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Political Thread

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A lot will have to do with how the trial plays out, if the GOP cant keep Bolton and others off the witness stand I think Trump loses for sure.....right now according to many polls 50% of the nation wants him removed from office...that is significant, the swing in independents favoring removal over the last few weeks has been big with over half of independents polled now supporting removal...So Trump would need people that currently support removing him from office to change their minds and actually vote to keep him over someone like Biden.....that's a tall order IMO.

You have the left base pegged all wrong.....the Dem turnout in 2020 will be huge regardless of the candidate as removing Trump is their goal....look at how badly the Dems crushed the GOP on turnout in 2018 and that tells you all you needs to know about how motivated the Dems are for 2020.

You know why 2018 turned out the way it did man. Its a midterm election and the party in power takes a hit in at least one of the chambers. To say the Dems crushed the GOP is just shortsighted. This "Blue Wave" that was supposed to overtake the house and senate didn't occur. They didn't come even remotely close to the senate and they don't have very much to brag about from the house side. Trump's base will be out in force and the independent vote will break for Trump despite your hardline objections. Sorry but you are going to lose in your efforts no matter how much google cut and paste you do. Just hang in there 5 more years and if you don't self combust you can shoot for the stars with your moderate whatever that will magically do something about debt spending and all that other stuff "true conservatives" fawn over......Right now the number 5 is the only math that means anything because that's how many more years of Trump you have
Get Trump out now and give enough time for Kasich, Haley, or someone else before it is too late? Or even Pence if he's not also going down?

If the arguments about continuing the judiciary appts rolling and the oppurtunity to get 1 more scotus pick then do you need trump who may lose or go with pence and win in a landslide?
Biden?? C-mon man. He doesn’t even know where he is at half the time much less keeping his lips and hands off of women?‍♂️

This doesn't matter anymore. Trump grabs them by the.....well you know and that's fine with his supporters or they're atleast willing to look the other way. The right is not allowed to criticize anyone on that topic. That's the new trump precedent.
This doesn't matter anymore. Trump grabs them by the.....well you know and that's fine with his supporters or they're atleast willing to look the other way. The right is not allowed to criticize anyone on that topic. That's the new trump precedent.

You can not be fine with the things he has done in the past but still support his presidential efforts. I think that's where the disconnect is when it comes to people who cling to the moral high ground with Donald Trump.
If the arguments about continuing the judiciary appts rolling and the oppurtunity to get 1 more scotus pick then do you need trump who may lose or go with pence and win in a landslide?

So you think those of us who applaud the direction of the country under Trump are sitting back waiting for Mike Pence to take over? I think he is a great VP but make no mistake. Trump didn't win because of Mike Pence being on the ticket
The argument made by dershowitz yesterday is sickening. It's literally the end of our democracy as we have known it if this allowed to become the precedent.

Any candidate/president believing their election/reelection is in the national interest(that's every one running) can do whatever they like to get elected. That's dangerous as it gets and at this point if allowed the stand is a huge nail in our republics coffin.
You can not be fine with the things he has done in the past but still support his presidential efforts. I think that's where the disconnect is when it comes to people who cling to the moral high ground with Donald Trump.

Some things you can overlook and some things you should not. Sexual assualt is one that should not.
The argument made by dershowitz yesterday is sickening. It's literally the end of our democracy as we have known it if this allowed to become the precedent.

Any candidate/president believing their election/reelection is in the national interest(that's every one running) can do whatever they like to get elected. That's dangerous as it gets and at this point if allowed the stand is a huge nail in our republics coffin.

So I take it you are a constitutional scholar? I have heard the opinion of lots of people on this. Most of them pretty smart. It seems to come down to just how much you like or dislike Donald Trump but the end of our Republic? You have to be kidding me with that nonsense.....
So I take it you are a constitutional scholar? I have heard the opinion of lots of people on this. Most of them pretty smart. It seems to come down to just how much you like or dislike Donald Trump but the end of our Republic? You have to be kidding me with that nonsense.....

No. He literally argued that breaking the law is fine as long as you believe it's in the national interest to secure reelection. An opponent beating you? Seek help from foreign govt all you want.....dont get enough dirt........throw him in jail because it's in the nations best interest.

If Obama had done ANY of the things trump is yall would demand removal and declare him a dictator.

The Republican party is becoming a disgrace.
Some things you can overlook and some things you should not. Sexual assualt is one that should not.

Understood. We had a sexual predator in office for 8 years in Bill Clinton. We had a crook from Chicago for 8 years in Obama. Amazingly the Republic survived them both. I feel fairly confident we are going to survive Trump in one piece as well
Understood. We had a sexual predator in office for 8 years in Bill Clinton. We had a crook from Chicago for 8 years in Obama. Amazingly the Republic survived them both. I feel fairly confident we are going to survive Trump in one piece as well

Yeah Clinton and Obama were both heavily flawed and made many mistakes. None of which tried to turn themselves into kings.

Take a minute and think about what dershowitz is really arguing and then imagine that argument being in support of a democrat and what you would think of that argument then.
No. He literally argued that breaking the law is fine as long as you believe it's in the national interest to secure reelection. An opponent beating you? Seek help from foreign govt all you want.....dont get enough dirt........throw him in jail because it's in the nations best interest.

If Obama had done ANY of the things trump is yall would demand removal and declare him a dictator.

The Republican party is becoming a disgrace.

Obama was at the heart of many shady things including Benghazi were I lost a former comrade. He wasn't impeached for it. I couldn't stand the man but he was my CIC. I had to at least respect that and I did....I get that you despise Donald Trump. Understood. But to suggest this is the end of our Republic because he may or may not be punished in line with your hatred is petty. The people will decide in November including you
Yeah Clinton and Obama were both heavily flawed and made many mistakes. None of which tried to turn themselves into kings.

Take a minute and think about what dershowitz is really arguing and then imagine that argument being in support of a democrat and what you would think of that argument then.

A king? My god man you have lost it....seriously. Im certainly not going to make any attempt to pull you and the few others here back from the ledge. Hell just go ahead and jump
No. He literally argued that breaking the law is fine as long as you believe it's in the national interest to secure reelection. An opponent beating you? Seek help from foreign govt all you want.....dont get enough dirt........throw him in jail because it's in the nations best interest.

If Obama had done ANY of the things trump is yall would demand removal and declare him a dictator.

The Republican party is becoming a disgrace.

Believe me....Barry O. did some "funny stuff" while in office....It just hasn't been brought to light yet, but I think some of it will after we get through with "the show" being put on now....Also, he was the KING at exerting his "Executive Privilege"!! Also, remember his hot mic conversation with Medvedev??? Something along the lines of Barry having "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election....Nothing to see here, right???
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No. He literally argued that breaking the law is fine as long as you believe it's in the national interest to secure reelection. An opponent beating you? Seek help from foreign govt all you want.....dont get enough dirt........throw him in jail because it's in the nations best interest.

If Obama had done ANY of the things trump is yall would demand removal and declare him a dictator.

The Republican party is becoming a disgrace.

The proper context and line of reasoning in Dershowitz's argument has been overlooked by the news media. They simply took his one quote out of the context it was set in which is misleading. Yes, he should have been a bit more concise with his wording but the context makes it clear what he was trying to say (and it's not what you are or the news media are alleging).

"What these breathless accounts of Dershowitz’s words have in common is just how wrong they are. Let’s look at the quote in question. He says, “If the president does something that he thinks will help him get elected, in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment.” The context here matters a lot, and in fairness Dershowitz could have been a bit clearer. In fact, he did clarify his remarks in the evening session of senators’ questions.

Prior to this selection of his statements, Dershowitz laid out three types of motives the president could have had for his actions.
First, one purely and solely concerned with the national interest, second one in which his motive also includes his electoral interests, and third one in which personal gain is his only motivation. In the quote in question, he was talking directly about that second possibility, which he would later describe as “mixed motives.”

This is extremely important because Dershowitz is predicating his argument that the president may act in the interest of his own electoral chances but only if he believes those actions to be in the broader national interest. Dershowitz is not saying that the president could kill a political rival and it wouldn’t be impeachable if he thought that killing was in the national interest. First of all, murder is a crime, and there is no crime alleged in the impeachment, which lies at the heart of Dershowitz’s broader constitutional argument.

What Dershowitz is saying is that when a president is faced with a lawful policy choice that may benefit him politically, he is not barred from making that choice on the basis that it could help him. Politicians do this all the time
." Source

In essence his argument is that Trump was acting in public interest to root out corruption in Ukraine before releasing aid so that the funds would be used appropriately. The fact that the Biden's would be involved and Trump could benefit politically as well would fall under the "mixed motive" view he had been discussing within the context of his argument. Keep in mind Trump's defense team is arguing that what he did was lawful and at worst one could say he had mixed motives in his choices to withhold the funding like he did. Whether one agrees with that position is another story, but this is the line of argument that Dershowitz was pursuing.
A king? My god man you have lost it....seriously. Im certainly not going to make any attempt to pull you and the few others here back from the ledge. Hell just go ahead and jump
Since when does having a different opinion make people who disagree insane? You're starting to cross the line a bit. Nobody here is insane unless you believe an absurd conspiracy theory, which I don't thing really any fall under.
Since when does having a different opinion make people who disagree insane? You're starting to cross the line a bit. Nobody here is insane unless you believe an absurd conspiracy theory, which I don't thing really any fall under.

I didn't call anybody insane! And yes I know everybody has a differing opinion
Where is Bolton??
Cant he find someone with a microphone that will let him speak?

Line em all up. BOLTON,WHISTLEBLOWER,SCHIFF,BIDEN DUO. Dont run scared , if you really want the truth,the whole truth, why what when how ,genesis of this whole narrative. Which is what it is, a narrative by the left.

The Democrats have had,called 17 witness"s in the house. You no how many the Republicans called. 0. House mgr's could have called a 100+. Now mysteriously they want the senate to do their job. Lol.

Again, where is Bolton today? ? Im gonna laugh so hard when this boomerrangs right back on the left, just like it has everytime before.
And call the ICIG Michael Atkinson. His testimony is still being held....
Haven’t seen this posted anywhere but this is interesting. Looks like the Republican won by 16% despite all the money and endorsements the democrats poured into it.

Get Trump out now and give enough time for Kasich, Haley, or someone else before it is too late? Or even Pence if he's not also going down?
Hate to break it to you but trump will be re-elected. Democrats made the same mistake in 2016 just like they are gonna make in 2020. Look at trump rallies in jersey where he had 156,000 tickets bought and 24% were democrats and 10% have never voted before . People can say well well that doesn’t mean anything.. oh ok that’s the same thing they said in 2016. Look at the democrats running for president.. trump will eat them alive in a debate ( look what he did to ted Cruz one of the best debaters on that stage up there and all trump did is label him as lying Ted ) he will make a big issue in differences from capitalism and socialism and look no further than Venezuela because they had a strong economy with capitalism but went down hill quickly when it went to socialism and it all started with gun control. I know this for a fact because I worked with two young people that left from Venezuela with their husbands and first thing they said was they find it crazy that people want socialism. She said they have no clue how bad that is!! Sorry got a little off subject but trump will make it a point in the difference that that will guarantee a trump victory because nobody is gonna vote for a democrat to come in a wreck the economy because like him or not he has this economy booming and Democrats and Republicans and all Americans are benefitting in this economy ?‍♂️
No. He literally argued that breaking the law is fine as long as you believe it's in the national interest to secure reelection. An opponent beating you? Seek help from foreign govt all you want.....dont get enough dirt........throw him in jail because it's in the nations best interest.

If Obama had done ANY of the things trump is yall would demand removal and declare him a dictator.

The Republican party is becoming a disgrace.

Pssst! He never broke the law here.

And Ill save myself the typing about Obama DOJ, tarmac meetings with Bill Clinton, wire tapping everyone andbtheir brother,Runing Guns to Mexico... etc
Haven’t seen this posted anywhere but this is interesting. Looks like the Republican won by 16% despite all the money and endorsements the democrats poured into it.

It's not even going to be close in November...Trump will run away with it....Doesn't matter who he's up against!!! I think the Republicans will take both the House & Senate, too...Doesn't happen often at all either
It looks like Chief Roberts might have accidentally identified the whistleblower... oops!

Chief Justice John Roberts once again rejected a question from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) since it supposedly names the impeachment whistleblower…even though supposedly NOBODY knows the identification of the whistleblower.

He asked: “Are you aware that House intelligence committee staffer Shawn Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings.”

Full article here.
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One WB doesnt undercut dozens of people testifying to what was going on.

I get it yall dont care and that's really all that yall need to say. Just remember the choice here will follow you in on the future.
It looks like Chief Roberts might have accidentally identified the whistleblower... oops!

Chief Justice John Roberts once again rejected a question from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) since it supposedly names the impeachment whistleblower…even though supposedly NOBODY knows the identification of the whistleblower.

He asked: “Are you aware that House intelligence committee staffer Shawn Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings.”

Full article here.https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/01/roberts-rejects-rand-pauls-question-again-since-it-supposedly-names-the-whistleblower/

Nobody knows who the Whistleblower is except....Schiff...Remember when he said he knew who the Whistleblower was and had spoken to him...Now, during this Impeachment, he claims he doesn't know who the Whistleblower is.....LIAR
Nobody knows who the Whistleblower is except....Schiff...Remember when he said he knew who the Whistleblower was and had spoken to him...Now, during this Impeachment, he claims he doesn't know who the Whistleblower is.....LIAR

How do you know he knows?
One WB doesnt undercut dozens of people testifying to what was going on.

I get it yall dont care and that's really all that yall need to say. Just remember the choice here will follow you in on the future.

The House had a number of witnesses but failed to build a strong case for impeachment and now wants the Senate to do that instead. Here's a great summary by a legal scholar who was one of the 4 who testified to the House. I recommend reading legal scholars on the issue vs the mainstream media as most journalists are simply pushing an agenda or ignorant on these matters. There has been nothing proven and the case by the House is based on inferences from 3rd party witnesses and assumptions over what certain key events in the timeline must indicate.

"Among the worst decisions made by House Democrats is this: They burned through three months of investigating without even attempting to compel the testimony of key witnesses like national security advisor John Bolton. Instead, they based impeachment charges on a record largely based on the inferences of third-party witnesses.

As a result, they’re left with a record that requires a senator to decide every contested fact in the way least favorable to the president in order to establish an impeachable act. However, there are three direct conversations that directly contradict such a conclusion.

For one thing, the language of Trump’s July call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky does not state a clear quid pro quo. You have to infer that his request for a favor implied a penalty if it wasn’t fulfilled.

And then there’s the testimony about Trump’s phone calls with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland. Both contain express denials of any quid pro quo. One can reasonably question the veracity of such an assertion during the calls, and that’s why the testimony of first-hand witnesses would have been so important. Yet the House made no real effort to hear from key administration figures, including Bolton, Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and Trump counsel Rudolph W. Giuliani.

Not only has the House been curiously passive in seeking to force such testimony; it actually withdrew one of the few subpoenas facing a court ruling in the case of Charles Kupperman, Trump’s former deputy national security advisor. Kupperman was willing to testify and simply wanted court review, but the House strangely withdrew its request that he testify.

House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam B. Schiff has said that requesting courts to compel testimony would take too long. But courts can sometimes work quickly. In a critical case involving Richard Nixon’s impeachment, it took just three months to go from a ruling by the District Court to a final ruling of the Supreme Court. Nixon lost and then resigned.

Given the momentousness of impeachment, taking time to build a strong case is worth some delays. Moreover, courts have already agreed to decide other cases involving the president, including the challenge over whether Trump can be compelled to turn over tax and financial records. That puts the House in the awkward position of impeaching a president for obstruction before the Supreme Court rules on key issues.

I vehemently disagree with the sweeping privilege and immunity claims made by the Trump White House. However, presidents including Barack Obama have stood behind the shield of executive privilege and have gone to court rather than turn over evidence. Both Nixon and Clinton were able to challenge such questions and receive final decisions from the Supreme Court (which ruled against them).

In racing to meet its artificial deadline of impeaching by Christmas, the House submitted a case guaranteed to fail. Rather than wait a couple months to move forward with a greatly enhanced case, the House prefers to grab what it’s got on the shelf and run with it." Source

Then there is also the added complexity of what is known as the "law of attempts." Here is an elaboration on that below.

"The law of attempts,” a category of crimes where someone is accused of contemplating, but not actually carrying out, an unlawful act. The Trump trial could be the first time the Senate considers charges that amount to allegedly conceiving, but then abandoning, an abuse of power. While it is certainly true that there was a temporary act of “nonfeasance” in withholding the aid to Ukraine, it was ultimately released over two weeks before the deadline under federal law.

The law of attempts has long been debated, and has often favored defendants in securing lesser punishments or outright acquittals. When, in 1879, an Alaska man sent an order for 100 gallons of whiskey from California, he was charged with illegally attempting to “introduce spirituous liquors” into Alaska. A court dismissed the charge, writing, “There are a class of acts which may be fairly said to be done in pursuance of or in combination with an intent to commit a crime, but are not, in a legal sense, a part of it, and therefore do not, with such intent, constitute an indictable attempt.”

That helps explain why such attempted crimes are generally punished less severely. The California Penal Code Section 664 stipulates, for example, that most attempted offenses are punishable, at most, at a level half that for a completed offense. Of course, the Senate cannot “half-remove” a president. But one of the more knotty problems facing the Senate is whether a president can be saved by what Leff called the “luck” of an alleged plan that never actually played out.

If so, the whistleblower complaint could strangely prove the luckiest break Trump ever got from the House. If Trump’s critics are right, it was the complaint that stopped an attempt from becoming a completed abuse of office.

Not everyone sees a foiled attempt as a reason to acquit. This perspective came up in the House impeachment hearing when Harvard Law professor Noah Feldman declared, “If the president of the United States attempts to abuse his office, that is a complete impeachable offense.” (I also testified at the hearing.)

Another witness, University of North Carolina law professor Michael Gerhardt, attempted to explain it this way: “Imagine a bank robbery. The police come and the person’s in the middle of a bank robbery. The person then drops the money and says, ‘I am going to leave without the money.’ Everybody understands that’s robbery.”

The analogy highlights the problem of what some courts call “abandonment” cases. Even if the intent of a robbery is proved, Trump never took the loot. Police do not arrest people parked in front of a bank and charge them as bank robbers based on their contemplated or thought crime.

All impeachment trials present a mixed question of both the guilt and the gravity of an alleged offense. Senators often disagree with the House about whether an act is impeachable or, if guilt is proven, whether the gravity of the act warrants removal.

Withholding the aid in the hopes of an investigation into a political opponent would be improper if proved. But the aid, in the end, was not withheld. The Senate might now have to decide whether an attempted abuse constitutes a removal offense for an American president." Source

Finally, regarding the Bolton leak from the NYT...

"The leak falls short of answering key questions that would likely have to be pursued in testimony. For example, Trump allegedly told Bolton that he wanted to “continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens,” the New York Times reported.

That still leaves the question of intent. Trump has never denied asking for the investigations, but insisted that they were meant to deal with his concerns over ongoing corruption in Ukraine. Moreover, the first of the two investigations could not be a basis for impeachment. Trump asked for assistance in investigating allegations into the 2016 election — matters that were currently being investigated by U.S. Attorney John Durham. It is the Biden investigation that raises legitimate questions, but it comes down again to a question of intent. Finally, the leak refers to the freeze on the funds but does not indicate that Trump was prepared to hold the aid past the deadline at the end of September. (It was released on September 11th.).
One WB doesnt undercut dozens of people testifying to what was going on.

I get it yall dont care and that's really all that yall need to say. Just remember the choice here will follow you in on the future.

I care but my life doesn't revolve around Donald Trump. I set the boundries and tone for my own future. I can survive no matter what.....I hope at some point you come to the realization that no president controls your life.
I care but my life doesn't revolve around Donald Trump. I set the boundries and tone for my own future. I can survive no matter what.....I hope at some point you come to the realization that no president controls your life.

Hey Sandbar! You should check out my post above, it’s pretty long but lays out why the evidence presented thus far argues for Trump to be acquitted. The mainstream media doesn’t dig into the legality of things but that’s absolutely crucial for deciding if based on the evidence presented he should be impeached or acquitted. Hopefully tomorrow we get a vote acquitting Trump so our country can focus on other matters.
Get Trump out now and give enough time for Kasich, Haley, or someone else before it is too late? Or even Pence if he's not also going down?
I think Kasich would make an awesome POTUS and America would thrive under his leadership. Unfortunately, the Repubs won't vote to remove him and with the weak field the Dems have running... Trump will most likely win in 2020 and he will become even more chaotic and the the chasm will deepen.
Hey Sandbar! You should check out my post above, it’s pretty long but lays out why the evidence presented thus far argues for Trump to be acquitted. The mainstream media doesn’t dig into the legality of things but that’s absolutely crucial for deciding if based on the evidence presented he should be impeached or acquitted. Hopefully tomorrow we get a vote acquitting Trump so our country can focus on other matters.

Yes....it was a great read!
I think Kasich would make an awesome POTUS and America would thrive under his leadership. Unfortunately, the Repubs won't vote to remove him and with the weak field the Dems have running... Trump will most likely win in 2020 and he will become even more chaotic and the the chasm will deepen.

Millions of Americans are thriving under Trump including myself. Why would I want Kasich?
According to Gallup polls this week, Americans satisfaction with life in this country is the highest its been in 15 years. Everything from the economy to race relations is up several points since Trump's inauguration in 2017......
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