Spot on, their whole intent is to drag this out as long as possible in a last ditch effort to sway just enough voters to win, dare I say, steal an election. And what of Blasey Ford and all other witnesses? As soon as the Dems are through with them, boom, kicked to curb, dropped like a bad habit, hung out to dry and completely deserted. Bolton hated for years, loved right now and will be erased from their memory next week. They use individuals for their own power and political gain, ironic reallyHere’s what the democrats are attempting, this article analyzes it quite well and predicted this would happen a month ago.
Democrats 'Kavanaughing' Impeachment Trial As Predicted – John Bolton Leak Came as House Case Was Collapsing
We have seen this show before, it's all designed to pressure a small number of weak Republican Senators to allow Democrats to turn the Senate into a circus in which the process becomes the
“It has been clear for weeks that the Democrats were seeking to ‘Kavanaugh’ the Senate impeachment trial — to roll out with media help a well-timed series of supposed bombshell accusations whose main purpose was to create a media hysteria to pressure Republican Senators to extend the process.
The process for the nominee, or in the impeachment framework the president, becomes the punishment and the Democrat campaign strategy.
That’s what happened in the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. Once it because clear that Kavanaugh would be confirmed and the hearings were closed, a series of accusers — Christine Blasey Ford, Julie Swetnick, Deborah Ramirez, plus anonymous accusers — were rolled out to reopen the hearings and prolong the process. The accusations were absurd and contradicted by all known evidence, but that was not the point. The Democrats, having invented and honed the skill of Borking nominees, wanted to punish the nominee and damage his legitimacy as a Supreme Court Justice.”
Sen Rand Paul is exactly right....