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Political Thread

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Wow. 28. Not newsworthy so you definitely won’t see it on any news outlet.
Well these days gotta find any light with the landslide coming. ?
I was just having fun with some. Honestly I do not expect Trump to win at all. I will make best of Whoever is the vp being president and push forward. I think we all know though that American will be a totally different America in 4 years. Definitely leaning a lot more socialist but how much will be the question. Open borders and universal healthcare and a universal basic income will be 3 things for sure added. Now guns limits and police and reparations we will just have to see. Majority of liberals want these so all depends on if liberals get the house and senate which I can see. So nothing to stand in way. Also Biden also plans to end the filibuster. All we can do is see what happens and I hope I am wrong and that socialism is good.
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If Trump was gonna win I think it would look like this. I bit closer and different then 2016.


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And some on here didnt belive it 6 months ago when some of us said there was this stuff going on.

The whole government is a Petri dish. There is no draining the swamp. Not until a true revolution happens I believe if ever does. Unless we get a true rich 3rd party candidate that money is not an issue. Problem is the corruption on both sides will make sure they do not win or even have a chance. Especially after Trump. They have proven they will take down anyone in their way.
Oh, there is no doubt with the Epstein situation. I watched some more stuff about it yesterday on 20/20, and needless to say, it's definitely disgusting. The only question is how far the roots of it go.

Does everything come out? That's the better question.

Dr. Michael Hunter said in the Autopsy episode that the signs point more toward suicide with Epstein (I can't remember exactly why though), but you can't deny that if something were to happen with Maxwell, it'd be too coincidental.

However, she wasn't exactly hiding for the longest (she was in a NH beach house in a small town), so if she does have this stuff she apparently has...uhhhh
Trump will win over 75% of the counties in this country, just like 2016. Problem is the Cancel Culture,Globialist,Marxist Democrats in the big Cities. The preservation of our great country hangs on this election. Its not about anything less. Hopefully enough of us red blooded Americans who live by the God,Family,Country disciplines in our lives rise up and dont empower the the pelosi,schummers,Biden,AOC"s of this world. There will be no turning back. If your cover is I cant stand Trumps character,ego what have you,then thats weak sauce.
Some of you will look back and regret the day you empower the left. Some wont,thats just what you desire. Eradicate America,Captilisim and go full bore socialist utopia. Where Fed Govt run by the left decides whats acceptable and whats not. They will decide the winners abd losers.
Steve Bannon on fox news breaking , with many doctors coming out of china and whistleblowing on the ccp. Lid fixing to blow on China. About Time. Course ccp will keep on keeping on like always
That doesn't even sound remotely correct. Half of these things are LGBT movement things and feminism. Does that even make sense? Only two things that make sense are police brutality and economic injustice.
The tweet distilled down the topics on this page. Obviously, it's presented in the common style of today....truth with a twist, depending on your point of view. But it's not too far off the mark.

Let’s see what polls do once the debates start. I’m hoping Americans are not as stupid as polls make them seem

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Let’s see what polls do once the debates start. I’m hoping Americans are not as stupid as polls make them seem

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But in the meantime, I feel you’re either delusional or else not being sincere because the poll consensus is looking terrible for Trump and you sound like you’re ignoring it because your guy is being trounced. Your credibility for being objective is thus hurt and you come across as either a pro-Trump hack or a troll/insincere poster just trying to get a rise out of anti-Trumpers. If you would admit that your guy is in trouble, you would come across as more believable, but right now you’re coming across like Joe Bastardi does for cold winter forecasts.
But in the meantime, I feel you’re either delusional or else not being sincere because the poll consensus is looking terrible for Trump and you sound like you’re ignoring it because your guy is being trounced. Your credibility for being objective is thus hurt and you come across as either a pro-Trump hack or a troll/insincere poster just trying to get a rise out of anti-Trumpers. If you would admit that your guy is in trouble, you would come across as more believable, but right now you’re coming across like Joe Bastardi does for cold winter forecasts.

Polls is a snapshot of right now. If the election was today Trump would likely lose. But good news is it’s not today so who knows what that snap shot looks like during debate time or even in November. I feel like polls will tighten but I could be wrong.

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Polls is a snapshot of right now. If the election was today Trump would likely lose. But good news is it’s not today so who knows what that snap shot looks like during debate time or even in November. I feel like polls will tighten but I could be wrong.

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Thanks. I agree it is far from over. I will say again that despite the current trouncing, Trump is likely going to benefit on the law and order issue and especially if Biden is influenced too much by the moonbat lefties though it may very well not be enough since he’s so far behind now. The Dems acting like they are now are leaving the door open much more than would normally be the case with the Republican opponent so far behind 4 months before the election.
Thanks. I agree it is far from over. I will say again that despite the current trouncing, Trump is likely going to benefit on the law and order issue and especially if Biden is influenced too much by the moonbat lefties though it may very well not be enough since he’s so far behind now. The Dems acting like they are now are leaving the door open much more than would normally be the case with the Republican opponent so far behind 4 months before the election.

Debates I think will tell the story I Think! But again it’s 2020 who knows

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But in the meantime, I feel you’re either delusional or else not being sincere because the poll consensus is looking terrible for Trump and you sound like you’re ignoring it because your guy is being trounced. Your credibility for being objective is thus hurt and you come across as either a pro-Trump hack or a troll/insincere poster just trying to get a rise out of anti-Trumpers. If you would admit that your guy is in trouble, you would come across as more believable, but right now you’re coming across like Joe Bastardi does for cold winter forecasts.
You have been given adequate reasoning why those polls are fools gold. Either guy could win but these polls are showing RIDICULOUS leads for Biden that anyone who is paying attention knows something doesnt add up. Its obvious as hell that those voters who werent picked up in 2016 arent being picked up again by these polls but it looks like only November is gonna convince you folks. Enthusiasm among Trump voters is high. Its not for Biden. When those folks decide not to vote for him in 4 months it will all make sense
I'm not voting for Trump and I haven't been polled. Just saying. And I know at least a few others that likely aren't and I don't think have been polled either, even including an older cousin that I have that is in the Army (well, more like works because as far as I know he's never gone into the field).

Closest that it's gotten to where I might have been polled is one evening where research analysts called, but I was taking a nap and told my dad to tell them I'm not taking that poll.

Don't think that was a Republican polling either if it was what I thought, because Augusta polls moderately (blue compared to how hard right many southerners lean, but I talked to my dad about that and he does not believe that Augusta is liberal, so I'll say moderate). It at best was probably a general polling.

Probably not going to watch the debates either, or election coverage.
Well ill quote or show headline from the fake news. Im fair and balanced. Anyway this goes along with back to school. Big topic among alot on this board. I have a wife and daughter who teach. They are dumfounded by the prices on Amazon for wipes, sanitation items for the classroom. Guess ole Roy figures we will step up and purchase these ourselves. Not sure how parents who donate begining of year will find them.

One in four teachers at greater risk from coronavirus
By Tami Luhby, CNN
Updated 11:07 PM EDT, Fri July 10, 2020
article video

(CNN)Nearly 1.5 million teachers are at higher risk of serious illness if they contract coronavirus, according to an analysis released Friday evening.
These teachers and instructors, about 24% of the total, suffer from health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or obesity, or are older than age 65, which make them more vulnerable, the Kaiser Family Foundation report found.
The bottom line is that pretty much everyone outside of Trumps core has lost faith in him ( well those that had any to begin with ) and Trump is down to his core 35% base....but this election will be decided in a handful of states, Trump will not win any state's that were blue in 2016.....and lets face it he won by a combined total of 75k votes spread over MI/PA/WI and those rust belt Dems who didnt like Hillary do like Biden and the chances they go Trump again over Biden is low. If Trump loses all 3 of those states he loses....throw in NC/FL/AZ/OH etc all on the fence and Trump winning becomes very unlikely.....it doesnt matter how many MAGA's turnout in red states, what matters is how these swing states go, and right now it looks bleak for Trump, hell the Senate was suppose to be fairly safe and now that is in danger as well, and at the end of the day the GOP has no one to blame but themselves, Trump is a terrible person, terrible president and is literally destroying the party and the leadership had chances to correct this by removing him and they didnt and now will reap what they sow.....
This is going to be an interesting election with differing issues coming to the front. The economy is always going to be huge but the virus will play a role as will public safety. These things will dominate the debates. The war on terror abroad has taken a backseat to our country being destroyed by our own citizens. Heck of a crossroads to be at
I’m pretty convinced a Biden Presidency will lead to more violence. As this country starts to transform into a dangerous foreign country. I’ve said it before I’ll say it again there’s nothing more dangerous the Biden in White House with a Democrat tan senate and congress! Biden will sign every bill that makes it to his desk. Scary!

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Wonder why Graham is onboard with this all of a sudden, I think its linked to the Stone pardon....this wont help Trump at all....and I am starting to think some of the GOP leadership is working to undermine Trumps reelection chances.....

I’m pretty convinced a Biden Presidency will lead to more violence. As this country starts to transform into a dangerous foreign country. I’ve said it before I’ll say it again there’s nothing more dangerous the Biden in White House with a Democrat tan senate and congress! Biden will sign every bill that makes it to his desk. Scary!

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A tan senate ? Foreign country ! So you are saying our senators will become tan and we will become a foreign nation ? Venezuela !!! If this becomes a foreign country that means your aren’t from here , so where will you be from?
Wonder why Graham is onboard with this all of a sudden, I think its linked to the Stone pardon....this wont help Trump at all....and I am starting to think some of the GOP leadership is working to undermine Trumps reelection chances.....

Is there enough time for new investigations to be completed before the election and force Trump to resign and allow a Kasich, Rubio, or Haley type to come in and save the day for the GOP in 2020?
You have been given adequate reasoning why those polls are fools gold. Either guy could win but these polls are showing RIDICULOUS leads for Biden that anyone who is paying attention knows something doesnt add up. Its obvious as hell that those voters who werent picked up in 2016 arent being picked up again by these polls but it looks like only November is gonna convince you folks. Enthusiasm among Trump voters is high. Its not for Biden. When those folks decide not to vote for him in 4 months it will all make sense

Just remember the 1980 election with Carter and Reagan. Reagan was far behind right up to the election. Then the October Surprise happened.
Is there enough time for new investigations to be completed before the election and force Trump to resign and allow a Kasich, Rubio, or Haley type to come in and save the day for the GOP in 2020?

Not unless there was some glaring audio or video that didn't need alot of investigating. The senators admitted trump was guilty during Impeachment and that was their chance to force a resignation.

The problem the GOP faces is that they are attached to trump. If he sinks they sink with him.
A tan senate ? Foreign country ! So you are saying our senators will become tan and we will become a foreign nation ? Venezuela !!! If this becomes a foreign country that means your aren’t from here , so where will you be from?

If we turn into Venezuela I’d be absolutely disgusted and embarrassed. That is not the America I would be proud of I couldn’t support that vision for America. You can tell me to go someplace else I can’t afford that. But Bermuda sounds pretty nice

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But in the meantime, I feel you’re either delusional or else not being sincere because the poll consensus is looking terrible for Trump and you sound like you’re ignoring it because your guy is being trounced. Your credibility for being objective is thus hurt and you come across as either a pro-Trump hack or a troll/insincere poster just trying to get a rise out of anti-Trumpers. If you would admit that your guy is in trouble, you would come across as more believable, but right now you’re coming across like Joe Bastardi does for cold winter forecasts.
And what happens to JB is the actual weather being forecasted shows up and verefies in a different form, reality.

The difference in electing Biden verse Trump is night n day.
The cancel culture, indoctrination through MSM and Education into transforming this country into a socialist/marxist nation where the federal government mandates to the rest of us whats acceptable,unacceptable. Push America into Gloablism at full throttle. Tax individuals and business into oblivion to fund their leftist idealogy. New Green Deal , continue the slaughter by the Millions of babies. Thats what you are endorsing, promoting with your vote for Biden. All in the name suposedly of voting for a man who has character ego flaws. It would be a great point, problem is the man with a ego the size of the grand canyon, delivers the best economy in our nations history for whites,bkacks,browns,lower class,middle class, upper class. Everyone. Puts America interest first. Ends the horrendous trade deals Nafta, PTA, that destroyed small town rural America, working class.
Enjoy the cancel culture from the left. Next up we will need to change the American flag. Wait for it,its coming. You ok with that then more power to you.
When the American public sees the stark difference and it will once Biden has to come out of hiding and be called out for what he stands for. There is still just enough God Family Country people around, who arent ashamed to be an American and proud of our country ,what it stands for, that will reject the left and vote for Trump.
Is there enough time for new investigations to be completed before the election and force Trump to resign and allow a Kasich, Rubio, or Haley type to come in and save the day for the GOP in 2020?
That type can’t win anymore. See 2008, 2012, and 2016. It takes a charismatic candidate to win, on either side. Haley is a bit different than Kasich or Rubio but you can’t win with the lame stream anymore, Dem or Repub.
Amen. This times a 1000. Im a independent because of this movement,charade in the RNC from the 90s till 2016. Rhinos, who where blue dog democrats run out of their party. The Kasich,Romney,Mccains,Bainers. Say one thing but their core,heart was for something 180 degrees opposite. Just to get elected.

Newt Gingrich: Good riddance anti-Trump Republicans who would rather support Biden, Pelosi and Schumer
The deep state Republicans are against Trumpism as much as they are against President Trump.

By Newt Gingrich | Gingrich360.com
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