Yeah, even this kind of thing (a modeled deep SE/coastal snowstorm) isn't seen too often. Usually no more than a couple of times a winter at most even on the drunk GFS. But to see it modeled blizzardlike like this with this very strong low winding up? You can go years in between something like this just being modeled just once.
How often has something like this actually occurred (deep SE/coastal near blizzard) including N FL? It would be a once a multidecadal type storm or even rarer than that. It does kind of look like a more wound up version of 1989. Looking at history for windy, blizzardlike storms with several inch+ accumulations way down in the deep SE/coast including N FL, 1989, 1899, and 1800 are the ones that first come to mind. The great 1/1922 and 2/1914 ZR/IP storms were NOT this wound up (unless I'm remembering the maps wrong) and they didn't quite reach into JAX/GNV. 2/1973 did give JAX a little bit but it wasn't this wound up.