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Wintry Winters Last Stand / March 11th-13th Winter Storm

Anyways, I don't mean to say it's wrong per say. Just it's the only model doing this and I can't recall another run in the last few days of any modeling with a solution like this?
God if the northern stream on CMC was faster Georgia and the Carolinas would have been destroyed

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I *think* the CMC has been doing something like this lately. Not that I buy it, but it takes this shortwave into the gulf, stalls it, and then it phases later and is a bomb. I think it phased sooner this time though.
Looks like from these cruddy maps, low is further South than last night on UKMET. We'll have to see better maps later.
The german model says meh
Thing is the ukie has been all over the place lately

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God if the northern stream on CMC was faster Georgia and the Carolinas would have been destroyed

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In basic terms to this with what the CMC just spit out with that low if the Northern stream was stronger faster basically would expect the dump over parts Georgia and SC too?
The gfs really isn't that far off from a CMC solution Ronnie honest just handles the southern energy differently

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Got to love how the snow arcs over me! Lol, it looks like the Euro wins indeed and that the GFS is south a little more at 12Z.
I'm not throwing in the towel for our area but if it shows the same tomorrow night I will. Luckily we are seeing some good trends today so it's just a waiting game now.