Once people lose trust in the system, it's not coming back without some kind of major reset/collapse/civil war/etc. For a while, the distrust has been mainly at the fringe. It is now becoming more mainstream. Politicians and media are starting to recognize it. Due to this fact, they are weaponizing it. At the same time, as people's distrust grows, everything becomes tainted. You don't know which information is true and which isn't. Politicians, media, corporations, outside agents, all seeing this develop, perpetuate it by sewing disinformation. The general atmosphere of confusion fuels greater distrust. It's a spiral from which there is no escape. Coupled with an economic backdrop of a widening wealth gap, where the top of the pyramid continue to pull away from the rest of the pyramid, at the expense of the rest of it, anger arises. Now, you have an angry, distrusting, confused population, a political corporatocracy at peak corruption, a declining economy, against a world with rising geopolitical instability. All that's left is a serious environmental issue, and that may be on its way. What does this lead to? Where does it go?