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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

I can see it on the 30 year ensemble mean

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Large magnetic field distortions, polar reversals, cosmic ray influx, amazing blocking, and intermittent GPS functioning. Yay
Off to take my meds for Happy Hour...

View attachment 11583
Probably be happier with this:

Did that area where it shows 33 inches of snow even get any snow ?
Me and SD we were crushing it. With rain. :(

I guess some of the areas in there picked up a couple of inches. Really from about the top of the 33 north and west was where the big snow fell.
I actually enjoyed the winter of 2011-2012 cause I didnt even have to worry about getting fake snow. I could go outside and enjoy the nice weather. Never had to even look at weather models cause snow was never in the cards. I have absolutely no problems with warm winters, as long as I can get one 2+ inch snow.
Biggest scam map ever from the fv, we toss, its WRONG, I accumulated nearly 300 inches of fantasy snow the week before the storm, subtract by the realistic 6 inches I got