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If you don't normally keep cash on hand, it might not be a bad idea to take some out of the bank today in case the Russians decide to attack our banking system.

WAPO- Kremlin warns Americans will face financial ‘consequences’ for U.S. sanctions
If you don't normally keep cash on hand, it might not be a bad idea to take some out of the bank today in case the Russians decide to attack our banking system.

WAPO- Kremlin warns Americans will face financial ‘consequences’ for U.S. sanctions
You'd be wiser to stock up on TP , basic goods because of Freedom Convoy DC Bound as well. Hopefully they lift all the national mandates and we all move on with that part of life.

Back to Ukraine: Check out this article ;

Poimen here is another article in reference to your advice about banks. The cyber warfare aspect has been my biggest concern for us since the beginning of this. We start getting in a tic for tack , one up-manship. NCWEATHER whole reason is how simple this can de-escalate.

My opinion/feel right now is Putin feels 0 pressure from our so called sanctions. Again these where already in place since 2014. Its just a talking point. I also feel Puttin will roll on with his plan to overtake Ukraine and then if he needs to respond to any external pressure from west, he will engage in cyber warfare tactics at that time. Right now he has the green light from the west and its just Russia verse Ukraine. No outside interference/help coming Ukraine's way military wise. So Puttin isn't gonna invite any by throwing darts at the west until after he has Ukraine occupied.
Russian bots may be the source behind many OSINT Twitter accounts being suspended.

My opinion/feel right now is Putin feels 0 pressure from our so called sanctions. Again these where already in place since 2014. Its just a talking point. I also feel Puttin will roll on with his plan to overtake Ukraine and then if he needs to respond to any external pressure from west, he will engage in cyber warfare tactics at that time. Right now he has the green light from the west and its just Russia verse Ukraine. No outside interference/help coming Ukraine's way military wise. So Puttin isn't gonna invite any by throwing darts at the west until after he has Ukraine occupied.

This is just wrong, the sanctions Biden and other western nations put in place yesterday are new sanctions on the Russian banks Putin and the main oligarchs use to launder their wealth....its very personal and deliberately done to hurt those closest to Putin the most by targeting those top oligarchs.

If Putin takes the NATO countries moving troops around and sending the Ukraine tons of military equipment as a green light he needs to reevaluate his thought processes. Countries are literally sending military hardware into Ukraine as we speak....and the Ukraine has 120k troops on the eastern front with Donbass....this will not be a cake walk for Russia if they go full bore, they have the numbers but the Ukrainian army has had weeks to prepare positions and setup defense layers that will cost the Russians heavily especially in armor, just in the last month or so the Ukrainians have been given a few thousand Javelin missiles these will kill a lot of Russia armor.

In fact Putin has painted himself into a rather nasty corner honestly, if he backs down now he looks hella weak to the oligarchs and at home, if he keeps pushing he ends up in a major shooting war with a country he cant take and hold, with sanctions crushing the Russian economy, hundreds or even thousands of dead bodies going home in a war that literally no one in Russia wants. All the while just increasing the need to put those countries in NATO to prevent crap like this from happening again.
Listening to the BBC it sounds like most of the sanctions we've imposed so far we're expected and prepared for by Moscow. However, Germany putting the Nord Stream pipeline on hold was not.
Listening to the BBC it sounds like most of the sanctions we've imposed so far we're expected and prepared for by Moscow. However, Germany putting the Nord Stream pipeline on hold was not.
Time for Europe to build nuclear plants . It’s their only hope . They are rapidly switching to electric cars , meaning an increased electrical demand . Nuclear is their best option.
Correct, they have been stocking up on oil, goods and cash for sometime. The USA know this but didn’t act. Now we and the world will suffer for a bit but it hopefully the US has been preparing for this as well.
This is just wrong, the sanctions Biden and other western nations put in place yesterday are new sanctions on the Russian banks Putin and the main oligarchs use to launder their wealth....its very personal and deliberately done to hurt those closest to Putin the most by targeting those top oligarchs.

If Putin takes the NATO countries moving troops around and sending the Ukraine tons of military equipment as a green light he needs to reevaluate his thought processes. Countries are literally sending military hardware into Ukraine as we speak....and the Ukraine has 120k troops on the eastern front with Donbass....this will not be a cake walk for Russia if they go full bore, they have the numbers but the Ukrainian army has had weeks to prepare positions and setup defense layers that will cost the Russians heavily especially in armor, just in the last month or so the Ukrainians have been given a few thousand Javelin missiles these will kill a lot of Russia armor.

In fact Putin has painted himself into a rather nasty corner honestly, if he backs down now he looks hella weak to the oligarchs and at home, if he keeps pushing he ends up in a major shooting war with a country he cant take and hold, with sanctions crushing the Russian economy, hundreds or even thousands of dead bodies going home in a war that literally no one in Russia wants. All the while just increasing the need to put those countries in NATO to prevent crap like this from happening again.

He doesn't care about the Russian economy. History shows it's all about him and nothing more

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I dont think Putin has any desire whatsoever to take over Ukraine, at least not now. In a few years Russia will be supplying even more energy to Europe and then it will be time to expand. As far the sanctions, they mean nothing. Russia can cut off all energy exports to europe and europe will cave.
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