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Wintry 01/28-29/2022 Winter Weather Potential

You are in such a great spot...you are further NE than Rocky Mount right?

View attachment 110602
Yes I am, KIXA is less than 5 miles from mby as the crow flies and it looked decent on the GEFS

So, is it still too early to complain about 2m temps?
Station ID: KIGX Lat: 35.76 Long: -79.06
NAM Model Run: 6Z 26JAN 2022 Cloud base and tops are now agl
HR Valid 2m Tmp 2m Dpt 10m Dir 10m Spd TPrcp CPrcp 1000-500 500mb 850mb 500mb MSLP TCC PRS WX Tot Snowfall Vis
Deg F Deg F deg kt in. in. Thk GPH Tmp Tmp mb % TEXT Clouds in SM

69 01/29 03Z 34 31 19 6 0.03 0.00 534 546 -4.8 -22.9 1015 100 -SN 045OVC294 0.1 7.5
72 01/29 06Z 30 29 12 10 0.15 0.00 532 543 -6.0 -22.8 1013 100 -SN 030OVC318 1.3 0.5
75 01/29 09Z 27 25 355 11 0.13 0.00 527 537 -8.8 -24.9 1012 100 -SN 054OVC177 1.3 1.2
78 01/29 12Z 27 23 345 12 0.03 0.00 520 532 -11.7 -30.5 1014 100 097OVC164 0.3 7.2
81 01/29 15Z 29 17 329 13 0.00 0.00 518 530 -12.2 -32.9 1016 84 034BKN049 0.0 15.0
84 01/29 18Z 29 7 317 13 0.00 0.00 516 529 -11.9 -32.4 1016 7 053FEW061 0.0 15.0

Where's the issue?
Need that trough to go negative tilt faster than advertised. That Hudson Bay energy ticks north, the southern stream energy ticks south.

Probably a nothing burger but at least there is some support for Gilmer County to pick up around an inch n the EURO and EPS. At least something to look at if it happens.