MJO Analysis
I know this graphic looks very Intimidating, I’ll try to walk you through It as I disperse my thoughts. If you want to skip the explanation, the summary is at the bottom.
Green represents suppressed energy
Brown represents increased energy
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It seems that there will be a standing wave of extremely weak energy between 0 and 60 degrees east. I would think that this strong feature is due to our +IOD which we seem to be cashing out on with our strong area of suppressed energy.
It appears that the most energy will continue to move to the east from 60 degrees east to 60 degrees west.
When comparing this to a map
We will have a lack of energy from the red line to the blue line which is about from Africa to west of India.
our increase of energy looks to move from the blue line weakly to the end of the map and beyond
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when comparing that to the actual MJO map
Yellow=0 degrees
Red= 60 degrees E
Purple=120 degrees E
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When taking off the markings and comparing the maps to the chart
Blue= Suppressed Energy
Red= Increased Energy
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Summary: It seems that as long as we see that green streak strong between 0 and 60 degrees E, the MJO will be very favorable to stay in phases 8,1 and 2. Unfortunately It does look to go into phase 3 at the end of the run, which is a blowtorch. However that’s debatable, in which you could argue that is still phase 2. I would not be surprised if we start to go into the warm phases around Christmas time and into January, though hopefully the +IOD should suppress and speed it up any energy that gets into the warm phases. If anybody is hoping for winter weather, the MJO will be favorable for quite a while.
In comparison to last year, the MJO looks much slower, which again, I suspect is due to the +IOD.
I hope that clarified a some thoughts and was easy to understand.