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Political Thread

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This thread is so sad. Mainly two or three posters just spamming garbage links and then several other posters trying to debunk their lies.

@Matthew70 is almost entirely to blame for a majority of the garbage spam & poorly thought-out one liners promulgating debunked nonsensical bs. Thank goodness we don't have to see any of that ? in the COVID-19 thread.
I have no issues with anyone wearing mask if they choose to or if the place they are entering requires them to be worn. Thing is sometime in the near future it will be considered they are unsanitary. In hospitals they are clean. In public it’s guaranteed that many will never ever change them or wash them if cloth. So when you are at restaurants or groceries remember just because they are wearing them does not mean it’s not on their hands. All the moisture, runny noses. Pulling it down to wipe their nose or they may use it to wipe their nose. Same with gloves. They wear them at restaurants yet touch everything. Others plates and spoons and drinks. Never changing their gloves. Plus we all will be paying fees for all this PPE on everything from bills to daily living. Get ready for another I’d say $50 average a month in fees moving forward.
I agree. You have to wash the masks. I have washed mine but dont wear it anymore. If we are going to push businesses to open, people need to know and feel comfortable to wear their mask even if not clean. My dad has cancer and he told me he's wearing his every day. I would expect no less.
@Matthew70 is almost entirely to blame for a majority of the garbage spam & poorly thought-out one liners promulgating debunked nonsensical bs. Thank goodness we don't have to see any of that ? in the COVID-19 thread.
@Webber you and @crecre9 you two must be some miserable human beings in life to be around. All you can do is spew hate and names that people never giving valid arguments. The reason you call it -------- is because it doesn’t fit your point of views. That’s the typical liberal for you it’s always their way of thinking no one else has the right to express themselves. No the ones that have a different opinion are banned on this forum. It’s turning in just like the media is. Liberal thinking and they remove anyone that has a different opinion than them. I have not called anyone any names and listen to what everyone says but look at the names I’ve been called. Some of the things I post here are to bring a laugh but apparently you can find nothing to laugh about. I’m having a blast in life and laughing at all this craziness that is going on around me. It does not matter which side you’re on we are all going to pay dearly for this. The economic collapse that will happen in the next 3 to 5 years will be something we wish we never had to have seen or go thru. Just wait till the PPP runs out June 4. Unemployment is going to skyrocket even more. How do I know because I have many companies that I take care of that have notified me and I also have a brother in state finance. Yes you wanted everything locked down. I hope you’re ready for the economic hardship that is coming.
@Webber you and @crecre9 you two must be some miserable human beings in life to be around. All you can do is spew hate and names that people never giving valid arguments. The reason you call it -------- is because it doesn’t fit your point of views. That’s the typical liberal for you it’s always their way of thinking no one else has the right to express themselves. No the ones that have a different opinion are banned on this forum. It’s turning in just like the media is. Liberal thinking and they remove anyone that has a different opinion than them. I have not called anyone any names and listen to what everyone says but look at the names I’ve been called. Some of the things I post here are to bring a laugh but apparently you can find nothing to laugh about. I’m having a blast in life and laughing at all this craziness that is going on around me. It does not matter which side you’re on we are all going to pay dearly for this. The economic collapse that will happen in the next 3 to 5 years will be something we wish we never had to have seen or go thru. Just wait till the PPP runs out June 4. Unemployment is going to skyrocket even more. How do I know because I have many companies that I take care of that have notified me and I also have a brother in state finance. Yes you wanted everything locked down. I hope you’re ready for the economic hardship that is coming.

Everyone who disagrees with you is automatically a liberal & miserable human being and the economy is more important than saving human lives. Got it
Could you imagine the amount of recovery the earth could make by doing periodic shutdowns. Might even be able to get the polar ice back to normal levels and maybe have some real winters again.

I say we start a petition that we do a 6 week full stop lockdown from st patty's day to May 1st.
And you would rather see people homeless depression suicide losing everything suffering all just to save one life. In other words millions of suffering. You don’t care about them. Got it!

Another debunked alt-right talking point that had absolutely nothing to do w/ my post whose purpose was to divide & conquer. Are you even capable of stringing together just one, single coherent on-topic thought?

Probably not.
Another debunked alt-right talking point that had absolutely nothing to do w/ my post whose purpose was to divide & conquer. Are you even capable of stringing together just one, single coherent on-topic thought?

Probably not.
I don’t know you tell me since you are the genius.The medical expert. The weather expert. You diagnosed me so you tell me.
Um, it was created to “prevent” and treat malaria. Please stop with hating people that don’t think like you do. It’s getting really old. Ever notice how one side criticizes ideas while the other attacks people, to the point of killing them if necessary (if they don’t tow the party line)? Why would you want to be on the left side of the political spectrum? Oh, maybe so you don’t get attacked, killed for your beliefs. The left is populated with cowards.

Trump literally attacks and personally insults people every single day while in his capacity as the President of the USA, who's the coward now......
Trump literally attacks and personally insults people every single day while in his capacity as the President of the USA, who's the coward now......
So because Trump does it, that makes it ok? The left can’t rise above this type of behavior? You know, Trumps not that far right on the political spectrum. He’s also a narcissist. But at the time of the election, he was the only realistic choice to slow the steady destruction of liberty in this country. That doesn’t give him excuse to be rude, though.
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