MVIS "might" be getting interesting again, yes I still hold that stock and I believe with good reason. Like I told
@Rain Cold I'll ride it to glory or off the cliff Lol
Anyway, follow the bouncing dots with me here.....
Some of you know that a couple years ago MVIS tech was finally confirmed to be in MSFT's HoloLens 2 (the AR headset), in fact, that HoloLens does not function without MVIS "engine" inside. MVIS had a horrible royalty contract with MSFT that expired at the end of 2023.
Also, MSFT is the developer of IVAS (Integrated Visual Augmentation System) for the US Military and a couple years back, they won a $22B contract to develop this for the DOD. It has been widely speculated that since IVAS is based off of the HoloLens headset, that MVIS tech is also in IVAS, although this has never been officially confirmed. The IVAS program has also had some setbacks here and there which has delayed final production.
Fast forward to today: Anduril announced in February that it was partnering with MSFT to finalize the IVAS program (pending DOD approval, which is likely) but per the news out (like the article linked
here it seems more like Anduril has taken over the project more than partnering). Why is this a big deal for MVIS?
The CEO of Anduril, Palmer Luckey, is fairly active on social media platforms, including X and Reddit. 13 years ago Luckey responded to a question on Reddit with this:
**Then 13 days ago Palmer Luckey came onto the MVIS Reddit page and started a thread by simply posting a screenshot of the question and answer he gave 13 yrs ago**
After he shared this the price did pop somewhat and volumes increased greatly for a few days, although it has cooled since then but...
An X poster shared the below thread yesterday on X
2 hours later without any context Palmer Luckey shared this
Coincidence? Maybe. We all know how these eccentric billionaire CEOs tend to act on social media platforms at times. It does seem he is at least pointing, vaguely, to the fact that MVIS might still be in IVAS. Maybe he is hinting at some type of partnership or acquisition, who knows, but it has made a relatively boring stock for the last 2 years, rather interesting again!