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Political Thread

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Some things I lost to cdiff are orange juice, milk and alchohol. Since I had it those things turn my stomach in knots so I avoid them now.

Shingles suck too. Had them on my head and face and those jokers hurt like hell too.
They sure as hell do. True punishment. I had the belt on my back to under are to middle of chest. Those things can blind one if get in eyes.
I've largely quit arguing on my hunting forum because there is ZERO proof you can provide them that will change their minds...ZERO.

The fact there is a sizable fraction of our population that believes this is all an attempt to win the election in 2020 is troubling. All these countless lives people have sacrificed even non-Americans just to get their one guy.

I use to be thankful stupidity wasnt contagious.....but then the internet said hold my beer!
I don’t think it has anything to do with deliberate in the US. I do believe China is behind it to damage America and Trump. They were pissed because of him standing up to their trade policies. China I get feeling is eventually going to turn this into a world war.
The thing is that this guy is actually an intelligent scientist (pro-met)! He's no dummy! He also thinks the climate issue is way overblown and he thinks GW to this point has actually been beneficial overall. One thing he points out is the increased crop yields/greening of the globe.

He's not a typical conservative by any means. I'm not even sure he's a conservative. He claims to have voted for Obama and mostly Democrats in the past! But he's an ardent Trump supporter who points out over and over that the entire MSM is just out to get him with fake news. He thinks that Trump did no wrong with regard to getting Russian help as well as in regard to Ukraine/impeachment issue.

I do agree with him that much of the MSM is biased against Trump. But where we differ is that I think Trump has asked for a lot of it with his behavior.

Its a trump thing man I'm telling you. Its all a conspiracy to get trump. Anyone who is a trump supporter will deflect the major issues with virus, GW or anything else trump is against they HAVE to be too. Heres a post of the people I deal with on my hunting forum.


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The thing is that this guy is actually an intelligent scientist (pro-met)! He's no dummy! He also thinks the climate issue is way overblown and he thinks GW to this point has actually been beneficial overall. One thing he points out is the increased crop yields/greening of the globe.

He's not a typical conservative by any means. I'm not even sure he's a conservative. He claims to have voted for Obama and mostly Democrats in the past! But he's an ardent Trump supporter who points out over and over that the entire MSM is just out to get him with fake news. He thinks that Trump did no wrong with regard to getting Russian help as well as in regard to Ukraine/impeachment issue.

I do agree with him that much of the MSM is biased against Trump. But where we differ is that I think Trump has asked for a lot of it with his behavior.
An expert in one field is not necessarily an expert in others. Even a meteorologist is not necessarily an expert on climate.
In any case, if he really believe Trump did nothing wrong regarding Russia/Ukraine etc., I think that undermines the veracity of his other claims.
Its a trump thing man I'm telling you. Its all a conspiracy to get trump. Anyone who is a trump supporter will deflect the major issues with virus, GW or anything else trump is against they HAVE to be too. Heres a post of the people I deal with on my hunting forum.
That’s not true that all who support Trump believe this. Like I said it’s China and if it was truly on purpose or a mistake let out of lab.
I've largely quit arguing on my hunting forum because there is ZERO proof you can provide them that will change their minds...ZERO.

The fact there is a sizable fraction of our population that believes this is all an attempt to win the election in 2020 is troubling. All these countless lives people have sacrificed even non-Americans just to get their one guy.

I use to be thankful stupidity wasnt contagious.....but then the internet said hold my beer!
Who has been sacrificed just to get Trump in office? He was voted in because of believing he was best for country. Hillary would have been a complete disaster. We would be under martial law if she was potus. So Trump or Hillary. Easy choice in my mind. Same with Trump or Biden. Another easy choice. In other words no matter which we pick both are not going to bring unity. Democrats are liberals these days in politics. They want socialism.
Who has been sacrificed just to get Trump in office? He was voted in because of believing he was best for country. Hillary would have been a complete disaster. We would be under martial law if she was potus. So Trump or Hillary. Easy choice in my mind. Same with Trump or Biden. Another easy choice. In other words no matter which we pick both are not going to bring unity. Democrats are liberals these days in politics. They want socialism.

There is an analogy to this I cant share on the open forum but this mindset of lesser of two evil will ALWAYS get you 2 evils.
An expert in one field is not necessarily an expert in others. Even a meteorologist is not necessarily an expert on climate.
In any case, if he really believe Trump did nothing wrong regarding Russia/Ukraine etc., I think that undermines the veracity of his other claims.

Well, regarding climate change, I do think he has a valid point with regard to more greening/higher yields due to more CO2 (plant food) and longer growing seasons/warmer further north. But he's also minimizing the negative impact of higher sea levels, which I don't agree with him on.

Regarding Russia/Trump, he's taking the Mueller Report and saying that it means he didn't collude nor obstruct justice. I agree that it wasn't able to prove collusion (innocent until proven guilty) but I think it is much more nebulous about the chance he obstructed justice.

Regarding Ukraine, he has insisted Schiff is corrupt and a liar and that he's in trouble now. I told him that I thought Schiff presented his argument well with the list of 10 items that I posted here and there even realizing that Schiff is very biased against Trump.

Our country is a big mess!
Well, regarding climate change, I do think he has a valid point with regard to more greening/higher yields due to more CO2 (plant food) and longer growing seasons/warmer further north. But he's also minimizing the negative impact of higher sea levels, which I don't agree with him on.

Regarding Russia/Trump, he's taking the Mueller Report and saying that it means he didn't collude nor obstruct justice. I agree that it wasn't able to prove collusion (innocent until proven guilty) but I think it is much more nebulous about the chance he obstructed justice.

Regarding Ukraine, he has insisted Schiff is corrupt and a liar and that he's in trouble now. I told him that I thought Schiff presented his argument well with the list of 10 items that I posted here and there even realizing that Schiff is very biased against Trump.

the next time he says Schiff is a liar in regards to the Ukraine impeachment ask him why Lamar Alexander and all the other senators all agreed not to seek more witnesses because Schiff proved what he set out to prove and that did what was claimed.
the next time he says Schiff is a liar in regards to the Ukraine impeachment ask him why Lamar Alexander and all the other senators all agreed not to seek more witnesses because Schiff proved what he set out to prove and that did what was claimed.

Good idea. He also think Biden is corrupt as heck with regard to Hunter/nepotism. Well, I agree that that needs to be investigated and it may end up keeping me from voting for him. But where he and others are wrong imo is that Biden calling for that Ukrainian to be replaced does not appear to be because he was going to investigate Hunter's company more closely unless I'm mistaken. Wasn't that guy corrupt, himself, and not doing his job?
Good idea. He also think Biden is corrupt as heck with regard to Hunter/nepotism. Well, I agree that that needs to be investigated and it may end up keeping me from voting for him. But where he and others are wrong imo is that Biden calling for that Ukrainian to be replaced does not appear to be because he was going to investigate Hunter's company more closely unless I'm mistaken. Wasn't that guy corrupt, himself, and not doing his job?

Yes. He was being pushed out because he WAS NOT investigating enough. There was a letter sent by the Ukraine delegation from the senate asking for his removal. It was led by a Rep Portman from kentucky a Republican. He also came out during the impeachment to correct the record on why they were pushing to oust the prosecutor.
There is an analogy to this I cant share on the open forum but this mindset of lesser of two evil will ALWAYS get you 2 evils.
I understand but voting for someone that has absolutely no chance to win to me is a waste of a vote. If I’m going to vote for someone that has no chance whatsoever to win. Then I will pass wasting my time.
I understand but voting for someone that has absolutely no chance to win to me is a waste of a vote. If I’m going to vote for someone that has no chance whatsoever to win. Then I will pass wasting my time.

Let me offer a different perspective on this.

You say its wasting my time and vote. How many years are we going to deal with the lesser of 2 evils kicking the can and wasting OUR time?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. How many times do we have to pull the lever for the lesser of 2 evils while they waste our time and our money and take more power?
Let me offer a different perspective on this.

You say its wasting my time and vote. How many years are we going to deal with the lesser of 2 evils kicking the can and wasting OUR time?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. How many times do we have to pull the lever for the lesser of 2 evils while they waste our time and our money and take more power?
Until someone that has millions of dollars and sells their soul to win then it’s going to be same thing over and over. Lesser of 2 evils. Term limits could change the future maybe.
Until someone that has millions of dollars and sells their soul to win then it’s going to be same thing over and over. Lesser of 2 evils. Term limits could change the future maybe.

It doesn't have as much to do with the candidate as it does the voter. Not enough voters from either party wantto grow big enough stones to walk away from their parties BS. So as the parties become more extreme those voters tag along all the while wanting better but not doing anything about it.

Sheep? You want to talk about sheep that's the people still believing 2 party system is the only way to go.
Does not surprise me. The liberals and media want everyone to live In fear. To be snitches and tell on neighbors. First it was 2 million then wear a mask. Oh wait a mask don’t work. Then it was 250k would die. Then back to wearing a mask. Then could get virus passing gas. Then it was better arrest and beat people not doing social distancing. Now it’s 125k could die. Oh and now it passes thru eyes. So next is everyone better wear face shields. On and on and on the goal posts keep changing. Yes this virus can be deadly like any virus can be to certain people. I’m over it like so many others. Just live and be smart and safe.
Of course it’s always Trumps fault. She’s a pos mayor. She needs to look inside her own DA and law enforcement. What they did was wrong but .....
obviously now it’s showing the young man was not so innocent after all. Video of him on construction sight breaking in. Carrying a hammer on a jog? Please. He was not some innocent young man. Plus now video shows they kept asking him to stop that police were on way. Yes they should have let him go took pics of him and given to police. Both were wrong and up to no good.
Lebron with his typical pos mouth. Lebron you are a great player but will never be as great and loved as Jordan or Bryant. Jordan & Bryant respected everyone. They never ran their mouths. Zion is the next great like Jordan and Bryant. Lebron will be just great nothing more.
Does not surprise me. The liberals and media want everyone to live In fear. To be snitches and tell on neighbors. First it was 2 million then wear a mask. Oh wait a mask don’t work. Then it was 250k would die. Then back to wearing a mask. Then could get virus passing gas. Then it was better arrest and beat people not doing social distancing. Now it’s 125k could die. Oh and now it passes thru eyes. So next is everyone better wear face shields. On and on and on the goal posts keep changing. Yes this virus can be deadly like any virus can be to certain people. I’m over it like so many others. Just live and be smart and safe.

Just live unless you die then oh well sorry.
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