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Misc Winter Whamby 2020, a New Decade

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Just one run of a crappy model. I’m not worried

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If you're telling me that a run that ends like this is a bad run I've got nothing

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I didn't see this when I posted the same image in the other thread, but I'm glad to see the Op looking good toward the end, even if there is a, gasp, cold bias.
If it all turns out to be another head-fake, I think the writing is on the wall for winter 2020.

Nah, we're heading into a decent-good pattern it seems for sure. I think that's been clear since yesterday. Soooo much better than what we've been dealing with. Will it be a great pattern with solid cold high pressures continually funneling down with an active stj? Don't know. Maybe, maybe not. I'd bet over the next couple of days the models back off a bit and we get to a standard -EPO period where we wait for good timing. Probably closer to EPS.
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