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Political Thread

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Of course I would stay and fight if there is even a fight. It’s not like the younger generation will fight. They want govt to babysit them. Hold their hands. It’s hard to fight a war when it’s already lost by people not believing in their homeland or fellow countrymen.
Im not talking about an actual war here....lol. Hell ive been through enough of that.
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That’s why I think the right side wins any civil war. If there is one once the American loving people start opening fire the weak socialist generation will roll over fast.

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There is not going to be a civil war anytime soon.. it is a waste of energy to worry about that subject. Does nothing to help the country.
There is not going to be a civil war anytime soon.. it is a waste of energy to worry about that subject. Does nothing to help the country.

Well I’m buying about a box of ammo a week. Not necessarily to fight a war but if some BLM people comes up in the country. I want to be well prepared to protect my family.

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Well I’m buying about a box of ammo a week. Not necessarily to fight a war but if some BLM people comes up in the country. I want to be well prepared to protect my family.

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That's not a Civil War I definitely understand you doing that I would do the same
Yep. I knew as soon as McCain won the primary we were doomed. Romney had him on the ropes but refused to attack him because he is a RINO coward. Liberals hate conservatives and they hate capitalism unless its making their elites rich. Trump is willing to call them on their BS even at the cost of him being attacked by people who call themselves "true conservatives"

Romney is more of a Republican than Trump. Republicans are conservative. There is nothing about Trump that is conservative. He was a lifelong Democrat.
The GOP will not win for who knows how long. With 22 million granted amnesty and open borders or close to it. Universal healthcare. Universal basic income. Those are 3 things Biden said he will do. Also no filibuster. I’d say almost certain America will be nothing like it is today. A lot more socialist and less free speech for certain. The liberals have shown everyone how they will run America. Look at NY/MN/CA/MI and others. Not one person in this forum can not say we have more socialist programs in 4 years. That’s not negative nor fear mongering. I am positive and realistic. I will do my best but my wife and kids we have all discussed if America becomes more like this we will move to another country. I don’t want my kids growing up in a country where being white is wrong and all the socialist programs along with possibly paying reparations. Yes the liberals are discussing it so don’t say it won’t happen. All elections are important but this one is clear as day and night which way America will go. Capitalism or Socialism.

Uh, Trump is the one that wants to corral free speech. He is the one railing against what he calls fake news.
Romney is more of a Republican than Trump. Republicans are conservative. There is nothing about Trump that is conservative. He was a lifelong Democrat.

Democrats also believe in abortions and high taxes. Trump doesn’t believe in abortion and he’s for lowering taxes. But I get it Trump has added to the National debt greatly

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The GOP will not win for who knows how long. With 22 million granted amnesty and open borders or close to it. Universal healthcare. Universal basic income. Those are 3 things Biden said he will do. Also no filibuster. I’d say almost certain America will be nothing like it is today. A lot more socialist and less free speech for certain. The liberals have shown everyone how they will run America. Look at NY/MN/CA/MI and others. Not one person in this forum can not say we have more socialist programs in 4 years. That’s not negative nor fear mongering. I am positive and realistic. I will do my best but my wife and kids we have all discussed if America becomes more like this we will move to another country. I don’t want my kids growing up in a country where being white is wrong and all the socialist programs along with possibly paying reparations. Yes the liberals are discussing it so don’t say it won’t happen. All elections are important but this one is clear as day and night which way America will go. Capitalism or Socialism.

So where are you going to move? Seriously.
Romney is more of a Republican than Trump. Republicans are conservative. There is nothing about Trump that is conservative. He was a lifelong Democrat.
Unlike the Democrat Party that wants party purity, I welcome Democrats that want to become Republican
Romney is more of a Republican than Trump. Republicans are conservative. There is nothing about Trump that is conservative. He was a lifelong Democrat.

Winner winner chicken dinner. Trump more or less became a republican because it was the "in" thing to do, he's always been a staunch democrat for most of his career.
Winner winner chicken dinner. Trump more or less became a republican because it was the "in" thing to do, he's always been a staunch democrat for most of his career.

Show me a Democrat that is against Abortion and high taxes. I would honestly say Trump more his own party and neither Republican or Democrat but out of the two he’s closer to a Republican

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Uh, Trump is the one that wants to corral free speech. He is the one railing against what he calls fake news.
What I mean by free-speech is not being able to say certain words conservative thinking will be pretty much wiped away I mean look now even trying to get rid of the word plantation. I don’t agree with what Trump is doing but I see his reasoning behind it. Twitter and Facebook do not allow conservative thinking and post they are censoring it. With most of the media being pretty much liberal they will definitely get rid of conservative thanking and comments. Similar to other socialist nations. Hopefully it all works out will just have to take each day at a time and see what happens.
Democrats also believe in abortions and high taxes. Trump doesn’t believe in abortion and he’s for lowering taxes. But I get it Trump has added to the National debt greatly

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Oh he still believes in abortions. Keep telling yourself that he is a “good Christian man with morals”.

He wouldn’t know morality if it fell out of the sky, landed on his face, and started wiggling.
Oh he still believes in abortions. Keep telling yourself that he is a “good Christian man with morals”.

He wouldn’t know morality if it fell out of the sky, landed on his face, and started wiggling.

He’s cut funding to planned parenthood President Trump does not support Abortions

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Not my intention no. But if they where to break into my home. Then absolutely that’s called self defense

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Who the --- is gonna want to break into your home? Has it happened? You think that BLM protestors really want your cans of Vienna Sausage and case of Natty Light?
Romney is more of a Republican than Trump. Republicans are conservative. There is nothing about Trump that is conservative. He was a lifelong Democrat.
I dont think you can nail down what a republican, democrat, conservative or liberal even is anymore. I dont even try. Thats why I just call myself a simple realist. I focus on the very few issues that actually affect me and my family the most and whatever candidate falls in line the closest I go with. Up until 2016 it was mainly my occupation. I take my emotions out of the decision making. That part came came from NSW!
Who the --- is gonna want to break into your home? Has it happened? You think that BLM protestors really want your cans of Vienna Sausage and case of Natty Light?

Idk if they call themselves BLM but kids have been shot and killed by riots. Idc who they are or what color I’m terrified of the riots going on and the violence. And it has led me to stock up just in case. If someone broke into your house was a threat to your life would you shoot?

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Idk if they call themselves BLM but kids have been shot and killed by riots. Idc who they are or what color I’m terrified of the riots going on and the violence. And it has led me to stock up just in case. If someone broke into your house was a threat to your life would you shoot?

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I dint think you need to worry about a riot breaking out in your front yard there, Chief.

As far as someone breaking into my house... good luck to them. If they aren’t scared off by the alarm system and then the dogs, they’re an idiot and Darwinism will eventually win out.
Is there a conservative republican country?

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No such thing as Utopia Jess. If you live in the country you should be blessed. Raleigh is for all intents and purposes a liberal city. I live just 20 minutes south in a small community of mostly conservative people and its paradise. Thats what makes America great my man. Plenty of room to get the hell away from people if you choose
No such thing as Utopia Jess. If you live in the country you should be blessed. Raleigh is for all intents and purposes a liberal city. I live just 20 minutes south in a small community of mostly conservative people and its paradise. Thats what makes America great my man. Plenty of room to get the hell away from people if you choose

Yep I must say I love living out in rural America. I guess seeing video of melitia groups I don’t know what they call themselves don’t care. But seeing them threaten to go into the country and rural areas. That shook me up a bit but they ain’t came yet thank God.

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Trying to silence Fauci because his realistic and data-driven words regarding COVID-19 don't line up with the fantasy-land Trump is living in is.... a strategy...

White House seeks to discredit Fauci as coronavirus surges

"Fauci, who has served in the federal government for decades, can't be directly fired by the president, and there were no signs that Trump was seeking to get rid of him altogether. Rather, the White House salvo appeared aimed at undermining the public's trust in the renowned immunologist in hope that Americans will be more inclined to believe Trump's far more optimistic version of events as the November election marches closer. "

"A New York Times/Sienna College poll last month found that 2 in 3 registered voters approved of Fauci, including half of Republicans and 4 in 5 Democrats. Trump, by comparison, enjoyed support of his handling of the crisis from only 1 in 4 voters in the same poll, including just 4 percent of Democrats. "
Trying to silence Fauci because his realistic and data-driven words don't line up with the fantasy-land Trump is living in regarding COVID-19 is.... a strategy...

White House seeks to discredit Fauci as coronavirus surges

"Fauci, who has served in the federal government for decades, can't be directly fired by the president, and there were no signs that Trump was seeking to get rid of him altogether. Rather, the White House salvo appeared aimed at undermining the public's trust in the renowned immunologist in hope that Americans will be more inclined to believe Trump's far more optimistic version of events as the November election marches closer. "

"A New York Times/Sienna College poll last month found that 2 in 3 registered voters approved of Fauci, including half of Republicans and 4 in 5 Democrats. Trump, by comparison, enjoyed support of his handling of the crisis from only 1 in 4 voters in the same poll, including just 4 percent of Democrats. "

Fauci has always been sincere and made recommendations as he saw fit at each point in time with very clear communication. Yes, he has been inconsistent when looking back on some things like masks and thinking it wouldn't be a big deal in the US. But at least he wasn't saying those things for political reasons like Trump always does. He made mistakes and will make more mistakes because he's human but at least he doesn't lie. He actually cares about our health first and foremost. I with ease still take Fauci over Trump with regard to recommendations. Fauci is da man! I wish he'd run for POTUS lol.

Of course, Trump is going to blame others for his own failings like he's always done. Always looking for a scapegoat.

Truman: The buck stops here.
Trump: Get that buck away from me.

Similar names but far different as far as taking responsibility.
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Yep I must say I love living out in rural America. I guess seeing video of melitia groups I don’t know what they call themselves don’t care. But seeing them threaten to go into the country and rural areas. That shook me up a bit but they ain’t came yet thank God.

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Well its ok to be prepared but be mindful of whats within reason. What do you have for personal defense if you dont mind me asking? You can PM me if you like instead
Fauci has always been sincere and made recommendations as he saw fit at each point in time with very clear communication. Yes, he has been inconsistent when looking back on some things like masks and thinking it wouldn't be a big deal in the US. But at least he wasn't saying those things for political reasons like Trump always does. He actually cares about our health first and foremost. I with ease still take Fauci over Trump with regard to recommendations. Fauci is da man! I wish he'd run for POTUS lol.
I agree with you man. I think Fauci is a great leader and his opinion should be sought after. Poll numbers show he is more trusted by the American public on issues of COVID-19 and he should be with his track-record and knowledge.

I'm curious to see how this new Trump strategy plays out...
The thing about the bolded is that we are in some control over our lives. We makes choices daily that will shape the outcome of accidents. Wearing a helmet bike riding, seat belt when driving. These are things we do to control our lives to the best of our ability.

Where we start crossing lines IMO is when we take an attitude of "we have no control of our lives" and transition that into a public ideal on policy. When a policy position is pushed because you feel like what will happen will happen doesn't suit me and my attempt to do everything I can to stop the spread and protect not only my family but others as well.
I have to agree 100% here..... I have no fear of dying. However, I wear my seat belt, I don't speed and drive recklessly. I don't smoke or drink. I also do my part to keep my loved ones safe and healthy. We certainly are somewhat in control of our own destiny.
Fauci has always been sincere and made recommendations as he saw fit at each point in time with very clear communication. Yes, he has been inconsistent when looking back on some things like masks and thinking it wouldn't be a big deal in the US. But at least he wasn't saying those things for political reasons like Trump always does. He made mistakes and will make more mistakes because he's human but at least he doesn't lie. He actually cares about our health first and foremost. I with ease still take Fauci over Trump with regard to recommendations. Fauci is da man! I wish he'd run for POTUS lol.

Of course, Trump is going to blame others for his own failings like he's always done. Always looking for a scapegoat.

Truman: The buck stops here.
Trump: Get that buck away from me.

Similar names but far different as far as taking responsibility.
Fair points. I think Fauci should run too but as a Republican. Then he will get a dose of what it was like to be in Trump's shoes in charge of more than just the virus. Im sure the media would remind him in full blown detail how he "mishandled" the virus early on. How we could have saved thousands of lives had he not made those "mistakes". I think you know where im going with this. We can all agree Trump wasnt perfect. Most of the world wasnt. Our entire country was caught off guard but we've been over this a million times
I have to agree 100% here..... I have no fear of dying. However, I wear my seat belt, I don't speed and drive recklessly. I don't smoke or drink. I also do my part to keep my loved ones safe and healthy. We certainly are somewhat in control of our own destiny.

Yeah. You see the article of the 30yr old that died from covid after attending a covid party? He thought it was a hoax and no biggie......we have control over certain risks and its worth being mindful of the actions we take.
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