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Misc 2017 Banter/venting thread

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As far as actual winter storms go, this winter sucks. I remember last winter folks were talking about we should be entering a period of active winters based on the pattern of how our winters usually go, but it doesn't look like that is the case. We can't even depend on patterns and indices that gave us lots of winter storms in the past. It just doesn't work that way anymore.
I guess at least this winter we're not going to have to worry about the "snow dome" or "snow hole" whichever one it's called. We're ALL sucking this year.
All the Heels had to do was hit free throws and guard half the threes Duke hit that were wide open shots. I never understand why Carolina has such a hard time guarding the three. Roy is stubborn and tells them to help off the man they are guarding when the other team drives, leaving shooters wide open for the kick out and three. I don't know why they do that when the only chance the other team has to win is to hit a bunch of threes. It's harder these days for a guy to take his man to the basket for two than for shooters to hit wide open threes.
How glorious would it be to complain about 6-8 inches. :(

I saw someone in one of the northeast forums say yesterday something like, "well I'm not liking such and such, but if I can get double digit snowfall I guess I won't complain much." Really......double digit snowfall is just okay??
All the Heels had to do was hit free throws and guard half the threes Duke hit that were wide open shots. I never understand why Carolina has such a hard time guarding the three. Roy is stubborn and tells them to help off the man they are guarding when the other team drives, leaving shooters wide open for the kick out and three. I don't know why they do that when the only chance the other team has to win is to hit a bunch of threes. It's harder these days for a guy to take his man to the basket for two than for shooters to hit wide open threes.
I've never been a Roy fan, he gets out-coached all the time.... he has never focused on defense instead he intends on winning by out running other teams. Problem is if your having an off night shooting the ball, outside or FT's (which was a huge problem last night) and no defense, you lose every time. Good solid defense can bail you out when your offense is off... and he never makes defensive adjustments as you mentioned.
Trying to get back up to speed, looking at today's models and the discussion in the main thread. Doing so, one thing keeps coming to mind (to borrow from a famous quip a couple years ago) - "Phase me, bro."
Trying to get back up to speed, looking at today's models and the discussion in the main thread. Doing so, one thing keeps coming to mind (to borrow from a famous quip a couple years ago) - "Phase me, bro."
So I was reading over the forum the other night and my wife was close by and I point your post out to her and say... "this guy is an attorney in Gainesville, Fl and he loves Winter weather". Then I paused and had to kinda chuckle and said out loud.. "poor guy, he lives in Gainesville and loves winter weather." Lol
So I was reading over the forum the other night and my wife was close by and I point your post out to her and say... "this guy is an attorney in Gainesville, Fl and he loves Winter weather". Then I paused and had to kinda chuckle and said out loud.. "poor guy, he lives in Gainesville and loves winter weather." Lol
actually - just weather (seasons are not so important as the figuring) - LOL ; and also love practicing law - Not LOL on that part!
Hey - I want to add to this -

I share thoughts and what little bit I know.
I receive replies.
I learn.
Maybe someone else does too.
No one badgers - it's all polite (for lack of a better word).
The sum total is what makes it (and here) fun - at least for me ....
Hey - I want to add to this -

I share thoughts and what little bit I know.
I receive replies.
I learn.
Maybe someone else does too.
No one badgers - it's all polite (for lack of a better word).
The sum total is what makes it (and here) fun - at least for me ....

yes. nice to get replies thats for sure. you have replied to me elsewhere and I appreciate it. back at ya. getting on these boards is really a microcosm of life. you're new or don't post a lot (even if you've been a member for years) and no one knows who you are and you remember those "insecurities" you had as a child (that you grew out of of course ;-) .
yes. nice to get replies thats for sure. you have replied to me elsewhere and I appreciate it. back at ya. getting on these boards is really a microcosm of life. you're new or don't post a lot (even if you've been a member for years) and no one knows who you are and you remember those "insecurities" you had as a child (that you grew out of of course ;-) .
Me - insecure? OMG
But I try to be a southern gentleman - "try" being the operative word o_O

Live and learn. Learn and live. Give and get. Get and give.
Seems like that's how it goes here
Me - insecure? OMG
But I try to be a southern gentleman - "try" being the operative word o_O

Live and learn. Learn and live. Give and get. Get and give.
Seems like that's how it goes here

ha i should have said "one" instead of "you". you have played in front of millions so i know you aren't insecure. at least thats the picture i have of you for some reason ;-)
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