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Political Thread

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To those that are believers. They believe God allows everything to happen because he wills. That we don’t see the full picture. Just like in the Bible he allowed one of his servants to be sold by his brothers to be a slave. Which in bigger picture had its purpose. Either way this is not thread for religion. Only thing I ask is respect those that believe just like everyone should respect those that don’t believe. In no way trying to sound rude. @Jessy you just need to drop any mention about Gods will and end of times in this thread. Just bit of advice.

Hey man... I was raised Catholic. I have faith. I don’t have unquestioning faith because God made us with free will. God gave us the ability to question. He also gave us our brains to question. Since we are made in His image, we are merely taking our path in life through what He has given us. He wants us to question and not accept things on face value. This is why some followers question. They use the knowledge from Him to better understand Him and His path for us.

I’m a lapsed Catholic. I’m also self-loathing (what Catholic isn’t). As a Catholic we know that nothing comes without a price.
To all the people who blame the liberal mayor's and govenors for the riots, if this happened when Obama was in office would you say it's not his fault?

If Obama was saying what Trump is saying, you’re damn right it would be his fault. I call it like I see it. Right down the middle. Obama and Holder we’re guilty as hell with Fast and Furious. They stepped on their peckers with that fiasco. In my mind that was an impeachable offense. Just like it was an impeachable offense with Reagan and Iran Contra.
Look at all the people thinking the G5 towers causing the virus. Especially overseas.

I believe Democrats has a secret deal with China. And China released the virus its all a plot to get Trump out.

But my bigger point is people will believe whatever they believe. Can’t blame them but doesn’t mean there right. Although 5g will contribute in cancer becoming wide spread.

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Well is the vaccine safe? I will let others be the experiment first. I’m not gonna just go out get a new vaccine injected into me and my kids. Without knowing it’s safe. A million people may get the vaccine in the first week and 500k may die or get really sick idk. Then I’ll have to see is there microchips in it that may be the mark of the beast. I don’t want no part of a microchip in me or my family’s bodies.

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Microchips? Seriously? Is it too much to ask from you to stop w/ the incessant conspiracy theories?
I'm gonna call BS on anyone saying they would not be blaming Obama. We are almost 4 yrs past his presidency and many of yall still bring him up and blame him for all kinds of stuff.
I believe Democrats has a secret deal with China. And China released the virus its all a plot to get Trump out.

But my bigger point is people will believe whatever they believe. Can’t blame them but doesn’t mean there right. Although 5g will contribute in cancer becoming wide spread.

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I’m sure deals are made throughout all the governments of the world. Both sides are dirty. No reason to worry about it and pretty much keep it to yourself unless have facts to back it up. As for 5g and cancer. Well a lot of things cause cancer. I’m sure the preservatives in canned foods does also. Nothing you can do to change it. Live each day to fullest and make best of each day and situations you face.
I'm gonna call BS on anyone saying they would not be blaming Obama. We are almost 4 yrs past his presidency and many of yall still bring him up and blame him for all kinds of stuff.

I blame him for the disaster of Obamacare. The awful deal with Iran. I blame him for not having a good relationship with Israel. But if the president has no control over riots. How can I blame Obama for that?

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I'm gonna call BS on anyone saying they would not be blaming Obama. We are almost 4 yrs past his presidency and many of yall still bring him up and blame him for all kinds of stuff.
Call it that’s your opinion but this virus I would not be blaming him. Almost all the countries leaders failed. Now the virus is emerging again in countries overseas. Even ones that have been wearing masks. CA has been wearing masks and it’s spreading there. No I’m not saying don’t wear masks. Just that this virus is not going anywhere and it’s going to always be around. I see it eventually just like the flu but more serious. Sometimes vaccine will work in a year sometimes it will not. Only way to completely stop it but not get rid of it is full lockdowns. That’s not happening so we just got to learn to live with it unfortunately and do best we can to not spread it.
I'm pretty sure you would find a way
I believe that is where you are wrong. Yes some conservatives will blame and not be happy with any Democrat. The difference is the Republicans most do not bash constantly and hate the way Liberal Democrats do. Big difference in both sides. One is more forgiving and one is full of hate. But we agree to disagree and respect one another’s feelings here. That’s what matters.
Call it that’s your opinion but this virus I would not be blaming him. Almost all the countries leaders failed. Now the virus is emerging again in countries overseas. Even ones that have been wearing masks. CA has been wearing masks and it’s spreading there. No I’m not saying don’t wear masks. Just that this virus is not going anywhere and it’s going to always be around. I see it eventually just like the flu but more serious. Sometimes vaccine will work in a year sometimes it will not. Only way to completely stop it but not get rid of it is full lockdowns. That’s not happening so we just got to learn to live with it unfortunately and do best we can to not spread it.

Which countries are seeing new outbreaks? I know Spain had to shut down one region. I know Beijing shut down a portion of the city but both resulted in a fast control. Which countries are you referring to please?
I believe that is where you are wrong. Yes some conservatives will blame and not be happy with any Democrat. The difference is the Republicans most do not bash constantly and hate the way Liberal Democrats do. Big difference in both sides. One is more forgiving and one is full of hate. But we agree to disagree and respect one another’s feelings here. That’s what matters.

Come on dude. The Republicans went after Obama at every turn. Held numerous hearings in Congress. Hannity, Tucker, O'Reilly literally got rich off of hating on Obama. Our sitting president was one of the people that complained about EVERYTHING Obama ever did.
He should be able to communicate anyway he desires. He is just giving his opinion. No one has to agree with it at all.

I think most sane people in here would hardly consider constantly coming up w/ conspiracy theories out of thin air a viable, legitimate opinion, but okay whatever floats your boat.
I think most sane people in here would hardly consider constantly coming up w/ conspiracy theories out of thin air a viable, legitimate opinion, but okay whatever floats your boat.
If he believes it, then it's his choice. I rather someone post that I don't agree with than have a poster who controls thought of someone else. This is a continuing discussion, the good, bad, and ugly.
I believe Democrats has a secret deal with China. And China released the virus its all a plot to get Trump out.

But my bigger point is people will believe whatever they believe. Can’t blame them but doesn’t mean there right. Although 5g will contribute in cancer becoming wide spread.

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No of this nonsense is true either. You really need to find new sources of information. Maybe learn some critical thinking skills while you're at it.
Which countries are seeing new outbreaks? I know Spain had to shut down one region. I know Beijing shut down a portion of the city but both resulted in a fast control. Which countries are you referring to please?
Spain, China, Australia and Japan to some degree and smaller countries. If you look at our graph we are less than Australia at this point but I’m sure we will catch Australia.
If he believes it, then it's his choice. I rather someone post that I don't agree with than have a poster who controls thought of someone else. This is a continuing discussion, the good, bad, and ugly.

Controlling someone else's thoughts? What? This is utter nonsense and takes my response completely out of context. Thanks.
Belittling wont help. Education and presentation of facts to the contrary is all we can do.

No matter how many facts, figures, and legitimately reasonable points you throw at Jessy89, he still comes up baseless conspiracy theories more readily than Jameis Winston throws interceptions.
If I said all my conspiracy theories on here. People think I need the mental hospital. My wife thinks I’m crazy and tells me I’m crazy. But we are absolutely in love gonna be married 8yrs September 1st and I couldn’t be happier about that.

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Come on dude. The Republicans went after Obama at every turn. Held numerous hearings in Congress. Hannity, Tucker, O'Reilly literally got rich off of hating on Obama. Our sitting president was one of the people that complained about EVERYTHING Obama ever did.
I was not on this forum then. I believe you. I’m sure it’s only going to get much uglier when Biden is in there.
It's divisive bogus claims like this that keep me out of this thread, again a poster just labeled all who wear the badge part of the problem.

When 10% of "protesters" burn and loot businesses and the other 90% watch and say nothing, then they are ALL part of the problem. Bet if I made that statement there wouldn't be a shortage of down-votes and negative comments that's for sure.... geez

Protesters were turning in looters and rioters actually......and there are cops that turn in bad cops.....but the majority do not, you can think what you want but there are thousands of videos of a cop beating someone while other cops watch. Its not some rare thing it is literally part of their culture.

Cops refer to each other as bricks in the wall, and those that speak out or snitch ( break the blue wall ) often lose their job or are reassigned to desk jobs or demoted, just read up on it before you say I am making a sweeping claim because again its much more prevalent than you apparently know.

A few sources for you to check out....here literally half of the cops surveyed admitted to keeping quiet on abuse, so the real number is probably even higher than that.....

The sampling of current officers was comprised of 2,698 fulltime officers from twenty-one different states. A total 1,116 of the 2,657 officers asked to complete a confidential questionnaire, did so. This equates to a response rate of 42 percent. An additional forty-one officers provided confidential interviews. The following facts were revealed.

· In response to “Please describe the first time you witnessed misconduct by another employee but took no action,” 46 percent (532) advised they had witnessed misconduct by another employee, but concealed what they knew.

· In response to the question “At the time of the incident occurred, what did you think would happen if you revealed what had taken place?” the five reasons listed most often were: I would be ostracized (177 times); the officer who committed the misconduct would be disciplined or fired (88 times); I would be fired from my job (73 times); I would be “blackballed” (59 times); the administration would not do anything even if I reported it. (54 times)

· 73 percent of the individuals pressuring officers to keep quiet about the misconduct were leaders.

· Eight percent (40) of the 509 officers who admitted to intentionally withholding the information about officer misconduct were upper administrators. The upper administrators of the average American police department comprises only five percent of the agency.
I was not on this forum then. I believe you. I’m sure it’s only going to get much uglier when Biden is in there.

And if you voted against Biden. I believe you have the right to criticize all his decisions in which you disagree with. One reason I vote is to have a voice and a opinion about it.

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Maybe if all the people who want to post about conspiracy theories should start a thread about it? There is no place in this thread for 5g, microchip,alien abductions or Jewish control of banking or any other unprovable ideas.

The coin shortage is real thing. I actually think Sweden is a cashless country. So I don’t think a cashless country is unrealistic. I mean debit and credit is easier to track and Democrats would love to track all of our money and spending

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Protesters were turning in looters and rioters actually......and there are cops that turn in bad cops.....but the majority do not, you can think what you want but there are thousands of videos of a cop beating someone while other cops watch. Its not some rare thing it is literally part of their culture.

Cops refer to each other as bricks in the wall, and those that speak out or snitch ( break the blue wall ) often lose their job or are reassigned to desk jobs or demoted, just read up on it before you say I am making a sweeping claim because again its much more prevalent than you apparently know.

A few sources for you to check out....here literally half of the cops surveyed admitted to keeping quiet on abuse, so the real number is probably even higher than that.....

The sampling of current officers was comprised of 2,698 fulltime officers from twenty-one different states. A total 1,116 of the 2,657 officers asked to complete a confidential questionnaire, did so. This equates to a response rate of 42 percent. An additional forty-one officers provided confidential interviews. The following facts were revealed.

· In response to “Please describe the first time you witnessed misconduct by another employee but took no action,” 46 percent (532) advised they had witnessed misconduct by another employee, but concealed what they knew.

· In response to the question “At the time of the incident occurred, what did you think would happen if you revealed what had taken place?” the five reasons listed most often were: I would be ostracized (177 times); the officer who committed the misconduct would be disciplined or fired (88 times); I would be fired from my job (73 times); I would be “blackballed” (59 times); the administration would not do anything even if I reported it. (54 times)

· 73 percent of the individuals pressuring officers to keep quiet about the misconduct were leaders.

· Eight percent (40) of the 509 officers who admitted to intentionally withholding the information about officer misconduct were upper administrators. The upper administrators of the average American police department comprises only five percent of the agency.
And that could be said for Churches, educators, politicians, athletes, FBI, CIA and many others. Abuse of power is nothing new and it’s human nature. Is it right? Hell no but it happens and my advice to more than half that get abused by police is this. Stop resisting and go along with them. Most times it’s resistance that creates the escalation. Yes more training and cameras and accountability need to be done.
May I...

I'm not sure a political thread is really going to be worth it in here. I'd be willing to listen and have with how the protests and rioting has looked very stupid (it does), and I agree that the outrage culture has gotten silly with things like changing the name of a pancake brand for starters, but when you start talking about conspiracy theories like "Bill Gates wants a microchip implanted in the COVID vaccine" and "5G is only evil" for starters...please.

There are many other reasons to be legitimately worried about rushing a vaccine. I will most likely need one though (unless I do decide to take a risk and reverse from trying to go in that field) and I'll take it when it is needed unless I hear about side effects that worry me.

For something that's funny, here's one Twitter opinion on Obama...lmao:

May I...

I'm not sure a political thread is really going to be worth it in here. I'd be willing to listen and have with how the protests and rioting has looked very stupid (it does), and I agree that the outrage culture has gotten silly with things like changing the name of a pancake brand for starters, but when you start talking about conspiracy theories like "Bill Gates wants a microchip implanted in the COVID vaccine" and "5G is only evil" for starters...please.

There are many other reasons to be legitimately worried about rushing a vaccine. I will most likely need one though (unless I do decide to take a risk and reverse from trying to go in that field) and I'll take it when it is needed unless I hear about side effects that worry me.

For something that's funny, here's one Twitter opinion on Obama...lmao:

I'm gonna call BS on anyone saying they would not be blaming Obama. We are almost 4 yrs past his presidency and many of yall still bring him up and blame him for all kinds of stuff.
I would not blame him today. In 2012, I do blame him for the DOJ could of came out a lot sooner.
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