Yes he is too left and that is why the dems are going to squash him out. They will maneuver in who they think has the best chance to beat Trump. They are going to do it to him again. Everyone should question the app situ...So the question becomes: Is Bernie too left to win the election? I find it hard to believe that there are enough voters willing to vote for him and socialism
And that just got DJT reelected and another nail in the dem party. She thought she and her puppets would do this to him and he would play like past repubs and still shake her hand? Those days are over. Their setups won't work with this Prez and the white hat repubs that are standing up now.Nancy just ripped up the physical speech, on air, after the SOTU in her petulant childlike way! Incredibly DUMB!
Ripping up his speech and breaking decorum with her expressions weren’t appropriate either. Trump should have shook her hand but she shouldn’t have responded the way she did when he didn’t.
President Trump acted like a recalcitrant child by not shaking hands and Speaker Pelosi also acted like a recalcitrant child with her actions of not using the traditional welcome to the President and then ripping the SOTU address apart. Partisan politics at its finest. I’m so sick of the way our lawmakers act. I’m a registered Democrat, but I’m disgusted by all of it. Bill Weld 2020. --- it.
Won’t remove it?Nancy: Rips up SOTU speech
Trump: Rips up articles of impeachment
Me: Love
Maybe Trump did intentionally snub Pelosi on the handshake, I would however like to point out that he also did not shake the hand of VP Pence. He turned, gave them their copies of the speech and then turned back around, was it a snub, a blunder, focus on getting right to the SOTU address or an attempt to have as little contact with her as possible? Either way, her actions are as distasteful and disrespectful as you will ever see, it just goes to show you how their hatred for one man constantly clouds their judgement. There were names of lost Americans in that speech, names of great Americans who are still with us, a Tuskegee airman, children and their parents, a serving member of our military, survivors, fighters, those who embody the American dream, but her hatred is so vile that she displayed total lack of respect for any of them. And in doing so lost any ounce of respect she may have had left.
So here's a question, I haven't watched a State of the Union address until the past 2 years. Do former presidents like Obama, Bush, etc also have personal stories and people he talks about in the audience like Trump did or is that something specific that Trump does? I thought it was really heartwarming for him to honor the wife and 2 kids like he did and then have her husband back from deployment there to surprise them. I also enjoyed how he honored the Tuskegee airman and the little girl with the scholarship.
Highly partisan. So, I didn’t like it even though his delivery was smooth. Not a state of the union but state of the Red Nation. All Trump cares about is his base and being a nasty and divisive bully. I thought and still think Obama was really bad with regard to divisiveness (I never even considered voting for him), but I find Trump to be as bad, if not worse despite my agreeing with most of his policies and not agreeing with much of Obama’s policies. Trump thrives on being divisive because he’s such a jackass. He loves pissing off the other side as if they’re an enemy of the US. Strongly disagreeing with the other side is in itself normal for a politician/ok with me and giving reasons for that is fine, too, but his absolute hatred for the other side is uncalled for in someone who is supposed to be a leader of the country. He has no class.
Photo ops. Trump is a master of this.
So what did Trump do last night that was so divisive? Other than not shaking Pelosi's hand he honored multiple Americans in different ways, not just "white people." His State of the Union address focused on various people who have endured and represent what we as Americans hold dear in surviving, persevering, and the American Dream of wanting the best for our children and working hard to achieve those dreams. He talked about the economy and how it has benefited various minority groups and people in general...
Like we effing had a choice???? Hilary or Trump? Obama or McCain? Obama or, who was that Mormon guy again? Bush or Gore? Nobody worth a damn since Reagan.Meh this is what happens when you elect crappy childish leaders....
He purposely did that with mainly black and Hispanic people for photo ops and to trap the other side by essentially saying “see, I love black and Hispanic people, too”. All a show.
It's always and ever will be a "TV" show. As long as there is TV or media. That's politics. Honest people don't get very far in politics.He purposely did that with mainly black and Hispanic people for photo ops and to trap the other side by essentially saying “see, I love black and Hispanic people, too, so don’t criticize me.” All a TV show.
Like we effing had a choice???? Hilary or Trump? Obama or McCain? Obama or, who was that Mormon guy again? Bush or Gore? Nobody worth a damn since Reagan.
Reagan is what Trump sees when he looks at himself in the mirror.Nobody has even approached Reagan imo. Trump is no Reagan. Reagan had class and was a great leader of our country. In doing so, he wasn’t nasty to the other side. He strongly disagreed with them and let us know why. But he didn’t act like he hated them and that they were an enemy. Trump treats folks like N Korea’s Kim much better than he treats American folks who disagree with him. Reagan didn’t do things like that. He was actually friends with Speaker O’Neill as I recall.
Highly partisan. So, I didn’t like it even though his delivery was smooth. Not a state of the union but state of the Red Nation. All Trump cares about is his base and being a nasty and divisive bully. I thought and still think Obama was really bad with regard to divisiveness (I never even considered voting for him), but I find Trump to be as bad, if not worse despite my agreeing with most of his policies and not agreeing with much of Obama’s policies. Trump thrives on being divisive because he’s such a jackass. He loves pissing off the other side as if they’re an enemy of the US. Strongly disagreeing with the other side is in itself normal for a politician/ok with me and giving reasons for that is fine, too, but his absolute hatred for the other side is uncalled for in someone who is supposed to be a leader of the country. He has no class.
Reagan is what Trump sees when he looks at himself in the mirror.
You know I totally agree Trump is no Reagan and Reagan is my all time favorite POTUS, no questions. But to keep comparing those times with today's Democratic Party is apples to oranges imho.... we have no way of knowing, but I'd be curious as to how well Reagan would be received today by this radical left democratic party. My guess is not very well at allNobody has even approached Reagan imo. Trump is no Reagan. Reagan had class and was a great leader of our country. In doing so, he wasn’t nasty to the other side. He strongly disagreed with them and let us know why. But he didn’t act like he hated them and that they were an enemy. Trump treats folks like N Korea’s Kim much better than he treats American folks who disagree with him. Reagan didn’t do things like that. He was actually friends with Speaker O’Neill as I recall.
I don't think Reagan would be a republican today. He is to close to the center to have a party to run in today's politics. I think most Dems and republican would welcome Reagan with open arms over Trump given the choice. Of course most Dems voted for Reagan back then and probably would now if he was a optionYou know I totally agree Trump is no Reagan and Reagan is my all time favorite POTUS, no questions. But to keep comparing those times with today's Democratic Party is apples to oranges imho.... we have no way of knowing, but I'd be curious as to how well Reagan would be received today by this radical left democratic party. My guess is not very well at all
Pot meet kettle (not specifically directed at you but mostly the so called tolerant left)
Washington (CNN)Hours after she was sworn in to Congress, Michigan Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib used an expletive Thursday in pushing for impeaching President Donald Trump.
Speaking to a crowd at an event sponsored by the progressive group MoveOn, Tlaib recalled the moment she won her election in November.
"And when your son looks at you and says, 'Mama look, you won. Bullies don't win,' and I said, 'Baby, they don't,' because we're gonna go in there and we're going to impeach the motherf****r," Tlaib said Thursday
Today, Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee Maxine Waters took her calls for President Trump’s removal one step forward by calling for the president’s imprisonment and placement in “solitary confinement.”
Surprising as it may be, this is not new. Take a look at what she’s been saying for 2+ years:
CNN (April 2017): “Rep. Waters leads impeach Trump chant”
RealClearPolitics (November 2017): “Maxine Waters Starts “Impeach 45” Chant At ‘Glamour Women Of The Year Awards’”
Fox News (July 2018): “Maxine Waters brushes off alleged threats, vows to ‘Impeach 45’”
Washington Free Beacon (April 2019): “Waters: The American people will force Pelosi, Democrats to impeach Trump”
Washington Examiner (April 2019): “Maxine Waters: You better believe I’m still going to try to impeach Trump”
The Hill (May 2019): “Maxine Waters: Trump ‘has done everything that one could even think of to be eligible for impeachment’”
Fox News (July 2019): “Maxine Waters launches latest attack on Trump, suggests he should be put in prison”
Essence (September 2019): “Rep. Maxine Waters, the first to call for impeachment, discusses Trump and impeachment process”
Bottom Line: Maxine Waters has been on this train from day one. For her, it’s not about the facts. It’s about her hatred of this President and obsession with removing him from office, regardless of the truth.
Meh way too many to find and post here but it goes back to celebs wishing they could blow up the WH, GOP congressional members being shot at on a softball field, antisemitism from some in the Dem party, the attacks on Trump administration or supporters in public places, the vitriolic hatred for Trump and his supporters is very real. It is never denounced by the Democrats and often times encouraged.
She started it.... did to. Lol@snowlover91 and @metwannabe Pelosi looked bad, too, in tearing up the speech. I’m not defending that. And yes he didn’t shake Pence’s hand, either. But I still think it was a snub. It is a tradition to shake both their hands as I recall. Not shaking Pelosi’s hand was a plan to rile up his base by being a bully.
Edit: Unfortunately, @snowlover91 you’re too young to have experienced Reagan in real time. Even seeing him on numerous videotape clips is not the same thing.
Instead, Pelosi merely announced President Trump: “Members of Congress, the President of the United States.”“Members of Congress, I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.”
@snowlover91 and @metwannabe Pelosi looked bad, too, in tearing up the speech. I’m not defending that. And yes he didn’t shake Pence’s hand, either. But I still think it was a snub. It is a tradition to shake both their hands as I recall. Not shaking Pelosi’s hand was a plan to rile up his base by being a bully.
Today's Democratic party would not accept Reagan unless he changed his position on abortion. I mean a Pro-life Democrat ask Mayor Pete the other night if there was a place in the Dem Party for her and others like her and he basically told her, no. Reagan was also a strong defender of the Christian Faith, which doesn't seem to sit well with this party either.I don't think Reagan would be a republican today. He is to close to the center to have a party to run in today's politics. I think most Dems and republican would welcome Reagan with open arms over Trump given the choice. Of course most Dems voted for Reagan back then and probably would now if he was a option
Never said he would be a Dem but Dems would vote for himToday's Democratic party would not accept Reagan unless he changed his position on abortion. I mean a Pro-life Democrat ask Mayor Pete the other night if there was a place in the Dem Party for her and others like her and he basically told her, no. Reagan was also a strong defender of the Christian Faith, which doesn't seem to sit well with this party either.
Not to mention they wouldn't accept his Peace through Strength strategy either, no way he'd be a member of this Democratic Party. Remember he left that party because of the direction it was headed. Remember he often said, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me."
I think you may be right, I didn't even watch the first portion of the speech but let's go back to the last SOTU with her infamous disrespectful golf clap and he still shook her hand (then). So she started it.... Lol@snowlover91 and @metwannabe didn't the non handshake come BEFORE Pelosi announced Trump the wrong way? I thought that was the case. If so, Trump did start it. Remember that Trump was announced twice as per tradition.
@snowlover91 and @metwannabe didn't the non handshake come BEFORE Pelosi announced Trump the wrong way? I thought that was the case. If so, Trump did start it. Remember that Trump was announced twice as per tradition.
I gotcha, I went back and read your post, sounds like you don't think he would be in either party.... I misread.Never said he would be a Dem but Dems would vote for him
So Trump didn't shake Pence or Pelosi's hand and then she announced him but left out the traditional words. If she wanted to "get even" with him she could have left it at that. But she didn't. She expressed strong bias against many of the comments he made AND ripped up his speech afterwards. Look at it this way, Trump did one thing wrong that he broke tradition on and she broke it in 3 different ways. Her response was not proportional and I would argue here that as speaker of the House she has to show class and leadership, even if Trump doesn't. As my parents often taught me it takes 2 to argue, one person can always choose to be the peacemaker or they can resort to arguing/protest. Pelosi had an opportunity to be the "better person" in that regard by being a peacemaker and respecting multiple longstanding traditions. Instead she breaks multiple traditions in one night and as Turley so eloquently put it "The tradition ended last night with one of the more shameful and inglorious moments of the House in its history. For those of us who truly love the House as an institution, it was one of the lowest moments to unfold on the floor."