Fantastic Day. Completely changed my strategy this morning. I sold some stocks for a loss so I could position myself in more Covid stocks. Bought more BIOC, HTGM and CHFS. Added GHSI, RGLS, COCP, and TTPN. While the Dow was down 500 points this morning, I was already up 25% around 9:30. Sold 75% of my BIOC at .76 (avg. 50 centers), and bought more to flip at the end of the day.
I'm going to take a good look at AMPE, GSUM, and TTI in the morning. Also wanted to buy more shares of DXLG, which went up 5 cents in the last 10 minutes of AH.
Jimmy, I hear you got an oil play tomorrow. I think I'll play alongside you. We finally got some movement on BXRX. You think it'll push over $4.50 tomorrow?