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Misc Winter Weather Support Group

Interesting article that I stole from a friend. They were complaining about lack of snow and cold back in the late 1700s just like today. This is nothing new what is happening now.

In January's heart, where snow once lay,
Now barren, empty, in dismay.
Gone are the crystals, winter's charm,
Replaced with stillness, cold and harm.

The trees stand naked, branches bare,
No laughter heard, just silent air.
The world in grayscale, shades of sorrow,
Longing for snowflakes, we borrow.

Joyless January, dreams are few,
Skies once bright, now a somber hue.
In this cold void, we search for light,
Hoping for snowfall, pure and white.

Yet as January's days wane and blur,
We cast our hopes on Feb February.
A beacon of hope, a brighter day,
May it bring the joy that January swept away.
Current temps. Low teens all the way down to Dallas, twenties into Nashville. The front has pulled the parking break for 24 hours to be moderated before gracing us.

66 days till Spring, Winter may not be White. but the Golf courses will soon be Green.

Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk
In January's heart, where snow once lay,
Now barren, empty, in dismay.
Gone are the crystals, winter's charm,
Replaced with stillness, cold and harm.

The trees stand naked, branches bare,
No laughter heard, just silent air.
The world in grayscale, shades of sorrow,
Longing for snowflakes, we borrow.

Joyless January, dreams are few,
Skies once bright, now a somber hue.
In this cold void, we search for light,
Hoping for snowfall, pure and white.

Yet as January's days wane and blur,
We cast our hopes on Feb February.
A beacon of hope, a brighter day,
May it bring the joy that January swept away.
Roses are red violets are blue
If I don’t get snow
Neither should you
I've officially turned to the +PNA camp. The -NAO that was so strong it was connected to the stratosphere, usually lasts so long, etc is lasting a week. And the PV is too far west underneath so it's no help, actually hurts us. Give me a simple tall western ridge going to the pole, with high pressures tracking west to east to our north for a few weeks and I'll take my timing chances.
Things can always be worse, guys. I’m not sure how but that’s what they say at least. So we’ll go with that.
Haha, I am curious how as well. It could be even warmer, but that might be nice so I could just enjoy the outdoors more and maybe track some temperature records. It could be colder and still snowless, but that would be interesting to track from a meteorological perspective, at least. As it is, mild / above average and snowless is the worst.
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It might not be true, but the bottom line is we aren’t guaranteed to be here next winter and each one that goes by is one less we get to see in our lifetime. It stinks.
Well spoken sir. I really don't care if it's a cycle and flips back in 2050. It doesn't help now. This is home and always will be. It's a great place to call home. But the weather absolutely sucks for a weather enthusiast. I've already accepted I have to move to get the weather I want. But you don't move just because of weather. There are a lot of things keeping me here for now. But one day that won't be the case and I'm going to try living in a cold snowy climate just for the very reason you stated. You aren't here forever and I want to experience that, especially around the holidays.
Get the towel ready. Prognosis for the next round predicts winter backing up
Current temps. Low teens all the way down to Dallas, twenties into Nashville. The front has pulled the parking break for 24 hours to be moderated before gracing us.

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You'd think we'd have more enhanced instability with those temp differentials. Ergo a stouter system