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Political Thread

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Wonder why Graham is onboard with this all of a sudden, I think its linked to the Stone pardon....this wont help Trump at all....and I am starting to think some of the GOP leadership is working to undermine Trumps reelection chances.....

Graham is like all the other spineless corrupt republicans. He only cares about keeping his job. Like I said before he was on Tucker slamming the Democrats which most are liberals in politics these days. Saying how bad they were. It’s the flavor of day for each and every one of them. It is what it is. Socialist will soon be what America is. No turning back once all the socialist programs are implemented. Also not sure why everyone is so focused on Biden. He’s not really going to be president. He’s just the stepping stone for his Marxist vp he picks. How long does everyone think Biden is actually going to be president for? I give him 6 months to year before his health is reason for stepping down. Maybe I will be surprised and he will actually be a good president or his vp will.
That type can’t win anymore. See 2008, 2012, and 2016. It takes a charismatic candidate to win, on either side. Haley is a bit different than Kasich or Rubio but you can’t win with the lame stream anymore, Dem or Repub.

Problem is we cant afford to win with inept and clueless con men like trump. We need to get back to true Conservatism with real leaders that understand the stage they are playing on.
Problem is we cant afford to win with inept and clueless con men like trump. We need to get back to true Conservatism with real leaders that understand the stage they are playing on.
You aint got true conservatives? Thats the problem. Theyll sound conservative promise this n that. But never deliver. Instead cowar to the cancel culture MSM. Vote for someone who does what he says hes gonna do. Jessie Helms aint around anymore. But Trump is.
So I dont miss out is Marxist the new GOP catch phrase to scare everyone?
Nope,its the calling it out for what it is. Cancel Culture is the most appropiate tag. You want to cancel out evereything and start over the way the left thinks it should be. Divide America from its herritage, fundamnetal core One Nation Under God. Burn it down and bring it back the leftest socialist way.
Nope,its the calling it out for what it is. Cancel Culture is the most appropiate tag. You want to cancel out evereything and start over the way the left thinks it should be. Divide America from its herritage, fundamnetal core One Nation Under God. Burn it down and bring it back the leftest socialist way.
I’ve read a Book about this before. In fact, was reading it this morning....
Nope,its the calling it out for what it is. Cancel Culture is the most appropiate tag. You want to cancel out evereything and start over the way the left thinks it should be. Divide America from its herritage, fundamnetal core One Nation Under God. Burn it down and bring it back the leftest socialist way.

A write-in for the first time in my life is sounding more and more possible.
Gonna post this, because I know several want bother reading Newt Gingrich article above. But it is spot on. You guys who claim to be conservative or Republican what have you. Your issue isnt with Trump. Its with What Newt calls Trumpism. Hes spot on correct.

Per Newt;
The deep state Republicans are against Trumpism as much as they are against President Trump.

In a real sense, the revolt of the anti-Trump Republicans is further proof of just how different and disruptive the Trump candidacy and the Trump presidency have been.

Most of the anti-Trump Republicans come from elite schools and built their careers around being part of the elite. They valued the professorial intellectual approach. They believed in leaders relying on staff work because they had usually been the staff. Antony Jay’s "Yes, Minister" and "Yes, Prime Minister" could have been written about them. In many ways, they found President Barack Obama’s professorial style comforting. They might have disagreed on policy, but they could agree on style.

The Trump candidacy was an enormous, rude shock to the deep state Republicans.

These were people who knew how to play the game. They moved effortlessly from policy jobs in the bureaucracy to think tanks, where they wrote about their policies for law firms and lobbyists. They would go on television or be interviewed in newspapers where they talked about their own policies.

The deep state Republicans worked with and socialized with deep state Democrats. They were much more comfortable with deep state Democrats than with most Republicans. They could have bipartisan cocktail parties in Georgetown and nice dinners at elegant restaurants. They often went to the same vacation towns and enjoyed the same beaches and hobbies.

For the deep state Republicans, Democrats were often far more acceptable and desirable than the incorrigible Republicans in the House and Senate – or the incorrigible think tanks such as Heritage and Hudson Institute. They were a government in waiting for the next Republican president. Their roots sometimes went as far back as the Dewey Machine, the Dwight Eisenhower White House, and the Gerald Ford Administration. They worked for President Richard Nixon but never liked him (in his heart he was incorrigible no matter how brilliant his foreign policy was from their perspective). They loved the Ford Administration and deeply disliked then-Gov. Ronald Reagan almost beating him in the 1976 primaries. They were deeply at home in the Bush Administrations (Yale, Skull and Bones – how could it get more establishment?)

In 2016, they were gearing up for Jeb Bush – even though he was University of Texas and not Yale. Still, Jeb had been a remarkably innovative governor of Florida and had a warm, positive style. He felt right to the deep state Republicans whose advice he would rely on and whose appointments to major policy posts in a third Bush Administration were virtually a foregone conclusion.

Then along came Donald J Trump.
Gonna post this, because I know several want bother reading Newt Gingrich article above. But it is spot on. You guys who claim to be conservative or Republican what have you. Your issue isnt with Trump. Its with What Newt calls Trumpism. Hes spot on correct.

Per Newt;
The deep state Republicans are against Trumpism as much as they are against President Trump.

In a real sense, the revolt of the anti-Trump Republicans is further proof of just how different and disruptive the Trump candidacy and the Trump presidency have been.

Most of the anti-Trump Republicans come from elite schools and built their careers around being part of the elite. They valued the professorial intellectual approach. They believed in leaders relying on staff work because they had usually been the staff. Antony Jay’s "Yes, Minister" and "Yes, Prime Minister" could have been written about them. In many ways, they found President Barack Obama’s professorial style comforting. They might have disagreed on policy, but they could agree on style.

The Trump candidacy was an enormous, rude shock to the deep state Republicans.

These were people who knew how to play the game. They moved effortlessly from policy jobs in the bureaucracy to think tanks, where they wrote about their policies for law firms and lobbyists. They would go on television or be interviewed in newspapers where they talked about their own policies.

The deep state Republicans worked with and socialized with deep state Democrats. They were much more comfortable with deep state Democrats than with most Republicans. They could have bipartisan cocktail parties in Georgetown and nice dinners at elegant restaurants. They often went to the same vacation towns and enjoyed the same beaches and hobbies.

For the deep state Republicans, Democrats were often far more acceptable and desirable than the incorrigible Republicans in the House and Senate – or the incorrigible think tanks such as Heritage and Hudson Institute. They were a government in waiting for the next Republican president. Their roots sometimes went as far back as the Dewey Machine, the Dwight Eisenhower White House, and the Gerald Ford Administration. They worked for President Richard Nixon but never liked him (in his heart he was incorrigible no matter how brilliant his foreign policy was from their perspective). They loved the Ford Administration and deeply disliked then-Gov. Ronald Reagan almost beating him in the 1976 primaries. They were deeply at home in the Bush Administrations (Yale, Skull and Bones – how could it get more establishment?)

In 2016, they were gearing up for Jeb Bush – even though he was University of Texas and not Yale. Still, Jeb had been a remarkably innovative governor of Florida and had a warm, positive style. He felt right to the deep state Republicans whose advice he would rely on and whose appointments to major policy posts in a third Bush Administration were virtually a foregone conclusion.

Then along came Donald J Trump.
If nobody bothered reading it's because its a personal piece and posting the entire article here makes it sound like you're trying to shove something down our throats. If nobody responds or posts about it or anything then there isn't a sense in bringing it up again.
So I dont miss out is Marxist the new GOP catch phrase to scare everyone?
Well what do you call the ones peaceful protesting? What is their beliefs along with the BLM and Antifa? Im pretty sure is Marxist/socialism beliefs. Most politicians are liberals with that thinking also. Thing is conservatives don’t realize republicans are not conservatives anymore and Democrats are liberals in govt. Those 2 parties are not real anymore.
I think one thing to remember for those expecting Trump's die-hards to be enthusiastic and all come out and vote and shock the world again, I think the Black vote will be a lot stronger this time around. Even for those who aren't in love with Biden, many absolutely despise Trump and his handling of the George Floyd protests. Many of these voter sat out in 2016 (didn't have any love for Hillary) but were a key part of Obama's coalition. If they show up, Trump's going to lose MI, PA, WI and that's the ball game.
I think one thing to remember for those expecting Trump's die-hards to be enthusiastic and all come out and vote and shock the world again, I think the Black vote will be a lot stronger this time around. Even for those who aren't in love with Biden, many absolutely despise Trump and his handling of the George Floyd protests. Many of these voter sat out in 2016 (didn't have any love for Hillary) but were a key part of Obama's coalition. If they show up, Trump's going to lose MI, PA, WI and that's the ball game.


If Trump is gonna win this is how I think he does it.

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I think one thing to remember for those expecting Trump's die-hards to be enthusiastic and all come out and vote and shock the world again, I think the Black vote will be a lot stronger this time around. Even for those who aren't in love with Biden, many absolutely despise Trump and his handling of the George Floyd protests. Many of these voter sat out in 2016 (didn't have any love for Hillary) but were a key part of Obama's coalition. If they show up, Trump's going to lose MI, PA, WI and that's the ball game.
Per the polls, if you want to believe them or not, Trump is polling better with Blacks and Latinos than he did even in 2016.
I think one thing to remember for those expecting Trump's die-hards to be enthusiastic and all come out and vote and shock the world again, I think the Black vote will be a lot stronger this time around. Even for those who aren't in love with Biden, many absolutely despise Trump and his handling of the George Floyd protests. Many of these voter sat out in 2016 (didn't have any love for Hillary) but were a key part of Obama's coalition. If they show up, Trump's going to lose MI, PA, WI and that's the ball game.

If Biden makes police reform a central part of his campaign and brings in Val Demings who was a former police chief as VP then I think he pulls in black voters on the level Obama did.

Trumps desire to have his ego stroked has really led him to cater to the smallest % of his supporters. His true base. The ones who hesaid would support him even of he shot someone on 5th avenue. A lot of moderates who voted for him in 2016 did so because they hoped he would evolve,change and become more presidential. They have 3 years to know that wasnt the case. The question remains are they ok with what they see or are they done with a divider who caters to racists and the worst of our human nature?
If Trump is gonna win this is how I think he does it.

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Minnesota hasn't gone Republican since Richard Nixon. Even after all of the recent protests, I would expect WI to be Republican much before MN. Flip those two and I think that's a potential outcome.
I agree that black voter turnout will be higher , I also agree that trump will capture a much greater share of that vote than before which can help him out in states like NC . NC is one of the states trump is focusing on increasing black support in as it is crucial to him.
If he’s getting a higher share % of that vote than in 2016 then I think he’d want more to show up.
I agree that black voter turnout will be higher , I also agree that trump will capture a much greater share of that vote than before which can help him out in states like NC . NC is one of the states trump is focusing on increasing black support in as it is crucial to him.
Here's what I mean with this with two examples:

Election 1 Black Vote:
80% D, 20% R, 500,000 voters turn out.
400,000 vote D
100,000 vote R
Net vote for D candidate: +300,000

Election 2 Black Vote:
70% D, 30% R, 1,000,000 voters turn out
700,000 vote D
300,000 vote R
Net vote for D candidate: +400,000

The question is how much support does Trump siphon off, vs. what increase in turnout we see.
I will say I like Nikki Haley. I would vote for her. Clemson grad. Former governor. My age and still hot. Okay. So her hotness has nothing to do with her politics, but yeah, I like her.

I think she runs 2024 regardless of November outcome. Of course that’s if we even still have a country.

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I think she runs 2024 regardless of November outcome. Of course that’s if we even still have a country.

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Yeah. Cause it’s really gonna disappear in four years. Quit being so melodramatic. Sit back and get a dose of realism bro. My advice for you is to find a friend with some Sativa, get some of said Sativa, pack a bowl, smoke it, then relax. You’re too fatalistic and dramatic. You need to get stoned and relax.
Yeah. Cause it’s really gonna disappear in four years. Quit being so melodramatic. Sit back and get a dose of realism bro. My advice for you is to find a friend with some Sativa, get some of said Sativa, pack a bowl, smoke it, then relax. You’re too fatalistic and dramatic. You need to get stoned and relax.

I mean what exactly do you think would happen with a democratic ran White House senate and congress? That’s reason enough to expect the worse

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