Ditto on both accounts.I'm on Paul's side. I have never liked CBS 46.
Ditto on both accounts.I'm on Paul's side. I have never liked CBS 46.
Agree. Jennifer had been there for a long time, I was surprised when they brought in Paul. WSB is really the only Mets I pay attention to these days anyways. Brad Nitz is the best Atlanta has atm.I only have looked at CBS46 in small doses, but the last couple of times I’ve seen any news on there it was a lot better than it has been in the past. From what we know, what they did to Paul was clearly wrong, but 11Alive kinda did the same thing, they fired him in favor of some big shot from Little Rock who lasted what? 5 minutes? I think he quit to do real estate. lol They threw away a talent well seasoned meteorologist just to make a ratings grab that failed miserably. IMO, Jennifer Valdez should have been chief meteorologist at CBS46 YEARS ago long before Paul was even hired but just like 11Alive they wanted to go for ratings grabs with Dagmar Midcap, Markina Brown and that clownish fool Jim Kosek.
Only cost you $75
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???Only cost you $75
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Is that your second or third?
What shall I do.
?Is that your second or third?
What shall I do.
Go to church, say a prayer, then buy a lotto ticket ... LOLWhat shall I do.
Toilet posting!! HahaI didn't take a pic but sure hurt myself at Milton's Pizza & Pasta buffet earlier....oh my I'm paying for it now but it was soooo good.
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MmmmmmToilet posting!! Haha
How'd you knowToilet posting!! Haha
Just take a couple days off from work, plan a trip to the pool, and it will storm like crazy2 weeks of continual afternoon thunderstorms, so much that our local met has said "finally the rain will be outta here." The one problem I have is that I didn't get a damn shower out of any of that. Nearly 3 weeks here and notta. I know a 50 percent chance of rain means 50 percent chance it won't, but you'd think out of a 2 week period of that you'd cash in on a freaking shower.
Didn't even get remnants, you know when the big cells begin to fade out in intensity they will expand and you can get some light rain from the stratus. Nope, not even the decaying droplets. Nothing.
Live baby live, before your day is over...You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, when I met you.....
Hey, just 6 more months until we start chasing anafront snowstorms again that don't happen
So ifYep, already told the kids it’s not going to snow this winter, already taking care of the disappointment. I will lean on any model or forecast that shows zero! Not getting hype ever again. Winter is dead to me.
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Well ATL may not get snow, but my town will LOL.Yep, already told the kids it’s not going to snow this winter, already taking care of the disappointment. I will lean on any model or forecast that shows zero! Not getting hype ever again. Winter is dead to me.
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You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, when I met you.....
Live baby live, before your day is over...
Their slow jam ( never tear us apart) ?? Was good tooI'm ready for a New Sensation. INXS was a killer rhythm rock band. What You Need is their top song to me, elements of rock, jazz, funk, R&B.
Their slow jam ( never tear us apart) ?? Was good too
Some of the same footage bit some different also. At 3:40 to 3:45 theres a quick picture of the hail size and it's just huge.
From what I’ve seen it’s real, just crazy big hail. Definitely the largest I’ve seen on video.
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