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Political Thread

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This is backassward thinking, this argument is literally this----even though Trump violates the laws and Constitution its ok because it would be worse if the Dems win and somehow take away all our Constitutional freedoms....this is fear mongering we survived Obama didnt we and people said the same thing when he won, and the Dems screamed that crap when W won.....what is really a scary thought though is this is how dictators rise to power, this is how democracy die......its a slow steady slide down the slippery slope where more and more illegal and questionable actions become ok till finally someone just decides to put off elections for "insert reason here".....that is what happens when we ignore our leaders slowly taking more power from the people.

You completely missed the point. The American public, whether right or wrong, didn't care about impeaching Clinton. They only cared about the economy and life going well for them. It may turn out much the same way in this election where so long as the economy is doing well people still vote for him and the democrats pay a price instead of the republicans.

Regarding the line of logic mentioned, you can view it however you want but reality is you have the democrats going much further left/liberal than Obama, with Bernie an open socialist and dangerous ideology that he would seek to implement. We have already been seeing a slow, steady slide down the slippery slope with more illegal and questionable actions for a number of years under Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc so don't try to pin that on Trump. Furthermore it's the liberals that are trying to take our guns, restrict free speech, do away with the electoral college, etc. It's also the liberals who have weaponized impeachment by starting a CAMPAIGN to impeach Trump the same day he was inaugurated. Does that not worry you whatsoever? If it does, why not spend some time discussing that too instead of "Trump bad" all the time? You claim to be all about the constitution but all I ever see you talking about is Trump and not any of the other dangers out there from other candidates/leaders.
Trump is a liar period. Cannot understand his wild popularity with his base and sadly he probably will not be impeached. Almost anyone running against him would be a better choice.

All politicians are chronic liars, some are just better at covering it up or lie more/less than others.
that is what happens when we ignore our leaders slowly taking more power from the people.

I think people have pretty much made up their minds about this impeachment thing.

But what I hope people have not yet closed their minds to is the prospect of changing the future. We the people are in charge here, and it will always be so if we refuse to cede that power. If we decide we are Republicans or Democrats first, I think we are in danger. If, however, we decide we are Americans first, then the future is bright.

Part of the problem with two dominant political parties is that we often choose to be one because it's not the other. But just because I don't like Democrats doesn't mean I should vote Republican. We should be voting FOR something, not AGAINST something else.

The next time somebody says to you, "But a vote for X is basically a vote for Y!" tell them, "No, a vote for X is a vote for X." Don't play the political party game. We all end up losing that one.
Trump is a liar period. Cannot understand his wild popularity with his base and sadly he probably will not be impeached. Almost anyone running against him would be a better choice.
Hey I’m new here.? I love the weather always have but just wanted to comment on this so don’t hate me but I have been following everyone for a little while now mostly on the weather part but I had to comment on this?. Obama should’ve been impeached all this happened under his presidency.. fast and furious , V.A scandal, IRS scandal, Benghazi, Iran ransom, solyndra, wiretapping journalist, NSA spying, FISA abuse and also would you rather have a socialist and watch the market crash because that’s exactly what would happen under a democrat socialist look no further than what’s going on in the inner cities ran by democrats. Look a polosi district of San Francisco... homeless and tent city while she has a multi million dollar home surround by a large concrete wall. What is she doing to help her district?? Nothing!! Democrats have done nothing to work for the American people because they have been focused on getting rid of their president from day one and it has consumed them and have got nothing done!! Thanks
This is backassward thinking, this argument is literally this----even though Trump violates the laws and Constitution its ok because it would be worse if the Dems win and somehow take away all our Constitutional freedoms....this is fear mongering we survived Obama didnt we and people said the same thing when he won, and the Dems screamed that crap when W won.....what is really a scary thought though is this is how dictators rise to power, this is how democracy die......its a slow steady slide down the slippery slope where more and more illegal and questionable actions become ok till finally someone just decides to put off elections for "insert reason here".....that is what happens when we ignore our leaders slowly taking more power from the people.
This would be acceptable (to impeach Trump) except for you are clearly wrong about the Dems goals and the threat to personal freedoms. The Dems candidates' are openly anti-second amendment, are against free speech protections and gave us Obama care (passed without even reading the damn thing). They didn't care if it was forcing people to pay for a service they didn't want. If it's fear mongering, they are instigating it. Maybe they don't really mean it, this time, but their track record shows otherwise (see Virginia 2020). How much more totalitarian can you get? I was against impeaching Clinton, by the way. I was embarrassed for the Republicans then and still think they over-played their hand. I also was against Trumps nomination. I still don't know why we can't get a candidate worth a damn, from either side. Unfortunately the only way to delay the socialist/communist wave and hope to buy more time to win hearts and educate the voters is to give Trump four more years. Unless the conservatives can post up a really compelling, captivating and charismatic candidate to replace Trump, there is no other logical course of action.
I think people have pretty much made up their minds about this impeachment thing.

But what I hope people have not yet closed their minds to is the prospect of changing the future. We the people are in charge here, and it will always be so if we refuse to cede that power. If we decide we are Republicans or Democrats first, I think we are in danger. If, however, we decide we are Americans first, then the future is bright.

Part of the problem with two dominant political parties is that we often choose to be one because it's not the other. But just because I don't like Democrats doesn't mean I should vote Republican. We should be voting FOR something, not AGAINST something else.

The next time somebody says to you, "But a vote for X is basically a vote for Y!" tell them, "No, a vote for X is a vote for X." Don't play the political party game. We all end up losing that one.
I vote for the one I think will do the most to preserve personal freedom, shrink government and reduce the national debt. I have very few choices.
You completely missed the point. The American public, whether right or wrong, didn't care about impeaching Clinton. They only cared about the economy and life going well for them. It may turn out much the same way in this election where so long as the economy is doing well people still vote for him and the democrats pay a price instead of the republicans.

Regarding the line of logic mentioned, you can view it however you want but reality is you have the democrats going much further left/liberal than Obama, with Bernie an open socialist and dangerous ideology that he would seek to implement. We have already been seeing a slow, steady slide down the slippery slope with more illegal and questionable actions for a number of years under Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc so don't try to pin that on Trump. Furthermore it's the liberals that are trying to take our guns, restrict free speech, do away with the electoral college, etc. It's also the liberals who have weaponized impeachment by starting a CAMPAIGN to impeach Trump the same day he was inaugurated. Does that not worry you whatsoever? If it does, why not spend some time discussing that too instead of "Trump bad" all the time? You claim to be all about the constitution but all I ever see you talking about is Trump and not any of the other dangers out there from other candidates/leaders.

I didnt miss the point at all, in fact you kind of make it for me, the fact that the people only care about the economy and their own success is why we end up with choices like Trump and Hillary.

I also did not try to pin it on Trump, only that a man like him can become president and act the way he does BECAUSE of the things we ignored with those previous presidents....he is a symptom not the cause....he and Hillary were the culmination of people not caring.

The GOP was after Obama from day one they tried to stop everything he did, they had investigations going pretty much the entire 8 yrs Obama was in office....so yeah what the Dems are doing is not something new.....

What can I say Trump pretty much is bad all the time, the man has no business being president, this Ukraine stuff is the tip of the iceberg.....if the nation is stupid enough to put Trump back in the WH for 4 more years then they get to watch the crapshow that will be.....or maybe the GOP can grow a set realize Trump is done and going to be nothing but trouble going forward and move past all this by forcing him out.
It's almost like some can't see the forest for the trees. Why would anybody really waste time on if Trump knows Parnas or not? What does it change? What does it change if Trump talked to Bolton or not? Nothing. The media is sucking you in. 3 long years of trying to find a crime.....People got to learn the schemes of the swamp. Bolton could have been on tv or news shows and all kinds of stuff (including the House committees) before now if he really was concerned and had some huge evidence. But nah...put it in a book. A book that is not on the shelves yet. Leak or get someone else to leak (Vindmans brother?) and have the whole world going crazy to see what's in the book. Brilliant!! The left media would like us to believe it matters about Parnas and Bolton and again using a crook to get things done. Sweet victory is here finally, we found the nail they say. LOL! Give me a break. The illegal spying by corrupt three letter agencies and Obama is the BIG story. I actually think it's too much for people to grasp since it is so damn corrupt. But..it is true and needs to be addressed and exposed. But some people surreeee do not want that happen. Nor all of the other money making corruption either. Shhhhhh, don't mess with the swamp"s sweet deals or they will crucify anybody including the president that gets in their way. Mafia.
Of course it is very interesting that everything the dems bring up and push gives Trump the green light to go at them in public...It's almost like it's choreographed. Popcorn is in order.

it serves to reenforce that Trump is not afraid to blatantly lie. There's no way I can take him at his word for anything. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a bunch of times, will I ever learn? (I used this same line of thinking for the relentless GEFS cold bias.)

At some point with all of the blatant lying, don't you start to question Trump's defense of himself with regard to Ukraine and other matters?
I vote for the one I think will do the most to preserve personal freedom, shrink government and reduce the national debt. I have very few choices.
You will get no help on any of these from both parties. There is no fiscal conservatives left, the debt still grows. The government isn't shrinking and is trying to infringe on many personal rights including gun ownership. Personal freedom is obviously referring to a man's right to own a gun a not a woman's right to choose
This would be acceptable (to impeach Trump) except for you are clearly wrong about the Dems goals and the threat to personal freedoms. The Dems candidates' are openly anti-second amendment, are against free speech protections and gave us Obama care (passed without even reading the damn thing). They didn't care if it was forcing people to pay for a service they didn't want. If it's fear mongering, they are instigating it. Maybe they don't really mean it, this time, but their track record shows otherwise (see Virginia 2020). How much more totalitarian can you get? I was against impeaching Clinton, by the way. I was embarrassed for the Republicans then and still think they over-played their hand. I also was against Trumps nomination. I still don't know why we can't get a candidate worth a damn, from either side. Unfortunately the only way to delay the socialist/communist wave and hope to buy more time to win hearts and educate the voters is to give Trump four more years. Unless the conservatives can post up a really compelling, captivating and charismatic candidate to replace Trump, there is no other logical course of action.

I agree with most of this, however 4 more years of Trump is not the best way to avoid socialism....in fact it will only further embolden it. I would put Haley or Rubio or Martinez etc in office tomorrow if I had a magic wand.....Trump is what is driving this wave of socialism, he is so hated that it is allowing the far left to gain traction, in much the same way Obama allowed the far right wing of the GOP to take over and ended up giving us Trump.

The Dems are not going to turn us into a socialist nation in 4 years hell most of the stuff they support would not even pass Congress, even if they had a slim margin in the senate which is about the best they could hope for if they won out there would be enough middle ground Dems to not let extreme measures pass and then the SCOTUS is there to prevent anything unconstitutional.
I didnt miss the point at all, in fact you kind of make it for me, the fact that the people only care about the economy and their own success is why we end up with choices like Trump and Hillary.

I also did not try to pin it on Trump, only that a man like him can become president and act the way he does BECAUSE of the things we ignored with those previous presidents....he is a symptom not the cause....he and Hillary were the culmination of people not caring.

The GOP was after Obama from day one they tried to stop everything he did, they had investigations going pretty much the entire 8 yrs Obama was in office....so yeah what the Dems are doing is not something new.....

What can I say Trump pretty much is bad all the time, the man has no business being president, this Ukraine stuff is the tip of the iceberg.....if the nation is stupid enough to put Trump back in the WH for 4 more years then they get to watch the crapshow that will be.....or maybe the GOP can grow a set realize Trump is done and going to be nothing but trouble going forward and move past all this by forcing him out.

You said that Trump and the Senate will pay a price for this in the fall... my entire point is that they may not because if the past with Clinton is any indication it will be the party pushing impeachment that pays the price.

The reason Trump won was because he campaigned on issues that the average American is concerned with. The economy, immigration, protecting our country, helping veterans, etc and he targeted key states to win what he needed in the electoral college for a victory. Everyone said he had no chance but his campaign message resonated with American voters and pushed him past all the other GOP candidates.

Yeah the GOP was after Obama from day one and he did a ton of shady/questionable things too, a whole lot more than Trump has IMO. I posted an article yesterday about how impeachment has been weaponized with 3 of the last 9 presidents being impeached. That's concerning IMO.

Maybe try to focus and talk about some positive things he does or focus on the bad that other candidates/leaders do? I get it you don't like him, you hate him and want everyone to hate him like you do. But there is more to life than spending all your time hating someone and trying to get others to feel the same way. Focus on the positive things accomplished or call out the other politicians who are doing plenty of shady/questionable things as well. There's plenty of other political leaders besides Trump who are undermining our constitution but you don't seem to care about calling those people out.
Even though I'm taking Schiff's side, I'm also listening to the Trump's side's attorney Eric Herschmann's focus against Joe Biden. He's making good points imo regarding the Hunter Biden sweetheart deal. The Bidens are looking really bad based on this. So, I'm for investigating the Bidens. Also, this may end up keeping me from even considering voting for Biden if Biden ends up the nominee. Biden I about the only Dem I had been considering voting for.

But, would any of this actually make Trump innocent? I don't see it at this point. I'm still listening to Eric.
I think people have pretty much made up their minds about this impeachment thing.

But what I hope people have not yet closed their minds to is the prospect of changing the future. We the people are in charge here, and it will always be so if we refuse to cede that power. If we decide we are Republicans or Democrats first, I think we are in danger. If, however, we decide we are Americans first, then the future is bright.

Part of the problem with two dominant political parties is that we often choose to be one because it's not the other. But just because I don't like Democrats doesn't mean I should vote Republican. We should be voting FOR something, not AGAINST something else.

The next time somebody says to you, "But a vote for X is basically a vote for Y!" tell them, "No, a vote for X is a vote for X." Don't play the political party game. We all end up losing that one.

Interesting point. I am an independent but I got a third party candidate in my mind in Trump. Because he ran as a Republican means little as you can obviously tell he doesnt bow to anybody in any party. I dont mind a 3rd, 4th or however many parties you have. They can and will be just as easily swayed by lobbyist as the current two parties
I agree with most of this, however 4 more years of Trump is not the best way to avoid socialism....in fact it will only further embolden it. I would put Haley or Rubio or Martinez etc in office tomorrow if I had a magic wand.....Trump is what is driving this wave of socialism, he is so hated that it is allowing the far left to gain traction, in much the same way Obama allowed the far right wing of the GOP to take over and ended up giving us Trump.

The Dems are not going to turn us into a socialist nation in 4 years hell most of the stuff they support would not even pass Congress, even if they had a slim margin in the senate which is about the best they could hope for if they won out there would be enough middle ground Dems to not let extreme measures pass and then the SCOTUS is there to prevent anything unconstitutional.

How is Trump pushing socialism? Who has he emboldened? People who hate success? People who love to be regulated to death. People like you who want Mr. Rogers in the white house? I think you are underestimating the fact that many people who voted for Clinton, lifelong Democrats have bolted from the do nothing party. You might be in for a very rude awakening come November
How is Trump pushing socialism? Who has he emboldened? People who hate success? People who love to be regulated to death. People like you who want Mr. Rogers in the white house? I think you are underestimating the fact that many people who voted for Clinton, lifelong Democrats have bolted from the do nothing party. You might be in for a very rude awakening come November

Trump is not pushing socialism where did I say that? I said he is creating conditions where folks on the far left feel comfortable pushing to the front because they know the Dems will vote for anyone over Trump. So if they can get Sanders or Warren to the top that person will get a lot of support.....I agree however that if Sanders or Warren is the nominee that Trump stands a good chance of winning again. If its Biden then Trump probably loses but it will be close and could go either way though right now the edge is to Biden.
Trump is not pushing socialism where did I say that? I said he is creating conditions where folks on the far left feel comfortable pushing to the front because they know the Dems will vote for anyone over Trump. So if they can get Sanders or Warren to the top that person will get a lot of support.....I agree however that if Sanders or Warren is the nominee that Trump stands a good chance of winning again. If its Biden then Trump probably loses but it will be close and could go either way though right now the edge is to Biden.

Lol.....How does Trump lose to Biden? Are you watching the hellfire storm being bombarded on him right now? Its only going to get worse. In fact I predict an absolute slaughter in November. The economy is rolling and our borders are safer than ever. Im sorry my man but you have 5 more years of America first
The Democratic platform is pure Socialism. No other way to spin it. Thats my whole problem with the liberal progressive Democratic party. I'll be glad to debate anyone its not. Trump hasnt drove the Dems left into Socialism. They've been there for a long time, patiently advancing their agenda one baby step at a time for the past several decades. Im proud they are willing to be open finally about who they are and what they stand for, beleive in. Be true to yourself and who you are, if thats what you beleive in. I wish some Rhinos in our party would do the same. Dont run as a conservative ,get elected then try to please everyone, straddle a fence waiting to see which way the wind blows public opinion, then make your decession.
If a man doesnt beleive in something, he will fall for anything.
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I already stated that I watched the full hour of Schiff presenting 10 reasons why Trump was looking for personal (political) gains in his behavior toward Ukraine as opposed to being motivated by what's best for and consistent with our foreign policy and support for our friend, Ukraine. He backed up every detail of his 10 points with videos and transcripts mainly from Trump admin folks and even from Trump, himself.

You're still doing the "look at the birdie" diversion to my original question about whether or not Trump supporters are ok with Trump blatantly lying about not knowing Parnas.
I can't stand to listen to one minute of that liar talking. How did you survive 60 minutes?
But wait.... I thought the New York Times and anonymous sources were so "reliable" and now Trump is toast? Oh that's right, they have a history of making things up with "anonymous sources" only to later back down... and it wouldn't surprise me if Bolton is using this (lying) to get media attention and promote book sales. We will see, that's why I don't like these "breaking news" stories with "anonymous sources" because they oftentimes get retracted or significantly altered later as the real truth comes out.
Nailed it...... just somebody else wanting to get rich off of this. It doesn't matter whether it is truth or not. It will sell. Next week it will be a best seller in the fiction section.
Nailed it...... just somebody else wanting to get rich off of this. It doesn't matter whether it is truth or not. It will sell. Next week it will be a best seller in the fiction section.

OK, throw Bolton under the bus only because he's saying bad things about your messiah.
How about Trump telling 1,000s of lies within just 3 years?
1,000's? Btw let's all be honest for a second and admit politics make strange bedfellows. A year ago the Dems were roasting Bolton, ready to run him out of the country now they are in love with him. Crazy how that works
He is no messiah. Far from it. However, America is better because of his policies.

But he tells lies so none of it counts. Being pure is a heavy expectation to place on anyone who works in politics especially when for every 1,000 lies you tell there are 10,000 more made up about you by those "pure people" that live to hate you
How about Trump telling 1,000s of lies within just 3 years?

Its no big deal because he does good things for America man.....who cares how corrupt he is as long as he sticks it to those libtards…..

1,000's? Btw let's all be honest for a second and admit politics make strange bedfellows. A year ago the Dems were roasting Bolton, ready to run him out of the country now they are in love with him. Crazy how that works

Even though I'm taking Schiff's side, I'm also listening to the Trump's side's attorney Eric Herschmann's focus against Joe Biden. He's making good points imo regarding the Hunter Biden sweetheart deal. The Bidens are looking really bad based on this. So, I'm for investigating the Bidens. Also, this may end up keeping me from even considering voting for Biden if Biden ends up the nominee. Biden I about the only Dem I had been considering voting for.

But, would any of this actually make Trump innocent? I don't see it at this point. I'm still listening to Eric.

If you claim your neighbor robbed a bank do you get away with robbing him to prove it to the cops?

There are legal avenues trump could have pursued. Legal open channels, but instead he sends non-US people......his private attorney and his clients Fruman and Parnas to Ukraine to dig up dirt instead. This isn't and wasnt about corruption.

The ends dont justify the means in this case. Never will even if they show biden was dirty as can be.
Dangerous waters swirling here ... :eek:

Dangerous waters...actually more like supertoxic waters is how I describe the nauseating AmericanWx political forum. Here is a mere pussycat in comparison. Not even close. For the most part, we're not going beyond robust debate. There's not the namecalling, personal insulting, racism, sexism, bigotry, and rampant profanity of that disgusting forum.
He is no messiah. Far from it. However, America is better because of his policies.

I think this is a fundamental difference in how we view him. His policies in some areas have been good so it is safe to say we better than we were under obama.

The precedents he is setting, most importantly the one we set with this trial will damage America for decades. Do.you really believe a president should be immune from even the slightest investigation as he has claimed?
He is no messiah. Far from it. However, America is better because of his policies.

Perhaps, as I agree with a decent number of his policies even if he is goofy and likes to babble. For example, it is hard to imagine the economy doing better right now though how much Trump is the reason is up for debate as always for any sitting POTUS. For the most part, it isn't his polices that I've been concerned about. It is his often disgusting behavior, and potential abuse of power. His treatment of some of our allies leaves a lot to be desired. I don't like that he is a bully. His treatment of McCain was awful. One can be a strong leader without being a bully. Example: Reagan.
Dangerous waters...actually more like supertoxic waters is how I describe the nauseating AmericanWx political forum. Here is a mere pussycat in comparison. Not even close. For the most part, we're not going beyond robust debate. There's not the namecalling, personal insulting, racism, sexism, bigotry, and rampant profanity of that disgusting forum.
Larry - Just pointing out a macro ... was not restricting my comment to this thread ... there are dangerous eddies in this big river ... for 350 million or so folks ... and ... well, some of the bitterness here is just a representative micro ...
Again ... no comment on substance, just on the overall and overarching ...
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I think this is a fundamental difference in how we view him. His policies in some areas have been good so it is safe to say we better than we were under obama.

The precedents he is setting, most importantly the one we set with this trial will damage America for decades. Do.you really believe a president should be immune from even the slightest investigation as he has claimed?

By that token, if you are going to investigate to the point of impeachment, a simple phone call about corruption then whats next? Im sure you could really care less about aid to friggin Ukraine. This is the type of thing that you just dont pay attention to because it affects you in no way, shape or form. Investigating is not the issue here. You are talking about impeachment! This is not good for our country. They could have impeached Obama over far worse than this but they didn't. The reason is because our founders did not put this in to our constitution for some willy nilly BS like this.
Larry - Just pointing out a macro ...

I (and I assume many here) really do appreciate your advice to be cautious though as political forums can get way out of hand. If it did, I'd want this to be terminated. I still think it hurt AmericanWx.
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