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Political Thread

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Here’s what the democrats are attempting, this article analyzes it quite well and predicted this would happen a month ago.

“It has been clear for weeks that the Democrats were seeking to ‘Kavanaugh’ the Senate impeachment trial — to roll out with media help a well-timed series of supposed bombshell accusations whose main purpose was to create a media hysteria to pressure Republican Senators to extend the process.

The process for the nominee, or in the impeachment framework the president, becomes the punishment and the Democrat campaign strategy.

That’s what happened in the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. Once it because clear that Kavanaugh would be confirmed and the hearings were closed, a series of accusers — Christine Blasey Ford, Julie Swetnick, Deborah Ramirez, plus anonymous accusers — were rolled out to reopen the hearings and prolong the process. The accusations were absurd and contradicted by all known evidence, but that was not the point. The Democrats, having invented and honed the skill of Borking nominees, wanted to punish the nominee and damage his legitimacy as a Supreme Court Justice.”
Spot on, their whole intent is to drag this out as long as possible in a last ditch effort to sway just enough voters to win, dare I say, steal an election. And what of Blasey Ford and all other witnesses? As soon as the Dems are through with them, boom, kicked to curb, dropped like a bad habit, hung out to dry and completely deserted. Bolton hated for years, loved right now and will be erased from their memory next week. They use individuals for their own power and political gain, ironic really

Sen Rand Paul is exactly right....

Add to that the GOP senators demanding the WH give them a copy of Bolton's manuscript...maybe some spine growing is occurring after all, a lot of them for whatever reason obviously believed Trump when he said he was innocent or they knew but thought Trump admin was going to keep it suppressed, either way chances seem very high we get to see Bolton and probably some others like Mulvaney etc under oath on the stand so either way this is great news......we need the GOP senators to wake up and realize this is their one chance to right the ship....I imagine Trump is no fun to be around right now as it all crumbles down around him.....

Why doesnt Bolton just hold a press conference? Like right now? He doesnt have to be called as a witness. Come on out say what nyt claims you say. Put it out there?

Hey you reckon Bolton will say Trump asked ukraine about Warren, Saunders, insert name of all Dem candidates? Oh I forgot, he probably was only interested in Biden because, before he sent tax money over he maybe just wanted to make sure they cleaned up their own house 1st.
This whole charade is so comical. This is gonna be 3 months of wasted money n time. This witness charade is nothing but a campaign by the Dems. You go down this road, witness's, then we go all the way. Dems called 17 witness in
House. Republicans 0. Call whistleblower, schiff,his staff, joe and Hunter. By all means get Bolton up there.
Their are countless microphones right outside Boltom front door. Please speak. Let it rip. We are waiting.
Lol no one cares about the 3rd party votes, there are always people who vote for 3rd party candidates who have 0 chance of winning. Let’s put it in a way that’s not biased. There were 3 million more people who preferred Hillary over Trump and 7 million people who didn’t want either Trump or Hillary. When you say 10 million people didn’t want Trump that’s misleading because 7 million of them also didn’t want Hillary.

Its not misleading 10 million more voters did not want Trump than did, true or false?
Just so I have this straight. Anybody that disagrees with your line of thinking on this is just simply a liar?.....LOL. Man you are a piece of work.

Where did I say that? That entire post is satire, try reading it again in context to the post I replied too.....wooosh
Where is Bolton?? Where is Bolton??

Speak my man. Come on out. Hit the microphones outside your door. Downeast,Shaggy need to hear your take. Your claim.

Could it be if he speaks now, his book when released want be as popular?
If the democratic nominee ends up being Biden then he and trump will have one thing in common with the Ukraine questions/concerns lol.

It really could end up doomsday for establishment Dems if Biden has to testify and looks really bad and Ole Bernie is the nominee.
Where is Bolton?? Where is Bolton??

Speak my man. Come on out. Hit the microphones outside your door. Downeast,Shaggy need to hear your take. Your claim.

Could it be if he speaks now, his book when released want be as popular?

You have to buy the book to find out...LOL ?
Where is Bolton?? Where is Bolton??

Speak my man. Come on out. Hit the microphones outside your door. Downeast,Shaggy need to hear your take. Your claim.

Could it be if he speaks now, his book when released want be as popular?

That will be a very interesting thing to see unfold. You have a die hard GOP'er who due to a leak by a liberal newspaper may have to spill all the contents of his book on national TV before he can sell a copy.
Where is Bolton?? Where is Bolton??

Speak my man. Come on out. Hit the microphones outside your door. Downeast,Shaggy need to hear your take. Your claim.

Could it be if he speaks now, his book when released want be as popular?

Oh your gonna hear him don't worry, under oath and on the record.
Where is Bolton??

We are just aftefr the truth here, right? Or are we just after dragging out a campaign to damage Trump, knowing they aint getting 67 votes to remove him from office, espeacilly when he never committed a crime worthy of impeachment.

Its sad when you cant defeat a candidate you deem so unworthy by challenging him on his record and ideas verse yours. You have to go deamonize, throw character assaination, yada ,yada. So glad he throws it right back at them, doesnt roll over.

Again, Where is Bolton?? Speak my man. Walk up to the microphone.
He can put it all out there right now. Come on Jon?? Speak. You dont have an axe to grind cause you got fired. Na no way. That book sale, oh thats just rainy day money. Make sure Mitt is in front of TV
Where is Bolton??

We are just aftefr the truth here, right? Or are we just after dragging out a campaign to damage Trump, knowing they aint getting 67 votes to remove him from office, espeacilly when he never committed a crime worthy of impeachment.

Its sad when you cant defeat a candidate you deem so unworthy by challenging him on his record and ideas verse yours. You have to go deamonize, throw character assaination, yada ,yada. So glad he throws it right back at them, doesnt roll over.

Again, Where is Bolton?? Speak my man. Walk up to the microphone.

Dude these post make you look shook.....relax a bit and let this play out....does it not matter to you at all that Trump may have been lying to you and every other American about how this all went down. Or do we only care when our leaders lie to us when they have a D beside their name.
Its not misleading 10 million more voters did not want Trump than did, true or false?

False, 3 million didn’t want trump and wanted Hillary. The other 7 million wanted neither one and it’s pretty common to have a few million vote for 3rd party candidates. You act like it’s the first time it’s happened. Anytime you have an election the news agencies typically summarize the popular votes between the two main candidates, saying x candidate won over the other candidate. They don’t say “Trump lost the popular vote by something like 8 million votes” like you initially did. They more accurately convey that he lost it by 3 million because the 7 million independents didn’t favor either candidate. It’s an important distinction to make semantically.
Dude these post make you look shook.....relax a bit and let this play out....does it not matter to you at all that Trump may have been lying to you and every other American about how this all went down. Or do we only care when our leaders lie to us when they have a D beside their name.

He didnt lie to me. He campaigned he was gonna vet all this taxpayer funded foreign money being handed out. Even Nato allies to start paying their fare share. He did just what he said he was gonna do.
This case here, he made sure whoever hooked up Joe and Hunter doing a quick pro quo, werent still sitting there able to pull off more theft. Arent you glad to know someone is trying to hold a foreign country accountable with our hard earned tax dollars. I sure am.
Meanwhile at Trumps rally tonight “Van Drew said at the event that there had been more than 175,000 requests for seats at the venue, which typically holds 7,500.”

Pictures of the overflow are crazy. But yeah Trump’s base is dwindling.

The biggest problem to unseat Trump is this.

If we do go the witness route,guess what. We finally get to find out who the whistleblower is? Think about this for a second, cause I sincerely, honestly dont think there is one. And by chance if there is, cant wait to see them cross examined along with Schiff on the whole genesis of this.
If we do go the witness route,guess what. We finally get to find out who the whistleblower is? Think about this for a second, cause I sincerely, honestly dont think there is one. And by chance if there is, cant wait to see them cross examined along with Schiff on the whole genesis of this.

Not sure the whistleblower needs to be called. Everything he said has been verified and Bolton can corroborate anything claimed in the complaint.
Not sure the whistleblower needs to be called. Everything he said has been verified and Bolton can corroborate anything claimed in the complaint.

The whistleblower should 100% be called. If we are going to hear from Bolton we need to hear from the whistleblower too since that’s where this whole thing started. Throw Schiff in too for his supposed contact with the whistleblower... or no contact... whichever story he wants to go with. Might as well throw the Biden’s in too since they are involved with what Trump wanted investigated.
The whistleblower should 100% be called. If we are going to hear from Bolton we need to hear from the whistleblower too since that’s where this whole thing started. Throw Schiff in too for his supposed contact with the whistleblower... or no contact... whichever story he wants to go with. Might as well throw the Biden’s in too since they are involved with what Trump wanted investigated.

Actually the WB didnt start this. Trump did. The bidens have zero relevancy in this case. It does not matter if they are guilty of everything trump says. What trump has done is wrong and as I've stated early

You dont get to hold your neighbors kids for ransom just to prove to the cops they robbed a bank.
Actually the WB didnt start this. Trump did. The bidens have zero relevancy in this case. It does not matter if they are guilty of everything trump says. What trump has done is wrong and as I've stated early

You dont get to hold your neighbors kids for ransom just to prove to the cops they robbed a bank.

The whistleblower did start it by reporting a concern he/she had. That person should definitely testify and they should prove it to see if there is any political bias as some have theorized or if the info was hearsay or first hand direct knowledge. Since Biden is running for president I think it’s pretty important that we hear from him too since he was part of what Trump wanted investigated due to corruption concerns... or a separate investigation into him is launched. You know since he’s running for president, you should hold him to the same high standards you hold Trump so we don’t get a guy who is might be guilty of corruption up there in 2020...
The whistleblower did start it by reporting a concern he/she had. That person should definitely testify and they should prove it to see if there is any political bias as some have theorized or if the info was hearsay or first hand direct knowledge. Since Biden is running for president I think it’s pretty important that we hear from him too since he was part of what Trump wanted investigated due to corruption concerns... or a separate investigation into him is launched. You know since he’s running for president, you should hold him to the same high standards you hold Trump so we don’t get a guy who is might be guilty of corruption up there in 2020...

The WB complaint was found to be valid I fail to see what exposing this person accomplishes, especially given the death threats they have received etc.....even if there was political bias it does not matter, neither does whether or not it was heresy or secondhand knowledge....that is why the IG reviewed the complaint first and found it to be credible. Everything in the complaint has been corroborated and keep in mind the WB was fed the information from numerous sources several of which have already testified etc. If what Bolton says is true then the WB is a patriot that did a service to his/her country by exposing illegal and unethical behavior....

Trump and the GOP has had years to investigate Biden over any possible Ukrainian corruption, heck the first 2 years they had control of Congress/DOJ etc kinda funny there was never any call or push for a investigation then huh. There is no real evidence that Biden did anything even worth investigating and the Ukraine government has said as much. Everything is crumbling down around Trump, and we have not even got into the good stuff surrounding Rudy and Parnas etc in the Ukraine, its going to get ugly.
The WB complaint was found to be valid I fail to see what exposing this person accomplishes, especially given the death threats they have received etc.....even if there was political bias it does not matter, neither does whether or not it was heresy or secondhand knowledge....that is why the IG reviewed the complaint first and found it to be credible. Everything in the complaint has been corroborated and keep in mind the WB was fed the information from numerous sources several of which have already testified etc. If what Bolton says is true then the WB is a patriot that did a service to his/her country by exposing illegal and unethical behavior....

Trump and the GOP has had years to investigate Biden over any possible Ukrainian corruption, heck the first 2 years they had control of Congress/DOJ etc kinda funny there was never any call or push for a investigation then huh. There is no real evidence that Biden did anything even worth investigating and the Ukraine government has said as much. Everything is crumbling down around Trump, and we have not even got into the good stuff surrounding Rudy and Parnas etc in the Ukraine, its going to get ugly.

If you’re going to do a thorough investigation then interview the WB, Bolton and any other relevant parties. Btw most of the evidence is hearsay, 3rd party accounts, etc. What Bolton supposedly said in the “bombshell” was actually a typical NYT exaggeration/bias that even the author has been backing down from. As always it’s based on anonymous 3rd party sources. Here’s a good analysis of it and some of the weird circumstances too

As mentioned earlier this is the democrat attempt to Kavanaugh the process. As support to call witnesses was waning suddenly, at a key moment, we have this revelation from Bolton. Read this article if you want a good explanation of what’s going on.

I’ll summarize with this.
If you’re going to do a thorough investigation then interview the WB, Bolton and any other relevant parties. Btw most of the evidence is hearsay, 3rd party accounts, etc. What Bolton supposedly said in the “bombshell” was actually a typical NYT exaggeration/bias that even the author has been backing down from. As always it’s based on anonymous 3rd party sources. Here’s a good analysis of it and some of the weird circumstances too

As mentioned earlier this is the democrat attempt to Kavanaugh the process. As support to call witnesses was waning suddenly, at a key moment, we have this revelation from Bolton. Read this article if you want a good explanation of what’s going on.

I’ll summarize with this.

Well what can I tell you I will stick with believing the source itself....Bolton's lawyer confirmed it to be accurate, not to mention that all Bolton has to do is release a statement saying that the NYT story is mischaracterizing his manuscript etc and he has not done that, in fact they did the opposite.....why do you reckon that is. Below is a link to back this all up....

Additionally, Bolton's representatives made clear he was not denying the Times' claim concerning the Ukraine aid holdup and the possible investigation of the Bidens.
Well what can I tell you I will stick with believing the source itself....Bolton's lawyer confirmed it to be accurate, not to mention that all Bolton has to do is release a statement saying that the NYT story is mischaracterizing his manuscript etc and he has not done that, in fact they did the opposite.....why do you reckon that is. Below is a link to back this all up....

Additionally, Bolton's representatives made clear he was not denying the Times' claim concerning the Ukraine aid holdup and the possible investigation of the Bidens.

They neither denied or confirmed the claims, many of which are made in the original NYT article. There is also no official statement from that Fox News article, just that his rep said they weren’t denying some of the claims. It would also make sense that he wants controversy since his book pre-order sales went live shortly after the news broke... and an easy way to do that is to leak something then come out and get all the hype from the frenzy. Without seeing the manuscript or having Bolton officially testify it’s all hearsay and “anonymous sources” who are summarizing what they claim they’ve seen. You do realize as well people are prone to “twist” a “summary” to fit an agenda or even simply fail to accurately phrase/remember something, right? And then that can be further mischaracterized by the news media...

“I mean it really, people need to read that New York times article. There isn’t a single quote in there from the book. It’s what certain people who say they’ve seen the book, how they characterize it, and then the New York times characterizes it. It’s not even third-hand hearsay because nobody told the New York Times a quote from the book, so it’s, and this is now dominating it. This comes out at a critical juncture just like it did for Kavanaugh. This is the Democrat playbook on how to oppose Trump. Use the media to your advantage to roll things out and disrupt what’s going on.”
They neither denied or confirmed the claims, many of which are made in the original NYT article. There is also no official statement from that Fox News article, just that his rep said they weren’t denying some of the claims. It would also make sense that he wants controversy since his book pre-order sales went live shortly after the news broke... and an easy way to do that is to leak something then come out and get all the hype from the frenzy. Without seeing the manuscript or having Bolton officially testify it’s all hearsay and “anonymous sources” who are summarizing what they claim they’ve seen. You do realize as well people are prone to “twist” a “summary” to fit an agenda or even simply fail to accurately phrase/remember something, right? And then that can be further mischaracterized by the news media...

“I mean it really, people need to read that New York times article. There isn’t a single quote in there from the book. It’s what certain people who say they’ve seen the book, how they characterize it, and then the New York times characterizes it. It’s not even third-hand hearsay because nobody told the New York Times a quote from the book, so it’s, and this is now dominating it. This comes out at a critical juncture just like it did for Kavanaugh. This is the Democrat playbook on how to oppose Trump. Use the media to your advantage to roll things out and disrupt what’s going on.”

Or maybe just maybe Bolton does say exactly what the NYT article says he says.....and maybe Trump is just lying through his teeth about all this. Sometimes stuff is exactly as it appears.....

If the NYT article mischaracterized Bolton's manuscript then Bolton's team would say as much when asked.....they certainly wouldn't go so far as to make it clear that they were NOT denying the claims made by the NYT.....then again maybe your right and the NYT is lying about what Bolton's book says and Bolton is just not clarifying it to sell book copies....but I doubt it.
I hate our media and the state of fear they create. The headline states "Death toll soars" or "death toll mounts" concerning the coronavirus and when you click on the article the toll has increased by 20. I know the epidemic could become serious, but the desire to incite panic is ridiculous.
I hate our media and the state of fear they create. The headline states "Death toll soars" or "death toll mounts" concerning the coronavirus and when you click on the article the toll has increased by 20. I know the epidemic could become serious, but the desire to incite panic is ridiculous.

Just checking in to let everyone know I have not died from the Coronavirsus……...yet
If we do go the witness route,guess what. We finally get to find out who the whistleblower is? Think about this for a second, cause I sincerely, honestly dont think there is one. And by chance if there is, cant wait to see them cross examined along with Schiff on the whole genesis of this.
Isn't it amazing to watch this all unfold. Now the evidence and proofs can be activated legally for the whole world to see. Dems falling right in and some repubs too. Unbelievable. Nothing is going to stop the exposure of the corrupt deep state. We are all awake and discussing this..No one that is woke will fall back asleep and pretend we don't know what we already know. Either side actually. Pop the corn.
They neither denied or confirmed the claims, many of which are made in the original NYT article. There is also no official statement from that Fox News article, just that his rep said they weren’t denying some of the claims. It would also make sense that he wants controversy since his book pre-order sales went live shortly after the news broke... and an easy way to do that is to leak something then come out and get all the hype from the frenzy. Without seeing the manuscript or having Bolton officially testify it’s all hearsay and “anonymous sources” who are summarizing what they claim they’ve seen. You do realize as well people are prone to “twist” a “summary” to fit an agenda or even simply fail to accurately phrase/remember something, right? And then that can be further mischaracterized by the news media...

“I mean it really, people need to read that New York times article. There isn’t a single quote in there from the book. It’s what certain people who say they’ve seen the book, how they characterize it, and then the New York times characterizes it. It’s not even third-hand hearsay because nobody told the New York Times a quote from the book, so it’s, and this is now dominating it. This comes out at a critical juncture just like it did for Kavanaugh. This is the Democrat playbook on how to oppose Trump. Use the media to your advantage to roll things out and disrupt what’s going on.”
Remember how the dossier was handled? Same circular motion with Yahoo. Leak fake story to media, media puts out story. Refer to story as basis of truth to confirm eqauls FISA warrants... Holy Crap at the corruption. They didn't expect Hillary to lose... People should be so upset about the dossier and FISA. Everyone.
The whole Bolton thing is a nothing burger for the house and a win for the senate. If they want to bring on the witnesses then bring them on. I can't believe some people get all excited about things before they look, think and calculate. It is the dems mistakes over and over and this mistake is going to be the prelude for the big show. Trump, Admiral Rogers and other military, Durham, Huber are steps ahead with evidence and proofs in place. Drain the sewer.
By all means put Bolton on the stand. He isn't going to say anything earth shattering here, he got fired by Trump and just wrote a book. Let Jay Sekulow and company have at him. The end result is still the same only he gets made to look like an ass......a scorned man who got booted and wrote a tell-all book to get back at the man who fired him. Just another in a long list
Or maybe just maybe Bolton does say exactly what the NYT article says he says.....and maybe Trump is just lying through his teeth about all this. Sometimes stuff is exactly as it appears.....

If the NYT article mischaracterized Bolton's manuscript then Bolton's team would say as much when asked.....they certainly wouldn't go so far as to make it clear that they were NOT denying the claims made by the NYT.....then again maybe your right and the NYT is lying about what Bolton's book says and Bolton is just not clarifying it to sell book copies....but I doubt it.

It's an assumption a person makes when saying the reason he didn't deny it is because it's true. What we do know for sure is that the NYT article is HIGHLY questionable since their sources are people who are summarizing what they claim they've seen. There are no actual quotes from the manuscript and it's an article based ENTIRELY on speculation, assumptions, anonymous sources, and political bias because they want to sway public opinion on the matter rather than publish accurate, verified information. The news media has pulled this same type of stuff before with leaking the dossier, the Kavanaugh investigation, etc. so if we are going to make assumptions here it's entirely logical to also assume this is another example of the news media leaking things that have not been properly vetted. It would be an entirely different story if they had published exact quotes from the book so we could see precisely what Bolton was saying and then for Bolton to confirm or deny if those quotes actually came from the book... He's also under a NDA so legally he may not be able to confirm/deny certain aspects of news media reports concerning the alleged content of his upcoming book.
LOL....OK...We trust that everything was verified by the Dems

Well the WB did in fact offer to answer only the Republicans questions in writing under oath. Something trump wouldnt even do during the Mueller probe.

The Republicans REFUSED so they lost their chance as far as I'm concerned.

If written answers was good enough for trump it's good enough for the WB.
Some days you just don't feel like debating, it is what it is.... Politicians going to do what they want and you know what? I'm not going to shout at the sky or stock up on poster board & sharpies, no celebration in the streets, no march, no protest, not even mad, in fact, I'll sleep peacefully just like a baby. And In the morning I'll get up, thank the good Lord for another day, kiss my wife, get ready for work, make money, pay the bills and move on because life goes on, what little time of it we have. Win, lose or draw enjoy life!
Where is Bolton??
Cant he find someone with a microphone that will let him speak?

Line em all up. BOLTON,WHISTLEBLOWER,SCHIFF,BIDEN DUO. Dont run scared , if you really want the truth,the whole truth, why what when how ,genesis of this whole narrative. Which is what it is, a narrative by the left.

The Democrats have had,called 17 witness"s in the house. You no how many the Republicans called. 0. House mgr's could have called a 100+. Now mysteriously they want the senate to do their job. Lol.

Again, where is Bolton today? ? Im gonna laugh so hard when this boomerrangs right back on the left, just like it has everytime before.
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