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Political Thread

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By that token, if you are going to investigate to the point of impeachment, a simple phone call about corruption then whats next? Im sure you could really care less about aid to friggin Ukraine. This is the type of thing that you just dont pay attention to because it affects you in no way, shape or form. Investigating is not the issue here. You are talking about impeachment! This is not good for our country. They could have impeached Obama over far worse than this but they didn't. The reason is because our founders did not put this in to our constitution for some willy nilly BS like this.

Why do you guys keep arguing this point, this is a strawman....Trump was impeached for abuse of power stemming from withholding congressional appropriated funds to Ukraine in order to get their president to announce fake investigations in order to damage a political rivals campaign prospects. Trump was not impeached due to a "simple" phone call What Trump did is the very thing the founders put impeachment in the Constitution for.....
Why do you guys keep arguing this point, this is a strawman....Trump was impeached for abuse of power stemming from withholding congressional appropriated funds to Ukraine in order to get their president to announce fake investigations in order to damage a political rivals campaign prospects. Trump was not impeached due to a "simple" phone call What Trump did is the very thing the founders put impeachment in the Constitution for.....

They got the funds. Were always going to get them. The Ukrainian president said he was never pressured into anything. This entire process of trying to overturn the 2016 election is an abuse of power. Do you care? Nope, because anything to get Trump out of the white house is A-Ok in your book. Like I said before, your well respected Nikki Haley even agrees with me!
They got the funds. Were always going to get them. The Ukrainian president said he was never pressured into anything. This entire process of trying to overturn the 2016 election is an abuse of power. Do you care? Nope, because anything to get Trump out of the white house is A-Ok in your book. Like I said before, your well respected Nikki Haley even agrees with me!

Again the funds should never have been put on hold, and Trump only released them after the story broke....if I attempt to extort you by withholding money from you for a certain period of time but then give you the money when the police start asking questions I still committed a crime correct?
I hope everyone had a chance to watch Deusherwitz tonight. Point blank call out his party for trying to impeach a president who did nothing close to warrant impeachment. No Crime Was Committed. Point Blank. This is a serious witch hunt that is all politically driven. Founding fathers laid it out to never let this happen, but here we are. You cant impeach a president cause you dont like him when he never committed a crime thats impeachable.Again I cant emphasize enough, if u dont like Trump or his Captilist, MAGA policies,then go vote in several months. But quit trying to overthrow an election from 3 years ago. Stand on your ideas, own candidate and best man/woman win. He never colluded lol and HE DID NOT COMMITT AN IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE. Who cares who does or does not testify. Its irrelevant. NO IMPEACHABLE CRIME WAS COMMITTED.
I hope everyone had a chance to watch Deusherwitz tonight. Point blank call out his party for trying to impeach a president who did nothing close to warrant impeachment. No Crime Was Committed. Point Blank. This is a serious witch hunt that is all politically driven. Founding fathers laid it out to never let this happen, but here we are. You cant impeach a president cause you dont like him when he never committed a crime thats impeachable.Again I cant emphasize enough, if u dont like Trump or his Captilist, MAGA policies,then go vote in several months. But quit trying to overthrow an election from 3 years ago. Stand on your ideas, own candidate and best man/woman win.

I thought it didn't have to be an actual crime to impeach. I'm confused.
I hope everyone had a chance to watch Deusherwitz tonight. Point blank call out his party for trying to impeach a president who did nothing close to warrant impeachment. No Crime Was Committed. Point Blank. This is a serious witch hunt that is all politically driven. Founding fathers laid it out to never let this happen, but here we are. You cant impeach a president cause you dont like him when he never committed a crime thats impeachable.Again I cant emphasize enough, if u dont like Trump or his Captilist, MAGA policies,then go vote in several months. But quit trying to overthrow an election from 3 years ago. Stand on your ideas, own candidate and best man/woman win.

He nailed it...The Democratic Impeachment ship is sinking fast...Thank God this farce is coming to an end...I predict no witnesses
Watch Deusherwitz. As neutral and anti Trump as anyone. If you want it laid,spelled out, its there for you. CNN carried it in its entirety. Then join a grassroots campaign for the Dem nominee, plenty to choose from and get on board. Your not gonna get rid of Trump with this charade. Hopefully itll be over by the weekend and we can keep the MAGA gravy train rolling. Capitalism and Constituentlist will prevail in 2020
It doesnt. Even Dershowitz himself says so. Skip to around the 5 to 5:35 mark.

And watch tonight, he point blank says when he said that he was wrong, laid it out. Watch it all boys, dont be afraid. Even states how he disagrees with Trump on host of policies.
I am a conservative Bible Believing regular ole joe. I want to be clear, it is perfectly fine to disagree with each other and debate. To be honest I aint one for spending time on message boards arguing politics lol at todays multiple post. I expect to take it,just like I give it. Obviously I have 180 degree opinion, core beliefs than some on here. However I do value each one of you in this wx community and still value all your contributions , espeacilly Gawx. So as we type, debate, and whole heartedly disagree its all fine imo. I still have no ill will and I know several of you on the other side feel the same. Sincerely keep being you. Last thing I want to do is be silent or drive someone off the board permanetly from what we all are here for. I mean what I say when posting my political viewpoints and make no apologies for them. But I also do really value all you guys wx wise. GAWX you are still the man , even though we will debate Trump till cows come home. So its all in good faith. Dont think Ive ever skipped a GAwx post.
Now I'm really confused. o_O

Nothing to be confused about, ask yourself one simple question, what kind of trial did Dershowitz just ramble on in for several hrs.......an impeachment trial.....abuse of power and what Trump is accused of is EXACTLY what the founders included impeachment for, it really is plain as day in their writings. Crimes were not the same thing then that they are today, the founders spent lots of time talking about things like foreign influence etc and what Trump was doing certainly would meet that criteria.....this is a smoke and mirrors by the Trump team to set the stage for the inevitable even if Trump did do it was ok defense.
He nailed it...The Democratic Impeachment ship is sinking fast...Thank God this farce is coming to an end...I predict no witnesses
You would think the Democratic Party would like Trump... He is more Democrat then Republican in my opinion...
Now I'm really confused. o_O

Heres a good summary of the Starr disaster.

Starr assigned Kavanaugh to play a key role in authoring Starr’s report to Congress, which included a section setting forth potential bases for impeaching the president; among them was a claim that Clinton should be impeached for going to court to assert the executive privilege in the first place. According to Starr and Kavanaugh, the privilege assertion was itself impeachable, because it was purportedly meritless and Clinton had managed to use the privilege litigation to delay Starr’s investigation. As the Starr Report put it, the temporary delay amounted to an illicit “conceal[ment]” by Clinton of his “personal misconduct.” Starr and Kavanaugh also argued that Clinton should be impeached because he refused to voluntarily testify himself, despite the fact that (unlike Trump) Clinton ultimately testified after receiving a subpoena; once again, mere delay was deemed potentially impeachable.

it serves to reenforce that Trump is not afraid to blatantly lie. There's no way I can take him at his word for anything. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a bunch of times, will I ever learn? (I used this same line of thinking for the relentless GEFS cold bias.)

At some point with all of the blatant lying, don't you start to question Trump's defense of himself with regard to Ukraine and other matters?
That is a big fat no. Trump has no reason to lie to us. OMG! Maybe the enemy and the corrupt. What is the end game for him lying all the time? He is not the prez that illegally spied and lived a lie. Why does no one care about the spying and the cover up of unmasking millions of Americans? The corrupt FBI? The C!A? Carter Page? Nobody cares about poor Carter Page? The illegal FISA warrants? FISA court?
Do people not get tired of questioning Trump and being so frustrated? Questioning everyyyy singlee thing he does. It's really time to just stop all of this. Three years? Really? Please for the love of God. Give the man a break, he has had the same stance on America and our government for a very long time. Let him try to fix it. Vote him out if ya don't like him but lawd...He does not in any way deserve this craziness and neither does his family. The Ukraine is not just about the Bidens and the phone call. Q and others have been talking about the countries that were part of illegal spying, collusion and interfering in the election from the start and Ukraine is one of the countries. If people would pause and quit jumping the gun, they will eventually see what happens. Australia, Itally, Uk etc too. Everybody's focus is on the wrong thing deliberately so by msm. Trump is not a threat to us, he is a threat to corrupt swamp and the treasonous traders so please. They are using people who buy into their rhetoric for cover and to push a narrative. Trump is not going to hurt us. He is going to hurt THEM! It's not a game. Are we not happy about all the Human Trafficking and pedo rings being busted up and brought to light? Who is responsible for that? Trump!
I was about to say you like that fool me once line. LOL. I saw you used that for the GEFS too... deservingly so. LOl.
That is a big fat no. Trump has no reason to lie to us. OMG! Maybe the enemy and the corrupt. What is the end game for him lying all the time? He is not the prez that illegally spied and lived a lie. Why does no one care about the spying and the cover up of unmasking millions of Americans? The corrupt FBI? The C!A? Carter Page? Nobody cares about poor Carter Page? The illegal FISA warrants? FISA court?
Do people not get tired of questioning Trump and being so frustrated? Questioning everyyyy singlee thing he does. It's really time to just stop all of this. Three years? Really? Please for the love of God. Give the man a break, he has had the same stance on America and our government for a very long time. Let him try to fix it. Vote him out if ya don't like him but lawd...He does not in any way deserve this craziness and neither does his family. The Ukraine is not just about the Bidens and the phone call. Q and others have been talking about the countries that were part of illegal spying, collusion and interfering in the election from the start and Ukraine is one of the countries. If people would pause and quit jumping the gun, they will eventually see what happens. Australia, Itally, Uk etc too. Everybody's focus is on the wrong thing deliberately so by msm. Trump is not a threat to us, he is a threat to corrupt swamp and the treasonous traders so please. They are using people who buy into their rhetoric for cover and to push a narrative. Trump is not going to hurt us. He is going to hurt THEM! It's not a game. Are we not happy about all the Human Trafficking and pedo rings being busted up and brought to light? Who is responsible for that? Trump!
I was about to say you like that fool me once line. LOL. I saw you used that for the GEFS too... deservingly so. LOl.
"End Game?" The dude is a blatant, verifiable, pathological liar. Open your eyes, and read. He's lied, bluffed, backtracked, on a zillions f-n topics.
How about Trump telling 1,000s of lies within just 3 years?
Stop. Just stop. How can an intelligent person like yourself say things like this? Have you ever tried speaking to leaders of other countries to have to make deals to keep us safe? Make decisions to take terrorist out and keep the world from going crazy over it? To please everyone and keep harmony in the whole dern country? Go to meeting after meeting, travel all over the world, call the military families about their childrens deaths, know you and your whole family have targets on their backs 24/7 and that people actually want you DEAD, make good on your promises to the people, figure out what to do about the border, keep China in check, keep NK in check, keep Russia in check, clean up the known corruption, keep children from being sold, address the homeless issues, the drug issues? Put yourself in his shoes for just a second. We would be worn slap out just living in his shoes for a week. But let's just sit back and dis on him along with a bunch of jack ass fake journalists while he's doing all the work. What the heck??? Why don't you do as in your above post about the Bidens and put them under the microscope for a while and see just how much and who lies to you. Then start with others and go down the list. People's skepticism is misplaced. Go all the way around your elbow to get to your thumb to see just what is really going on here. The truth is going to be shocking and disgusting. "These people will not even be able to walk down the street"
"End Game?" The dude is a blatant, verifiable, pathological liar. Open your eyes, and read. He's lied, bluffed, backtracked, on a zillions f-n topics.
Yes, what is the end game for him? What does he gain? My eyes are wide open. Your being duped by media. He is not going to hurt you. He is going to hurt THEM (the corrupt deep state). He is not after us, he's after THEM. We will all be better off in the end with the swamp exposed and nothing is going to stop what is coming. The days of the deep state players that are really lying to us, stealing our money and selling us out to other countries are over...accountability via Trump, his military team, the patriots and all of us that are awake.
Yes, what is the end game for him? What does he gain? My eyes are wide open. Your being duped by media. He is not going to hurt you. He is going to hurt THEM (the corrupt deep state). He is not after us, he's after THEM. We will all be better off in the end with the swamp exposed and nothing is going to stop what is coming. The days of the deep state players that are really lying to us, stealing our money and selling us out to other countries are over...accountability via Trump, his military team, the patriots and all of us that are awake.

In November trump stands to get voted out. No deep state takedown. None of the stuff Q says will have happened. Q is some 20yr old that has too much time on his hands.

Trump lies all day everyday. I dont believe him 99% of the time.
Shaggy,Downeast, anyone else. Who will you be voting for in November. Its not Trump obviously. Who you got? Tell all us who is gonna run aganst this stellar record of accomplishments and convince Americans that Socialism is the way to go. Abandon 200+ years of Capitalism that has made this country we live in the greatest Empire in the history of the world. Im serious, the only aurgument the left has is Trump is [fill in the blank]. You think 50% plus of Americans will embrace socialism and abandon the free Capitalist democracy that weve so richly benefitted from. I keep waiting for liberals to tell me how Socialism will work better. Cause that is the Democrat party platform.
All I get is crickets and Trumps character is garbage. I challenge you to stand and speak for your vision of socialism that the Democrats embrace and make their platform. You honestly think we are blind sheep willing to be led to the slaughter believing that a socialist government is gonna work better than what we currently have?

The whole push for this impeachment,the collusion coupe that blew up in the face of the left is solely because Democrats can not win on their socialist agenda. Ive yet to read one post from you guys why Socialism,the Democrat platform is better than the Capitalism platform Trump has governed by. Is it because your ashamed of it, dont have confidence in it? Curious, love to find out.
Shaggy,Downeast, anyone else. Who will you be voting for in November. Its not Trump obviously. Who you got? Tell all us who is gonna run aganst this stellar record of accomplishments and convince Americans that Socialism is the way to go. Abandon 200+ years of Capitalism that has made this country we live in the greatest Empire in the history of the world. Im serious, the only aurgument the left has is Trump is [fill in the blank]. You think 50% plus of Americans will embrace socialism and abandon the free Capitalist democracy that weve so richly benefitted from. I keep waiting for liberals to tell me how Socialism will work better. Cause that is the Democrat party platform.
All I get is crickets and Trumps character is garbage. I challenge you to stand and speak for your vision of socialism that the Democrats embrace and make their platform. You honestly think we are blind sheep willing to be led to the slaughter believing that a socialist government is gonna work better than what we currently have?

The whole push for this impeachment,the collusion coupe that blew up in the face of the left is solely because Democrats can not win on their socialist agenda. Ive yet to read one post from you guys why Socialism,the Democrat platform is better than the Capitalism platform Trump has governed by. Is it because your ashamed of it, dont have confidence in it? Curious, love to find out.

LOL I am not voting for Trump or a Democrat so I will either write in someone like Kasich or I will go with a 3rd party though right now there is not one I would support.....I am probably more of a true conservative than most "conservatives" on this board.....I know this may shock you but I can not like and support Trump and also not like and support any of the Dems.....crazy huh....
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Shaggy,Downeast, anyone else. Who will you be voting for in November. Its not Trump obviously. Who you got? Tell all us who is gonna run aganst this stellar record of accomplishments and convince Americans that Socialism is the way to go. Abandon 200+ years of Capitalism that has made this country we live in the greatest Empire in the history of the world. Im serious, the only aurgument the left has is Trump is [fill in the blank]. You think 50% plus of Americans will embrace socialism and abandon the free Capitalist democracy that weve so richly benefitted from. I keep waiting for liberals to tell me how Socialism will work better. Cause that is the Democrat party platform.
All I get is crickets and Trumps character is garbage. I challenge you to stand and speak for your vision of socialism that the Democrats embrace and make their platform. You honestly think we are blind sheep willing to be led to the slaughter believing that a socialist government is gonna work better than what we currently have?

The whole push for this impeachment,the collusion coupe that blew up in the face of the left is solely because Democrats can not win on their socialist agenda. Ive yet to read one post from you guys why Socialism,the Democrat platform is better than the Capitalism platform Trump has governed by. Is it because your ashamed of it, dont have confidence in it? Curious, love to find out.

You havent read a post from me saying socialism is better because it isnt. Theres a quote that says "conservatism is what I believe in not who I believe in". This rings true with me. Trump doesnt make me a conservative plain and simple.

Trumps economy is great. We can debate what he has done to deserve credit but that's pointless. What i do know is this economy wont last forever.

Heres the dilemma. What are you willing to trade for that 5 year long economic stretch? What kind of country are we saving if our presidents become more like kings? What kind of country are we saving if we abandon our constitution to save our 401ks?

The precedents being set here by trump are dangerous. Theres more to this than a good 401k.
That is a big fat no. Trump has no reason to lie to us. OMG! Maybe the enemy and the corrupt. What is the end game for him lying all the time? He is not the prez that illegally spied and lived a lie. Why does no one care about the spying and the cover up of unmasking millions of Americans? The corrupt FBI? The C!A? Carter Page? Nobody cares about poor Carter Page? The illegal FISA warrants? FISA court?
Do people not get tired of questioning Trump and being so frustrated? Questioning everyyyy singlee thing he does. It's really time to just stop all of this. Three years? Really? Please for the love of God. Give the man a break, he has had the same stance on America and our government for a very long time. Let him try to fix it. Vote him out if ya don't like him but lawd...He does not in any way deserve this craziness and neither does his family. The Ukraine is not just about the Bidens and the phone call. Q and others have been talking about the countries that were part of illegal spying, collusion and interfering in the election from the start and Ukraine is one of the countries. If people would pause and quit jumping the gun, they will eventually see what happens. Australia, Itally, Uk etc too. Everybody's focus is on the wrong thing deliberately so by msm. Trump is not a threat to us, he is a threat to corrupt swamp and the treasonous traders so please. They are using people who buy into their rhetoric for cover and to push a narrative. Trump is not going to hurt us. He is going to hurt THEM! It's not a game. Are we not happy about all the Human Trafficking and pedo rings being busted up and brought to light? Who is responsible for that? Trump!
I was about to say you like that fool me once line. LOL. I saw you used that for the GEFS too... deservingly so. LOl.
Windmills cause cancer?
Shaggy,Downeast, anyone else. Who will you be voting for in November. Its not Trump obviously. Who you got? Tell all us who is gonna run aganst this stellar record of accomplishments and convince Americans that Socialism is the way to go. Abandon 200+ years of Capitalism that has made this country we live in the greatest Empire in the history of the world. Im serious, the only aurgument the left has is Trump is [fill in the blank]. You think 50% plus of Americans will embrace socialism and abandon the free Capitalist democracy that weve so richly benefitted from. I keep waiting for liberals to tell me how Socialism will work better. Cause that is the Democrat party platform.
All I get is crickets and Trumps character is garbage. I challenge you to stand and speak for your vision of socialism that the Democrats embrace and make their platform. You honestly think we are blind sheep willing to be led to the slaughter believing that a socialist government is gonna work better than what we currently have?

The whole push for this impeachment,the collusion coupe that blew up in the face of the left is solely because Democrats can not win on their socialist agenda. Ive yet to read one post from you guys why Socialism,the Democrat platform is better than the Capitalism platform Trump has governed by. Is it because your ashamed of it, dont have confidence in it? Curious, love to find out.
It's dangerous to think those who don't support trump support socialism. I don't like any of the major names and likely won't be voting for any of the presidential candidates since I know trump will win again regardless due to unappealing competition. I will be voting locally however on things that more directly affect me.
In November trump stands to get voted out. No deep state takedown. None of the stuff Q says will have happened. Q is some 20yr old that has too much time on his hands.

Trump lies all day everyday. I dont believe him 99% of the time.

I don't believe any politician 99% of the time because they all lie frequently...
Shaggy,Downeast, anyone else. Who will you be voting for in November. Its not Trump obviously. Who you got? Tell all us who is gonna run aganst this stellar record of accomplishments and convince Americans that Socialism is the way to go. Abandon 200+ years of Capitalism that has made this country we live in the greatest Empire in the history of the world. Im serious, the only aurgument the left has is Trump is [fill in the blank]. You think 50% plus of Americans will embrace socialism and abandon the free Capitalist democracy that weve so richly benefitted from. I keep waiting for liberals to tell me how Socialism will work better. Cause that is the Democrat party platform.
All I get is crickets and Trumps character is garbage. I challenge you to stand and speak for your vision of socialism that the Democrats embrace and make their platform. You honestly think we are blind sheep willing to be led to the slaughter believing that a socialist government is gonna work better than what we currently have?

The whole push for this impeachment,the collusion coupe that blew up in the face of the left is solely because Democrats can not win on their socialist agenda. Ive yet to read one post from you guys why Socialism,the Democrat platform is better than the Capitalism platform Trump has governed by. Is it because your ashamed of it, dont have confidence in it? Curious, love to find out.
Trump didn't get close to 50 percent of the votes last time and I doubt will this time. The election will be decided in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Almost every other state will be easy to predict and will stay the same color as last election. Three million more people voted for Hillary but Trump won these three swing States by a very slim margin.
LOL I am not voting for Trump or a Democrat so I will either write in someone like Kasich or I will go with a 3rd party though right now there is not one I would support.....I am probably more of a true conservative than most "conservatives" on this board.....I know this may shock you but I can not like and support Trump and also not like and support any of the Dems.....crazy huh....

What the hell is a "true conservative"?....LOL. I know the book version. I have heard 1,000 versions from a 1,000 people about what a "true" conservative is. What you need to be focused on is REALITY! So many of you have tricked yourself into thinking somebody like Kasich would just waltz in and flip this country into the vision you want. Trump has stood up to them as much as anyone we have had since Raegan. You don't like him because he is arrogant and self centered and I get that. You can say what you want and tell me I am wrong but your emotions have overtaken your ability to see the positives. I am conservative too but I am also a realist....
You havent read a post from me saying socialism is better because it isnt. Theres a quote that says "conservatism is what I believe in not who I believe in". This rings true with me. Trump doesnt make me a conservative plain and simple.

Trumps economy is great. We can debate what he has done to deserve credit but that's pointless. What i do know is this economy wont last forever.

Heres the dilemma. What are you willing to trade for that 5 year long economic stretch? What kind of country are we saving if our presidents become more like kings? What kind of country are we saving if we abandon our constitution to save our 401ks?

The precedents being set here by trump are dangerous. Theres more to this than a good 401k.

Well for me personally there was a lot that went into voting for Trump the first time, here's just a few reasons why.
1. Trump promised to be tough on illegal immigration and to build the wall. Illegal immigration has a significant impact on various areas of life, especially for those who are near the border and on our economy as well. This was an important issue as open borders policies are quite destructive to the sovereignty of a nation (and safety of its citizens).
2. The reality that the person who won in 2016, either Hillary or Trump, would be putting up at least 1 person on the Supreme Court. Since most of our constitutional freedoms are decided via litigation that end up here it was absolutely crucial to me that we have a president who would put in a person who would uphold the constitution. Trump has followed through on his promise here with 2 solid supreme court picks.
3. The shaping of the federal judiciary. There would be a significant number of vacancies for a president to fill. Trump has been shaping the judiciary in a way that will last for decades to come with a conservative slant that upholds our constitution. Had Hillary won we would have lost the Supreme Court and would have seen the judiciary continue to decline as more liberal judges took over. Guess what happens when key 2nd amendment or other constitutional freedoms come up in litigation? That's right, you lose your freedoms because of a liberal judiciary. Trump has stopped that from happening and that was huge for me.
4. The economy was a key point, whether one gives credit to Trump or not it has been doing quite well so far.
5. Abortion, Hillary was for taking the lives of babies not born while Trump is strongly against it.

The reality of the situation in 2016 was we faced the prospects of losing the Supreme Court and various divisions of the federal judiciary to strongly liberal, anti-constitution majority had Hillary won. We also faced the prospect of open borders and in Hillary a person who would push abortion. There are plenty of other reasons as well but these were the keys for why I voted in Trump in 2016 and I don't regret it for one second. I'll also be voting for him in 2020 and looking forward to another 4 years of Trump while the liberals and "never trumpers" explode with seething anger at the American people for electing him again.
The national polls are meaningless because around 40 states don't even need to count votes to know who won. The other ten or less are where it's decided.
It's a shame isnt it. Its our fault though.

It's been this way for thousands of years, look at every civilization's political system and you will see this is nothing new and impossible to get rid of when it comes to politics. The Roman government was far more corrupt than ours is and that was 2,000 years ago. Politics always has been and always will be this way; the political leaders are simply a reflection of the moral condition of the people of the country.
No vote is a vote. Everyone has to make a choice. When you dont vote, youve made one.Listen Im as conservative as they come. Im also as anti establishment as youll find. It gnaws me how a lot of the republican party members are the kasich,Romney,McCain types. They dont hold true to pure conservative principals. Sway with the wind. You will also be suprised to learn, Im not a fan of Trump the person. However I am a fan of Trumps agenda and how he has governed to implement it. If I could pick one thing about Trump that I appreciate its his intestinal fortitude to stand up to the mainstream media and Washington establishment. Call em out and not back down. Do I wish our president could be more statesman, not name call twitter etc. Absoloutely.
I get so tired of the media and leftist infiltrated academia painting folks like myself as a greedy ole white man bible thumper who wants to starve old people and children, wreck the enviroment, and enslave everyone whos not of the same beleif or skin color as me. Thats sounds like an opiionated , unfounded rant. Reality is ,its not. Usually the Republican party just rolls over and plays dead for the past several decades and lets liberal media, academia,Democrats define them this way. But in 2016 along comes a guy who has an ego as wide as the grand canyon, who finally stands up to them . And isnt afraid to expose the other side for who they are. Its funny how folks want to throw out how concerened they are with the constitution being perserved etc as a reason Trump has to be impeached, when he hasnt done one thing to violate it. These same folks will then stand ideally by in November at the risk of allowing a Democrat Candidate to get elected and really turn the constitution on its head in order to give birth to the Democrat platform/agenda, turning America into a Socialist Country.
What the hell is a "true conservative"?....LOL. I know the book version. I have heard 1,000 versions from a 1,000 people about what a "true" conservative is. What you need to be focused on is REALITY! So many of you have tricked yourself into thinking somebody like Kasich would just waltz in and flip this country into the vision you want. Trump has stood up to them as much as anyone we have had since Raegan. You don't like him because he is arrogant and self centered and I get that. You can say what you want and tell me I am wrong but your emotions have overtaken your ability to see the positives. I am conservative too but I am also a realist....

I love how you always tell me how I am thinking or that I am somehow not rooted in reality.....my emotions dont overtake me, I do not understand why you think people judging Trump on his character make them emotional, its just odd. I can easily see positives, Trumps negatives greatly outweigh them though....I could just as easily say your emotions have overtaken you ability to see the negative and harmful things Trump is doing to the nation......see how that works. However I think you do see the negative you just dont care...

I am just a old school neocon, small government, strong state, free market kind of conservative....to many conservatives nowadays like to spend money and dont about debt, hell Trump is raising the debt faster than practically anyone else ever.
No vote is a vote. Everyone has to make a choice. When you dont vote, youve made one.Listen Im as conservative as they come. Im also as anti establishment as youll find. It gnaws me how a lot of the republican party members are the kasich,Romney,McCain types. They dont hold true to pure conservative principals. Sway with the wind. You will also be suprised to learn, Im not a fan of Trump the person. However I am a fan of Trumps agenda and how he has governed to implement it. If I could pick one thing about Trump that I appreciate its his intestinal fortitude to stand up to the mainstream media and Washington establishment. Call em out and not back down. Do I wish our president could be more statesman, not name call twitter etc. Absoloutely.
I get so tired of the media and leftist infiltrated academia painting folks like myself as a greedy ole white man bible thumper who wants to starve old people and children, wreck the enviroment, and enslave everyone whos not of the same beleif or skin color as me. Thats sounds like an opiionated , unfounded rant. Reality is ,its not. Usually the Republican party just rolls over and plays dead for the past several decades and lets liberal media, academia,Democrats define them this way. But in 2016 along comes a guy who has an ego as wide as the grand canyon, who finally stands up to them . And isnt afraid to expose the other side for who they are. Its funny how folks want to throw out how concerened they are with the constitution being perserved etc as a reason Trump has to be impeached, when he hasnt done one thing to violate it. These same folks will then stand ideally by in November at the risk of allowing a Democrat Candidate to get elected and really turn the constitution on its head in order to give birth to the Democrat platform/agenda, turning America into a Socialist Country.


Just as dangerous as it may be to assume those who don't like Trump are either socialist or support it, it's also just as dangerous to assume those who voted for him are racist, homophobic bigots.... names many of us who did vote for him have heard. It's really why there is such a sharp divide in this country, it's not Trumps fault, it's how each individual reacts to his personality, his policies, his speech, etc. Both sides are guilty of reacting and overreacting in such a way that causes the sharp divisiveness. But I'll be honest, being considered a racist because of who I voted for is down right insulting.... judging individuals entirely on one election cycle, what has happened?
No vote is a vote. Everyone has to make a choice. When you dont vote, youve made one.Listen Im as conservative as they come. Im also as anti establishment as youll find. It gnaws me how a lot of the republican party members are the kasich,Romney,McCain types. They dont hold true to pure conservative principals. Sway with the wind. You will also be suprised to learn, Im not a fan of Trump the person. However I am a fan of Trumps agenda and how he has governed to implement it. If I could pick one thing about Trump that I appreciate its his intestinal fortitude to stand up to the mainstream media and Washington establishment. Call em out and not back down. Do I wish our president could be more statesman, not name call twitter etc. Absoloutely.
I get so tired of the media and leftist infiltrated academia painting folks like myself as a greedy ole white man bible thumper who wants to starve old people and children, wreck the enviroment, and enslave everyone whos not of the same beleif or skin color as me. Thats sounds like an opiionated , unfounded rant. Reality is ,its not. Usually the Republican party just rolls over and plays dead for the past several decades and lets liberal media, academia,Democrats define them this way. But in 2016 along comes a guy who has an ego as wide as the grand canyon, who finally stands up to them . And isnt afraid to expose the other side for who they are. Its funny how folks want to throw out how concerened they are with the constitution being perserved etc as a reason Trump has to be impeached, when he hasnt done one thing to violate it. These same folks will then stand ideally by in November at the risk of allowing a Democrat Candidate to get elected and really turn the constitution on its head in order to give birth to the Democrat platform/agenda, turning America into a Socialist Country.

Very good post sir!
Heres a headline in the Washington Post today lol.

CNN's Don Lemon and guests mock Trump supporters as uneducated and illiterate
by Mike Brest
| January 28, 2020 07:59 AM

Thats me. Now Ill be the first to admit despite my college degree and some common sense, I surely am not,nor claim to be one of the brightest out there. But this is par for the course. The Dems/Liberal Socialist movement think folks like me are the biggest threat to life the way they think it should be. I voted for Trump, Beleive in the Bible and regard it as the absoloute truth.
Folks like me have no business making a choice on who should and shouldnt lead our country. They(Dems) are more educated and know whats best for people like me. To them I should never be allowed to decide who and what policies,laws should be governing us.
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