If it isn't simply retail getting back to work and other things becoming more of interest, I think the fun growthy names getting taken out back and brutally beaten scared away a lot of retail (or even blew them out), as volume has been down.
If nothing really exciting happens when we pull back here, I'm guessing that a very 2017 like market is likely until either when the Fed says otherwise or September (which is pretty much aka: further notice as that's months from now) as long as earnings are what is expected (and they're expected to be great, there was one analyst that had a forecast that actually justifies where the S&P is at currently, at least in my opinion). No crash, minimal pullbacks (more of the same thing that's been seen so far), and just overall drift higher to who knows where while people worry about breadth, volume, etc...
Complete complacency will then sink in and then we'll wake up one day and it will be at a minimum, September 2020 for the market.
But have to get through the rest of this month first. The odds of an 8-10% pullback are as high as they've been in a while imo. MMs unwinding hedges has been problematic all year so far when they do and I believe taxes are due in May. If it doesn't happen here it's not happening for a while I think.