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Political Thread

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Fortunately for Trump supporters these guys and gals represent those that just can't beat Trump. Nothing to fear from them.
When you combine them with half of “liberal America” that already hates trump, your base is dwindling and trump is losing pretty badly compared to 2016. Shouldn’t be that hard to figure out
these kinds of generalizations help no one.
Liberals do want socialism and it’s liberals that are running these cities allowing destruction and lawlessness. Truth is truth. So can you say same thing for those that voted for Trump. How many times do we hear it’s the generalization it’s the Trumpsters?
What A shame stories like these are. Youll never see the lefties post these or see them mentioned in MSM. Theres alot more. The police,law and order arent the problem. Yes those 4 officers in Minn should be charged and prosecuted for 1st degree murder. This country want survive without law and order.

NYPD cop placed in headlock while trying to break up Bronx crowd, video shows
By Joe Marino
July 12, 2020 | 12:59am | Updated

More than 150 Minneapolis police officers file PTSD claims, prepare to leave the force
JOHN SEXTON Posted at 8:31 pm on July 11, 2020

2 Texas police officers killed in ambush attack; suspect dead, authorities say
The gunman later killed himself after a shootout with other officers, a report said
By Nick Givas | Fox News

Those officers in Minneapolis can’t be charged with 1st Degree Murder. There was no malice and forethought. That is to say, they didn’t go out the morning with clear intentions of killing George Floyd. 2nd Degree is the highest charge they can prosecute and possibly win, although I will say that is a bit of a stretch as well. More than likely a 3rd Degree Murder or Manslaughter with criminal indifference charge would be a slam dunk. Legally speaking of course.

I only say this because my brother is a lawyer in Easton, PA. We talked about it and those are his feelings about prosecution. He said 2nd degree is going to be tough to prove and a defense attorney worth his salt can beat that charge. He said the prosecutor brought those charges more than likely hoping for an inexperienced defender that will plea out for 3rd degree or manslaughter charges.
No it isnt.

Why didnt Obama face one major hurricane during his presidency? Longest stretch in US history.

Trumps had 4 majors, several 7.0 earthquakes, a volcanic eruption in Hawaii, and a plague.

Your a atheist that’s why you’d say Gods not the reason.

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Something tells me she will be on Biden cabinet.

I think AOC is batshit crazy, but she is spot on in this clip. The money has not been taken away from the NYPD. The new FY budget doesn’t take effect until OCT 1. People that have been released on bail reform haven’t been charged with new crimes since their release. You can say she’s wrong all you want, but in this instance (I’m sorry to say) she’s spot on.
Liberals do want socialism and it’s liberals that are running these cities allowing destruction and lawlessness. Truth is truth. So can you say same thing for those that voted for Trump. How many times do we hear it’s the generalization it’s the Trumpsters?

I’m liberal and I don’t want socialism. You can’t paint everyone with a broad brush stroke.
But that’s how he won 2016

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No. It’s not. He won because he got a majority of electoral college votes. It had nothing to do with a monotheistic deity. If you believe there is a God and he had a hand in the American elections, you need your head examined. I think God would have a lot better people to run a country than a philanderer, tax cheater, narcissist, who says, “Grab em by the Meanie butt”. If God wanted that man elected, God needs therapy.
No. It’s not. He won because he got a majority of electoral college votes. It had nothing to do with a monotheistic deity. If you believe there is a God and he had a hand in the American elections, you need your head examined. I think God would have a lot better people to run a country than a philanderer, tax cheater, narcissist, who says, “Grab em by the Meanie butt”. If God wanted that man elected, God needs therapy.
To those that are believers. They believe God allows everything to happen because he wills. That we don’t see the full picture. Just like in the Bible he allowed one of his servants to be sold by his brothers to be a slave. Which in bigger picture had its purpose. Either way this is not thread for religion. Only thing I ask is respect those that believe just like everyone should respect those that don’t believe. In no way trying to sound rude. @Jessy you just need to drop any mention about Gods will and end of times in this thread. Just bit of advice.
Question for all. If a vaccine is made and it works or only works some like the flu vaccine. What is going to be the course of action on people taking it? I know many that will not take it. I guess it does not matter since those that take it will have no worries? Just curious what authority will Biden have on the vaccine.
Question for all. If a vaccine is made and it works or only works some like the flu vaccine. What is going to be the course of action on people taking it? I know many that will not take it. I guess it does not matter since those that take it will have no worries? Just curious what authority will Biden have on the vaccine.

I could see schools requiring the vaccine and maybe some businesses. I think hospitals will mandate it as they do the flu vaccine. Not sure Biden has any authority to mandate the vaccine.

Personally I am apt to dismiss those who refuse to get it. It's like all the anti-maskers. They pitch a fit about all the problems the virus is causing and the economic damage but wont take the steps to help end it.
Well is the vaccine safe? I will let others be the experiment first. I’m not gonna just go out get a new vaccine injected into me and my kids. Without knowing it’s safe. A million people may get the vaccine in the first week and 500k may die or get really sick idk. Then I’ll have to see is there microchips in it that may be the mark of the beast. I don’t want no part of a microchip in me or my family’s bodies.

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To all the people who blame the liberal mayor's and govenors for the riots, if this happened when Obama was in office would you say it's not his fault?

If its up to states and cities to fix the problem. Even though obummer was a horrible president that wouldn’t be his fault.

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If its up to states and cities to fix the problem. Even though obummer was a horrible president that wouldn’t be his fault.

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Yeah I'm sure everyone that says it's not Drumpfs fault or responsibility would say the same about Obama.
Well is the vaccine safe? I will let others be the experiment first. I’m not gonna just go out get a new vaccine injected into me and my kids. Without knowing it’s safe. A million people may get the vaccine in the first week and 500k may die or get really sick idk. Then I’ll have to see is there microchips in it that may be the mark of the beast. I don’t want no part of a microchip in me or my family’s bodies.

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This almost has to be a troll post looking for reactions. What do microchips have to do with a vaccine?
To all the people who blame the liberal mayor's and govenors for the riots, if this happened when Obama was in office would you say it's not his fault?
No actually I would not. It falls on the Governors and mayors. Now if Obama had overstepped the state’s jurisdictions then I would not be happy. Let states handle their business.
Well is the vaccine safe? I will let others be the experiment first. I’m not gonna just go out get a new vaccine injected into me and my kids. Without knowing it’s safe. A million people may get the vaccine in the first week and 500k may die or get really sick idk. Then I’ll have to see is there microchips in it that may be the mark of the beast. I don’t want no part of a microchip in me or my family’s bodies.

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@Jessy lol don’t even mention the chip. You are worrying over something that has nothing to do with my question. I do understand the safety question of the vaccine. I need to research but I believe the vaccine for Spanish flu first batch had side effects and I believe 1976 there was a vaccine that was given to many that they became paralyzed from it. So I guess need to research vaccines of past. Obviously being a rushed vaccine I will not take first dose and not my family. Even extended family has said same. We will let the first batch get given and wait a year and see what happens. Then if no issues and works then will get it.
I agree, but in general good cops know that other cops are dirty or go too far with force and they say nothing.....that is the blue wall, and it makes them complicit and part of the problem, and its pervasive and COMMON for officers to look the other way and not report abuses. Heck I have seen it happen first hand numerous times working in clubs and bars downtown in Greenville....cops learn early on that snitches need stitches, and that they must protect the blue wall.....hell you even see it in the hundreds of videos of cops using excessive force with their fellow officers standing there watching and not STOPPING it from happening.....so if 10% of cops are dirty or use to much force and the other 90% watch and say nothing then they are ALL part of the problem.
It's divisive bogus claims like this that keep me out of this thread, again a poster just labeled all who wear the badge part of the problem.

When 10% of "protesters" burn and loot businesses and the other 90% watch and say nothing, then they are ALL part of the problem. Bet if I made that statement there wouldn't be a shortage of down-votes and negative comments that's for sure.... geez
@Jessy lol don’t even mention the chip. You are worrying over something that has nothing to do with my question. I do understand the safety question of the vaccine. I need to research but I believe the vaccine for Spanish flu first batch had side effects and I believe 1976 there was a vaccine that was given to many that they became paralyzed from it. So I guess need to research vaccines of past. Obviously being a rushed vaccine I will not take first dose and not my family. Even extended family has said same. We will let the first batch get given and wait a year and see what happens. Then if no issues and works then will get it.

Lol my answer isn’t very satisfying to most because I answer it my own way. But isn’t bill gates helping with the vaccine somehow? If so I’d rather not have him have a input in my health.

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I think AOC is batshit crazy, but she is spot on in this clip. The money has not been taken away from the NYPD. The new FY budget doesn’t take effect until OCT 1. People that have been released on bail reform haven’t been charged with new crimes since their release. You can say she’s wrong all you want, but in this instance (I’m sorry to say) she’s spot on.
Uptick in crime most likely due to A) New criminal bravery B) low police morale due to the looming $1 billion cut

She’s an idiot. Don’t get sucked in by her idiocy.
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To all the people who blame the liberal mayor's and govenors for the riots, if this happened when Obama was in office would you say it's not his fault?
No. We would be blaming it on Obama too. We would also be wrong. Just like you guys are wrong now. The blinders have to come off from time to time so you can realize that the president is not to blame for all the woes. We’re all guilty of that. It’s a 4 and 8 year cycle as old as this country.
I could see schools requiring the vaccine and maybe some businesses. I think hospitals will mandate it as they do the flu vaccine. Not sure Biden has any authority to mandate the vaccine.

Personally I am apt to dismiss those who refuse to get it. It's like all the anti-maskers. They pitch a fit about all the problems the virus is causing and the economic damage but wont take the steps to help end it.
Everyone doesn’t need the vaccine in order for it to be effective.
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