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Severe 3/30-4/2 Severe Weather

When i look at spc outlook for wed/thurs it just skips GA, any idea what type of storm mode is anticipated here?
21Z SREF Run has parameters increasing over MS compared to its previous 15Z run. Previous run had contours around 45 crossing MS. Now it is showing to have increased contours to 60. Concerning considering we are still close to 72 hours out.
If he had a 25% accuracy rate on outbreaks, the entire south would have already been leveled…..twice.
Yeah. He calls for a outbreak almost every system. I'm glad he's not accurate. There would be no more south lol
Spc remained with the huge risk area, no upgrade to moderate! day3prob_0730.gifday3otlk_0730.gif
@tennessee storm spc mentions derecho possibility for wensday although not directly saying it. Based off the FV3 and nam 3km. Theres a pretty distinct hint at it.