible. So a man writes a book and is called up to God yet his book is not worthy to be included in the Bible? I have read it. It’s very worthy to be read by all Christians. Another question. God killed people in the Bible in Sodom and Gomorrah and the Flood and the children of Egypt and other times. Killed people when they did not have chances to know him. I question a God so loving he killed his people and his own son. I understand the choice of choosing him but some don’t get the chance. Another is when we get to heaven we will not know anyone and we will want to worship him all the time. So all those loved ones and those parents that lost kids will never know them in heaven. That to me sounds sad. Yes we will not remember or care but that to me sounds like he’s creating people to be robots in heaven. Think only one way and to only think of him. Is that free will? Bottom line of someone is raised to believe a certain way then that’s there belief. If what we are taught that God calls those he wants to him then that means he creates people to hell. Which is that right? Here is something I wonder. My grandparents and my parents and me have all been saying he’s coming back. What happens if another 100 years passes and we’re still saying same thing? Thing is in another 100 years there will be hardly any Christians. The numbers each year decline faster and faster. 8 of 10 churches closes a month now. 9 of 10 graduating seniors do not believe. Babies are killed every day. Hunger and sorrows. I question why would God who loves us so much allow this to continue on? As a father would you allow your children to suffer? Is that really love?

Some of your questions can be answered by scripture such as the one about not knowing each other in heaven.

Some of them cannot be fully answered such as the one about people who never hear the gospel. The Bible does say paraphrasing" they that do the law not knowing it, will be a law unto themselves". That question I have pondered, but even though I don't know how a Holy loving God can let someone fall into hell without hearing, I know that I serve a fair loving, merciful judge. That is clearly evident throughout scripture and just because I don't understand it or understand how he shows them mercy, doesn't mean he doesn't and I'm not gonna accuse him in something I don't understand.

And the last point shouldn't surprise anyone, but God will always have a remnant.

The issue is when we look at suffering, we look through human eyes that are here for 80-100 years. What is a 100 years to a million, a billion much less eternity. The time we "suffer" down here is more or less one breath in a billion lifetimes and even that time scale is far too short.
Some of your questions can be answered by scripture such as the one about not knowing each other in heaven.

Some of them cannot be fully answered such as the one about people who never hear the gospel. The Bible does say paraphrasing" they that do the law not knowing it, will be a law unto themselves". That question I have pondered, but even though I don't know how a Holy loving God can let someone fall into hell without hearing, I know that I serve a fair loving, merciful judge. That is clearly evident throughout scripture and just because I don't understand it or understand how he shows them mercy, doesn't mean he doesn't and I'm not gonna accuse him in something I don't understand.

And the last point shouldn't surprise anyone, but God will always have a remnant.

The issue is when we look at suffering, we look through human eyes that are here for 80-100 years. What is a 100 years to a million, a billion much less eternity. The time we "suffer" down here is more or less one breath in a billion lifetimes and even that time scale is far too short.
If you will allow your mind to make an attempt at grasping the concept of eternity, it will scare you to the point of chills. Everything we know here on earth has a beginning and an end. God, on the other hand, has no time table. Just imagine, for a moment, being in Hell without any hope of escape forever... it almost makes me cry just thinking about folks being condemned to a fate like that. That's why we should do everything we can to spread the gospel of Christ.
Phillipans 4:19
19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Amazing just how overly blessed we are. Not only good health, awesome family,job, but clean air,runing water, shelter,food. Never forget that everyone on this message board is wealthier than 90% of the worlds population. Anyone struggeling right now with job loss,financial trouble, health issues, family issues. Take inventory of the things we do have and all of us take for granted. Helps keep things in proper perspective. Have a Great and Blessed Day.
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Revelations isn't being fulfilled right now. People keep thinking they've been seeing signs of it for centuries. We won't know the day or the hour.
What if I told you that Revelation is not supposed to be a road map of the end?
What if I told you that Revelation is not supposed to be a road map of the end?
Agree. Eternity has no ending.
Think about it folks.
A)The Bible is right and we all will have eternal life.
Or B) its wrong and the average person lives 72.5 years and thats it.
Revelations isn't being fulfilled right now. People keep thinking they've been seeing signs of it for centuries. We won't know the day or the hour.
True, we don't know the day nor the hour. However, there were clues given to us concerning the return of Christ:
Signs and wonders in the heavens, famine, earthquakes, disease, pestilence, etc. These things are happening. People just ignore it. Wake up America. Signs of the times are everywhere.
Revelations isn't being fulfilled right now. People keep thinking they've been seeing signs of it for centuries. We won't know the day or the hour.
True on not knowing the day or hour and yes been said for many years seeing signs. Either way the world is going it’s not pretty and going to get worse as the Bible says.
True on not knowing the day or hour and yes been said for many years seeing signs. Either way the world is going it’s not pretty and going to get worse as the Bible says.
We're closer than ever before, all signs point to it for sure. One thing that I've learned is things never happen in the time frame that I expect it always takes longer.
True, we don't know the day nor the hour. However, there were clues given to us concerning the return of Christ:
Signs and wonders in the heavens, famine, earthquakes, disease, pestilence, etc. These things are happening. People just ignore it. Wake up America. Signs of the times are everywhere.

Except those have been around for centuries and the end hasn't happened yet. It just seems more visible to you because it's easy to get news from around the world on everything. Other than being in a pandemic, there is nothing else any worse than it has been.
Except those have been around for centuries and the end hasn't happened yet. It just seems more visible to you because it's easy to get news from around the world on everything. Other than being in a pandemic, there is nothing else any worse than it has been.

Except for the falling away part.
Except for the falling away part.
And the locusts swarms larger than ever before. The giant Asian hornets now invading America and one hornet kills 50 honey bees a day. Earthquakes and tornadoes and volcanoes all increasing in frequency. A virus that will not be cured. Economies collapsing. Hatred and divisions increasing. Lights in skies. Maybe it’s another 100 years but God is definitely trying to wake up America. My neighbor is a pastor and we were chatting today and he said America is not even mentioned in the end. Maybe it’s because we implode from within. The hatred towards Trump is something that is unreal. Maybe Biden will be the next president which with this virus and him we will become a socialist nation which implodes. Bottom line is me and my family are ready when he calls.
And the locusts swarms larger than ever before. The giant Asian hornets now invading America and one hornet kills 50 honey bees a day. Earthquakes and tornadoes and volcanoes all increasing in frequency. A virus that will not be cured. Economies collapsing. Hatred and divisions increasing. Lights in skies. Maybe it’s another 100 years but God is definitely trying to wake up America. My neighbor is a pastor and we were chatting today and he said America is not even mentioned in the end. Maybe it’s because we implode from within. The hatred towards Trump is something that is unreal. Maybe Biden will be the next president which with this virus and him we will become a socialist nation which implodes. Bottom line is me and my family are ready when he calls.
It’s a fairy tale. Oh, & isn’t It ironic how that virginia preacher died from the coronavirus after preaching to his whole congregation that god would protect him & his church members from the virus.
And the locusts swarms larger than ever before. The giant Asian hornets now invading America and one hornet kills 50 honey bees a day. Earthquakes and tornadoes and volcanoes all increasing in frequency. A virus that will not be cured. Economies collapsing. Hatred and divisions increasing. Lights in skies. Maybe it’s another 100 years but God is definitely trying to wake up America. My neighbor is a pastor and we were chatting today and he said America is not even mentioned in the end. Maybe it’s because we implode from within. The hatred towards Trump is something that is unreal. Maybe Biden will be the next president which with this virus and him we will become a socialist nation which implodes. Bottom line is me and my family are ready when he calls.
As I alluded to the other day, one of the great misconceptions of Revelation is that it serves as some sort of road map to the end. Many scholars—not all—believe that ~95 percent of Revelation has already been fulfilled, likely by the end of the first century.

I’m of this camp as well. Why? First of all, one of the first rules of biblical interpretation is to interrupt it in context. The Bible cannot mean something to us that it could not mean to it’s original audience. Revelation was written to a specific audience in a specific time: seven churches of Asia Minor that we’re suffering persecution at the hands of both Jews and the Roman authorities.The message of the book was to convey two primary points to that audience : 1) don’t turn away from the faith, regardless of how difficult faith in Christ might be, 2) because Christ has already achieved victory. This is the same application that applies to believers of every generation.

In other words, don’t give up, never give up. The United States is not mentioned in the Bible because the Bible isn’t concerned about such future countries.
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And the locusts swarms larger than ever before. The giant Asian hornets now invading America and one hornet kills 50 honey bees a day. Earthquakes and tornadoes and volcanoes all increasing in frequency. A virus that will not be cured. Economies collapsing. Hatred and divisions increasing. Lights in skies. Maybe it’s another 100 years but God is definitely trying to wake up America. My neighbor is a pastor and we were chatting today and he said America is not even mentioned in the end. Maybe it’s because we implode from within. The hatred towards Trump is something that is unreal. Maybe Biden will be the next president which with this virus and him we will become a socialist nation which implodes. Bottom line is me and my family are ready when he calls.
Oh good grief.
The Forecaster’s Mistake
Tim Gustafson
Let the one who has my word speak it faithfully. Jeremiah 23:28

Jeremiah 23:16–22

2 Samuel 6–8; Luke 15:1–10

At noon on September 21, 1938, a young meteorologist warned the U.S. Weather Bureau of two fronts forcing a hurricane northward toward New England. But the chief of forecasting scoffed at Charles Pierce’s prediction. Surely a tropical storm wouldn’t strike so far north.
Two hours later, the 1938 New England Hurricane made landfall on Long Island. By 4:00 p.m. it had reached New England, tossing ships onto land as homes crumbled into the sea. More than six hundred people died. Had the victims received Pierce’s warning—based on solid data and his detailed maps—they likely would have survived.
The concept of knowing whose word to heed has precedent in Scripture. In Jeremiah’s day, God warned His people against false prophets. “Do not listen [to them],” He said. “They fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:16). God said of them, “If they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people” (v. 22).
“False prophets” are still with us. “Experts” dispense advice while ignoring God altogether or twisting His words to suit their purposes. But through His Word and Spirit, God has given us what we need to begin to discern the false from the true. As we gauge everything by the truth of His Word, our own words and lives will increasingly reflect that truth to others.
What’s the standard I use when I decide whether something is true? What in my attitude needs to change toward those who disagree with me?

God, so many claim to speak for You these days. Help us learn what You really have to say. Make us sensitive to Your Spirit, not the spirit of this world.

Good devotion today from Daily Bread.
As I alluded to the other day, one of the great misconceptions of Revelation is that it serves as some sort of road map to the end. Many scholars—not all—believe that ~95 percent of Revelation has already been fulfilled, likely by the end of the first century.

I’m of this camp as well. Why? First of all, one of the first rules of biblical interpretation is to interrupt it in context. The Bible cannot mean something to us that it could not mean to it’s original audience. Revelation was written to a specific audience in a specific time: seven churches of Asia Minor that we’re suffering persecution at the hands of both Jews and the Roman authorities.The message of the book was to convey two primary points to that audience : 1) don’t turn away from the faith, regardless of how difficult faith in Christ might be, 2) because Christ has already achieved victory. This is the same application that applies to believers of every generation.

In other words, don’t give up, never give up. The United States is not mentioned in the Bible because the Bible isn’t concerned about such future countries.

Really can't agree with that, either John saw something much different than anything he had ever seen(which is saying something considering what he had seen already) or he was busy taking LSD and smoking weed and his text should be dismissed completely.
It’s a fairy tale. Oh, & isn’t It ironic how that virginia preacher died from the coronavirus after preaching to his whole congregation that god would protect him & his church members from the virus.
My father always told me while growing up that there was a fine line between "faith" and foolishness. You can't do anything you want and believe God will save you. If I jump off a building believing God will protect me, how's that going to end? Remember the scripture "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God"
As I alluded to the other day, one of the great misconceptions of Revelation is that it serves as some sort of road map to the end. Many scholars—not all—believe that ~95 percent of Revelation has already been fulfilled, likely by the end of the first century.

I’m of this camp as well. Why? First of all, one of the first rules of biblical interpretation is to interrupt it in context. The Bible cannot mean something to us that it could not mean to it’s original audience. Revelation was written to a specific audience in a specific time: seven churches of Asia Minor that we’re suffering persecution at the hands of both Jews and the Roman authorities.The message of the book was to convey two primary points to that audience : 1) don’t turn away from the faith, regardless of how difficult faith in Christ might be, 2) because Christ has already achieved victory. This is the same application that applies to believers of every generation.

In other words, don’t give up, never give up. The United States is not mentioned in the Bible because the Bible isn’t concerned about such future countries.
I strongly disagree with you here. The "Book of The Revelation" is most definitely a timeline for future events, Yes there are messages to the seven churches within the first 3 chapters. However, the rapture, the tribulation period, the 21 earthly judgments (7 trumpet, 7 seal, 7 vial), the anti-Christ, the mark of the beast, the Great white throne judgment, Christ's return to earth, the Millennial reign, have not happened yet. How can you say that 95% of the Book has been already fulfilled??? I have studied this book and I firmly believe you should too (KJV). From chapter 4 onward, it is concerning future events. Rev 4:1 ....."Come up hither and I will show you things that must be hereafter".
Agree or disagree is fine with me. I’m not here to convince anyone to believe or see things the way I do. Plenty of arguments God is real and plenty he is not. Free will and free choice.
I strongly disagree with you here. The "Book of The Revelation" is most definitely a timeline for future events, Yes there are messages to the seven churches within the first 3 chapters. However, the rapture, the tribulation period, the 21 earthly judgments (7 trumpet, 7 seal, 7 vial), the anti-Christ, the mark of the beast, the Great white throne judgment, Christ's return to earth, the Millennial reign, have not happened yet. How can you say that 95% of the Book has been already fulfilled??? I have studied this book and I firmly believe you should too (KJV). From chapter 4 onward, it is concerning future events. Rev 4:1 ....."Come up hither and I will show you things that must be hereafter".

I understand how you feel and there are plenty who view Revelation as you. But please understand that I have studied the book in depth, both academically and as a pastor/teacher. Through my education and continual learning, I have become settled on what I said above, though I was much like you once upon a time.

Revelation is classic Jewish apocalyptic literature, which uses symbols to convey the message of hope and final victory while describing the ongoing battle between the forces of good/evil. The symbolism in the book had to have been understandable to John's original audience. The entire book is written first and foremost to them:

"The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. " Rev. 1:1-3.

When John wrote Revelation, he sent it to the seven churches, where it would be read aloud to each congregation. This was standard practice when an apostle sent correspondence to churches. It is clear from the prologue that John intended the entire book/letter to be read and understood by the churches. We cannot, we must not, begin to interpret any part of the book until we first wrestle with what it meant to the original audience. Failure to do this is a failure of fundamental biblical hermeneutics.

I could go on at length, but I will stop here.
If god is real why would he allow pandemics? Hurricanes?
Because Man brought sin into this once perfect world God created and allowed the world and all its inhabitants to change for the bad because of it.
Those are all part of natural law. We are all going to die at one time or another whether that be old age, cancer, or a natural disaster. Yes, God does allow(doesn't stop) natural disaster. But as Christians we can not only look at the bad allowed, but more so the blessings He also allows. The same God that allows a hurricane to cause destruction and death, also allows many more hurricanes to not cause destruction and death.

Just wanted to add my two cents to this discussion. Pandemics and disease are not from God, but he "allows" it (I've never thought that was the best word to use because I think it is too simplistic, and maybe a bit misleading) because it is a consequence of a world that has turned (and been turned) away from Him and the good it was created for. If God is real, there has to be consequences for our rebelion. Death is one of them, but in a corrupt world, there will be pain, disaster, disease, etc. Anyone with kids knows how important consequences are. God is most concerned with our character and spirit, as they are eternal, yet our bodies and this life are a mere moment in time. Consequences are essential to santification; our spirit being remade in a Godly fashion.

Interestingly, we tend only to complain about God when we think something is unfair. "How can God allow this?" Yet, if He were being fair, none of us would be here to discuss it. Each day and breath, each chance to experience goodness and love, is "allowed" out of His love and forgiveness. We don't acknowlege the countless gifts and acts of love and forgiveness from Him, but we look for ways to complain, blame, and curse when we don't like something. Sounds about right for us humans.

Lastly, the question is interesting from another perspective. The question is posed in an attempt to disprove God. "See, God would not allow these (bad, evil, painful, etc) things; yet they exist, so there is no God." Yet without God, there would be no basis for saying these things are bad or evil to begin with. Sure, one could call them bad or evil, but that would just be an opinion. If we're just accidental molecules bumping around we have no more reason to mourn the death of COVID19 victims than we do to celebrate the proliferation of the viruses themselves. Why would we be of higher importance or value than they?
Here’s one note about death that is often overlooked from a Christian perspective: Death is, in my view, a gracious gift from God. Adam and Eve had access to the “tree of life”, but their access was cutoff after the fall. On one hand that was a consequence of their rebellion. But on the other hand it was a gracious gift in that they would not have to suffer in this fallen world forever. Furthermore, God’s Grace is seen in that he provides access to the tree of life once more through faith in Christ (Rev.2:7).
Here’s one note about death that is often overlooked from a Christian perspective: Death is, in my view, a gracious gift from God. Adam and Eve had access to the “tree of life”, but their access was cutoff after the fall. On one hand that was a consequence of their rebellion. But on the other hand it was a gracious gift in that they would not have to suffer in this fallen world forever. Furthermore, God’s Grace is seen in that he provides access to the tree of life once more through faith in Christ (Rev.2:7).
Good thought. Never thought of that before.
I do believe in Jesus and see many signs that Revelations is being fulfilled. I also do have doubts that Christianity is the only way to heaven. If you look at other religions or beliefs most believe in a God just different ways to get to him. Main point is a one true God that all have different paths to get to him. We as Christians believe that thru Jesus is only way to heaven. Keep in mind that those who were raised that way we believe that. If there were many ways to heaven then how would one know if they were on the correct path, or even one of the correct paths? Imagine roads were few and only one exact road led to my house. If I were having guests at my house, would it make sense to tell them to just find their own way, or tell them that all roads lead to my house (even thought they don't) or would it make more sense for me to tell them the address and EXACTLY the one way to get there? It makes way more sense (to me at least) for God to provide one specific path for redemption rather than having everyone try to guess if they have found a correct one or not. If one was raised as a Muslim then that is your belief taught to you from parents. Generally you have a point, but this certainly isn't true for a lot of people. It wasn't for me. There are actually more Christians in China today than in America; think about that for a minute. I am big on history. Many questions that are not answered by Christians. Example like Enoch and Elijah were only two called up to God. Yet book of Enoch is not in Bible because the Christian Church believed it to not be worthy to be in Bible. So a man writes a book and is called up to God yet his book is not worthy to be included in the Bible? I have read it. It’s very worthy to be read by all Christians. Another question. God killed people in the Bible in Sodom and Gomorrah and the Flood and the children of Egypt and other times. Because of sin (being separated from God) we are all going to die. Does God not have the ability to "play God" (in this case deciding when some people die)? Why do we justify it when we "play God" (abortion, war, death penalty, even self protection) but we say God is evil when he does it? Killed people when they did not have chances to know him. I question a God so loving he killed his people and his own son. Death is a consequence for our human natures and rebelion. God did not kill Jesus, my sins (and those of all of us) are the reason Jesus was killed. God gave us the life, death, and resurection of Jesus because he loves us. "For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son..." John 3:16) I understand the choice of choosing him but some don’t get the chance. Great question, and there are some good responses to this. Don't forget Romans 1:20; "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Plus multiple scriptures discuss the nature of God being written in the hearts and minds of men (humans). And of course, this is exactly why so many Christians have a heart for missions work, to share the Gospel. Another is when we get to heaven we will not know anyone and we will want to worship him all the time. So all those loved ones and those parents that lost kids will never know them in heaven. That to me sounds sad. We know very little about what the expereince of Heaven will be like, but remember that God is a relational being and relationship (which is key on Earth) will likely be an enormous part of Heaven. Yes we will not remember or care but that to me sounds like he’s creating people to be robots in heaven. Think only one way and to only think of him. I think it's just the opposite. That's is why we have free will even here on Earth. God wants us to choose him, not be robotically forced. Love must be freely given or it does not exist. As for thinking "only of Him", I don't that is the correct intepretation. But heaven will be communion with Him, so "un-Godly" ways will not be known. When I think lovingly of my family, I am not thinking only of God, but that love is from God, thus Godly. Is that free will? Bottom line of someone is raised to believe a certain way then that’s there belief. If what we are taught that God calls those he wants to him then that means he creates people to hell. Which is that right? Here is something I wonder. My grandparents and my parents and me have all been saying he’s coming back. Others have addressed this, so I'll leave it there. What happens if another 100 years passes and we’re still saying same thing? Thing is in another 100 years there will be hardly any Christians. The numbers each year decline faster and faster. 8 of 10 churches closes a month now. 9 of 10 graduating seniors do not believe. Babies are killed every day. Hunger and sorrows. I question why would God who loves us so much allow this to continue on? As a father would you allow your children to suffer? Is that really love? See my prior post for some one this.

Some excellent questions. I put in a few thoughts above. There are also some great videos on some of these questions by much wiser theologians than me. Try some Ravi Zacharias, Vince Vitale, Frank Turek q&a on Youtube.
Here’s one note about death that is often overlooked from a Christian perspective: Death is, in my view, a gracious gift from God. Adam and Eve had access to the “tree of life”, but their access was cutoff after the fall. On one hand that was a consequence of their rebellion. But on the other hand it was a gracious gift in that they would not have to suffer in this fallen world forever. Furthermore, God’s Grace is seen in that he provides access to the tree of life once more through faith in Christ (Rev.2:7).

And I think this is reflected in Paul's statements in Phillipians 1, especially verses 21-24: "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more neccesary for you that I remain in the body."
A question. Who has come to be taught that Eve was with Satan sexually in the Garden? More and more churches now teach this.
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