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Political Thread

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Obama’s unemployment had a median of 7.7% and his low was in his last month of 4.8%. Trumps high was 4.7% and his low is 3.5%. I can say tho it is much higher now as we can see. You can’t really blame it on him tho just like you cant blame Obama’s high on him. Obama was handed the recession and Trump was handed the Coronavirus.
If we are giving credit to the POTUS for the unemployment numbers, Obama started at 9.9% and dropped in his last year to 4.7%, an improvement of 110%. Trump started at 4.7% and dropped to 3.5% (pre-Covid) an improvement of 34%. If we give Presidents credit for employment figures, Obama did great leading us out of the recession and Trump was doing well continuing the trend. You can't fault Trump for the COVID situation, but if he had responded earlier taking it serious, the effects may have been not as severe and we would be a month further ahead in our recovery.
If we are giving credit to the POTUS for the unemployment numbers, Obama started at 9.9% and dropped in his last year to 4.7%, an improvement of 110%. Trump started at 4.7% and dropped to 3.5% (pre-Covid) an improvement of 34%. If we give Presidents credit for employment figures, Obama did great leading us out of the recession and Trump was doing well continuing the trend. You can't fault Trump for the COVID situation, but if he had responded earlier taking it serious, the effects may have been not as severe and we would be a month further ahead in our recovery.
I don’t get it. Acted sooner in what way? He shut down international flights from China. Was called names by the Democrats for doing such action. Then you had Cuomo who was saying nothing to worry about. It was not just all on Trump to make the choices to act faster. If he had would Cuomo and others followed? I highly doubt it. If he had shut down even sooner then we would still be where we are at today. High unemployment and getting worse. Maybe we would be open sooner but would that be a good thing? Can we say lesser deaths? No one can say either way or prove it. Looking at America and other nations. Shutdowns will be tolerable for about a month to 2 months at most. After that people get restless and will start protesting. Now we face the effects of a severe recession almost a depression. Along with possibly another round in the fall/winter. Hopefully this virus burns itself out. If does not then more deaths and a not pretty economic picture. Hard times for both sides no matter which side you are on.
If we are giving credit to the POTUS for the unemployment numbers, Obama started at 9.9% and dropped in his last year to 4.7%, an improvement of 110%. Trump started at 4.7% and dropped to 3.5% (pre-Covid) an improvement of 34%. If we give Presidents credit for employment figures, Obama did great leading us out of the recession and Trump was doing well continuing the trend. You can't fault Trump for the COVID situation, but if he had responded earlier taking it serious, the effects may have been not as severe and we would be a month further ahead in our recovery.
If he had responded earlier? That is full of falsehoods. He responded "appropriately" based on the information we as a country had from the WHO, CDC and China who obviously lied to the entire world. Nobody including Dr. Fauci thought the risk was as high as it was and thats been shown time and again no matter how hard you attempt to say otherwise. To suggest the effects would have been less severe and our recovery further along is laughable.
If he had responded earlier? That is full of falsehoods. He responded "appropriately" based on the information we as a country had from the WHO, CDC and China who obviously lied to the entire world. Nobody including Dr. Fauci thought the risk was as high as it was and thats been shown time and again no matter how hard you attempt to say otherwise. To suggest the effects would have been less severe and our recovery further along is laughable.
No, he said it was under control at 15.
When this virus is over it won’t be the deaths remembered it caused. It will be the Depression it puts us in.
Projecting a positive outlook so as not to create panic is not to suggest its over and done Rosie. I want to believe you have enough common sense to understand that? Maybe?
He should’ve just told everyone was going to die over 2 million would die.
He should’ve just told everyone was going to die over 2 million would die.

I think a reasonable mix of the 2 would have sufficed. Outright dismissal is just as bad as overhyped. Even if he went out on TV and projected positivity he should have/could have been working behind the scenes to prepare for worst case. As we know now he wasnt doing that behind the scenes.

IMO this takes dismissal from positive projection to outright denial.
I think a reasonable mix of the 2 would have sufficed. Outright dismissal is just as bad as overhyped. Even if he went out on TV and projected positivity he should have/could have been working behind the scenes to prepare for worst case. As we know now he wasnt doing that behind the scenes.

IMO this takes dismissal from positive projection to outright denial.
Ok. Then he dropped the ball and it’s in the past. Nothing can change it now. We have roughly 6 months to see what happens till the election. I’m sure it will be comical from both sides till then. We still have yet to hear who his vp choice is. That should real interesting.
Ok Im gonna answer your question with a question. Why do you Trump haters need Trump supporters to validate any of the things you mentioned above? Do you think its going to change anything? Whatdo you think is going to change? Do you really think it's going to change our vote in November? I can tell you it isn't because his inability to orate in front of a media who has crucified him from Day 1 has NOTHING to do with his ability to run this country. I think I speak for "most" of the staunch supporters here when I say his personality is at the very bottom of our concerns when it comes to what we deem as good leadership.

I had a lot of different leaders in my time in service. Some were brilliant, some not so much. I had one who made Trump look like Einstein but I would have laid down in front of a bus for him because of his leadership qualities.

I certainly wish he would talk less and let the doctors talk more regarding this virus but thats just not his style. He wants and has to be involved because he has always been the boss front and center in everything he has ever done or will do.

Personally I will never allow my emotions get the better of me when I make important decisions. Who I choose to support as the CIC is such a decision.
So if emotions aren't leading you to support Trump, what is? I can't see how it could be logic. His IQ and EQ might both be negative numbers, were that possible. My dog as President would end up killing fewer Americans than he has.
Ok. Then he dropped the ball and it’s in the past. Nothing can change it now. We have roughly 6 months to see what happens till the election. I’m sure it will be comical from both sides till then. We still have yet to hear who his vp choice is. That should real interesting.

Well that's being awfully cavalier about 50k dead people. You are clearly fed up with the lockdown policies but were they preventable had we implemented a strong testing and tracing plan instead of always playing catch up from 7 days behind? Yeah its behind us so to speak but holding trump accountable shouldn't be behind us it is 6 months in front of us.
Im seriously in shock that the lefties on here arent putting Sleepy Joe on blast today over those sex allegations! Especially the women!
Well if it is proved true (or if he brags about it), he should now out or somehow be disqualified.
So if emotions aren't leading you to support Trump, what is? I can't see how it could be logic. His IQ and EQ might both be negative numbers, were that possible. My dog as President would end up killing fewer Americans than he has.
For real? Who has Trump killed? You accuse the president of killing people? The economy was doing best it had ever done before this virus. That is facts. I am out in real would every week and companies and people were happiest they had been in a long long time. What do you do @crecre9? I believe you said you are former military? How many years and what branch if might ask?
Well that's being awfully cavalier about 50k dead people. You are clearly fed up with the lockdown policies but were they preventable had we implemented a strong testing and tracing plan instead of always playing catch up from 7 days behind? Yeah its behind us so to speak but holding trump accountable shouldn't be behind us it is 6 months in front of us.
Punch away. Your man Biden is soon to have to show himself and face the media and show how pathetic he is. They can’t hide him forever. So Trump is accountable for 50k deaths? So is a war crimes trial in order for him? I guess all these presidents in every nation should be on trial? So is Cuomo responsible for all the deaths in his state? He clearly let the ball drop. It’s always the same with liberals. It’s always someone else’s fault and they are always right. Spread the wealth. Everyone makes same pay. Free free free free! Socialism will work they say.
So if emotions aren't leading you to support Trump, what is? I can't see how it could be logic. His IQ and EQ might both be negative numbers, were that possible. My dog as President would end up killing fewer Americans than he has.
As a vet I am pro military. I want lower taxes and a business friendly president. I want better trade deals for our country and someone who will atleast attempt to tackle immigration. He checks those boxes for me
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