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Severe Severe Threat 2/21-2/23

Either the HRRR is pretty smart or pretty dumb when it comes to this discreet convection. I'm more so leaning towards the HRRR being right. But if it is that's really not a good thing.
Last 3 runs on simulated radar have been pretty darn similar. HRRRSE_prec_radar_014 (1).pngHRRRSE_prec_radar_013 (3).pngHRRRSE_prec_radar_012 (2).png
The litmus test of the day will be at around 2 or 3 o'clock. Hrrr has a few thunderstorms popping up in central Alabama around that time before supercell it shows, it'll show how accurate the HRRR is right now. Some of those 2 or 3 o'clock storms may actually be weak supercells?
FWIW the 15z HRRR just took the storm away
It still keeps the updraft swaths though, it's been consistent in a general idea of a boundary running supercell. Wouldn't be surprised if it shows back up like It was again. But idk interesting to watch. Oh wait it doesn't have the updraft swath on the 15z lol I thought it did.
Check out the updraft swath in north Alabama tho,
I still think there will be a long track decent supercell in the same vicinity as it's been showing especially if it's on a boundary with paramters that aren't half bad.@LukeBarrette HRRRSE_con_uphlysw_011.png
That north Alabama swath is no joke. Check the stp exactly on top of the updraft swath. STP at a 9!. @HSVweather this is in your neck of the woods if verified.HRRRSE_con_uphlysw_011 (1).pngScreenshot_20220222-112602.png
Heavy rain and even a severe thunderstorm warning came through early this morning and looks to have put a lid on our severe threat here that was supposed to came late this afternoon. Spc has taken me out of the slight risk which I’m more then happy with.