Yeah that's the only thing that has my interest for now. It's not going to get really cold, but it should get below average and maybe give us some lows in the 20s. It'll be nice for it to feel somewhat like winter and maybe work toward a below normal December. But that cart/horse stuff right now. Let's just get chilly first.I'm more excited about the potential for a hard sought after/rare general cold pattern as I hardly ever get wintry precip. way down here. I would think folks would just be happy for it to be cold as opposed to the endless SER dominated warmth. Of course, some like Brick, want it warm if no wintry preicp.
Canada needs to really cool down. I know it's routinely said that having above normal anomalies in Canada still means it's cold up there. While that's true, it's kind of misleading, if we're hoping to have a legit shot at widespread winter weather here. Mild cold isn't usually going to get the job done in that regard, particularly this early in the season, unless every single last domino falls absolutely exactly perfectly right.