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Pattern January 2021 - Joyless January

So everything from a ICE storm to a snowstorm is on the table for the day 7-8 time frame. I think I would lean towards the ICE storm potential in the CAD areas of NC/SC/NEGA as it's been tough to get the latter to actually materialize.

Anything from warm & dry, severe, cold rain, ice or a snowstorm is on the table actually. Been beating a dead horse on this, but it's the kind of pattern where legitimately anything & everything is possible imo.
Looks like the next 10 days or so are gonna be pretty wet especially in parts of TN, MS, AL, and GA. Should help bring January closer to average on rainfall after what’s been a pretty dry January so far in terms of rain especially compared to recent years.64F9B94F-8A6B-4F7C-95C0-94CD35FE2C45.png19809220-4634-4393-8A2F-A690236DAC6A.png
Frames are slowly loading in for the GEFS on this system in college dupage but it looks like a fairly good increase in members that support a winter storm whether it be snow or ice ... lots of icy members
I really like this threat right now for one key reason. We get an injection of cold air before this storm arrives from storm number 1 which should be a fairly wet one and give north mid Atlantic into NE a good winter storm.. one it passes you see nice cold highs filtering in on most models and from there the southern jet is shooting out storms and we get one right as the cold is getting established here ... basically having COLD air FIRST makes it way easier to make it “happen” per say
Here was the final tally for the Canadian:
