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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

Why’s that?? Lol.

They're showing all those 2014 like solutions and I just feel like it's going to slowly pull the red carpet further and further away, until (of course unless I have a storm to pull the trigger on at my family's hometown north of me), we rely on a ULL, it looks like I'll get nailed by it, and yet it slowly dissipates into nothing with me sitting put and that ULL being not far away...
You know your in desperation mode when you wait to pull up the GFS on TT when it’s out past 200hr
I hope that if I wake up in the morning and see 5 new pages in the January thread, there will be some pretty snow maps for at least part of the southeast in there somewhere!
Wishful thinking. Wrong thread RC
The blocking on the 18z FV3 was ridankulous. Textbook -NAO in the LR. And we still rain. :(
I hope that if I wake up in the morning and see 5 new pages in the January thread, there will be some pretty snow maps for at least part of the southeast in there somewhere!
If you wake up? We're pulling for you.... and if you do I'm sure there will be a purdy ens mean map only 384 hrs away

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