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Wintry 2/11-2/12 ULL Magic or More Cold Rain

that was going to end ugly. We’ve been able to amplify the system without it cutting severely. That is a prime example of when amplifying goes bad. It’s a delicate balance between an amplified system that rides a positively tilted trough and a cutting monster.
You’re fighting the delicate balance between a weaker wave that’s going to give you a really great track but weak precip and no ability for dynamic cooling and an amped wave that does exactly what the euro did which is not round the bend but come to a dead stop and cut NE. You need a blend of the GFS weaker and more southern solution and what the euro just spit out.
Don’t think it is so much an amplitude issue on the Euro as it is track. The wave is just detaching itself from the trough and floating slowly thru the ArkLaTex into MS. The slow trek opens up the door along the east coast for it to climb north as there is less of a height press then. It looks more like the (gulp) UKMet