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Political Thread

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I do believe our immune system does get weaker by not being out in every day life. As we all know there is good bacteria. Also I believe the use of all this sanitizer will eventually lead to it not being as effective. Just like certain bacterial infections are resistant to certain antibiotics.

Ok heres the part where you provide research to back up your claim.
Ok heres the part where you provide research to back up your claim.
Which claim? I have diverticulitis. When I take antibiotics for it. It kills the good bacteria in my gut also. Why I have to take probiotics. When I worked in ER and hospital. My medical personnel like kids going to schools get basic colds and sore throats at first but then it settles down after exposure. The herd immunity.
Which claim? I have diverticulitis. When I take antibiotics for it. It kills the good bacteria in my gut also. Why I have to take probiotics. When I worked in ER and hospital. My medical personnel like kids going to schools get basic colds and sore throats at first but then it settles down after exposure. The herd immunity.

There is some truth to some of that but it's not something you lose in 6 weeks. The antibiotics kill ALL the bacteria in your gut not just the good. Been there done that myself and had cdiff for 5 months off and on. I have also had recurring shingles and YES younger people are getting than before because we are not being re-exposed over our LIFETIMES because kids are now vaccinated against it.

Provide me some scientific data sayi g we will all lose our immunity in 2 months of lockdowns.
There is some truth to some of that but it's not something you lose in 6 weeks. The antibiotics kill ALL the bacteria in your gut not just the good. Been there done that myself and had cdiff for 5 months off and on. I have also had recurring shingles and YES younger people are getting than before because we are not being re-exposed over our LIFETIMES because kids are now vaccinated against it.

Provide me some scientific data sayi g we will all lose our immunity in 2 months of lockdowns.
I said I had heard not read. Also never said we lose all our immunity after 2 months lockdowns. Now kids will have not been in school for almost 5 months when it starts back up. I’d say sniffles and coughs will be common come fall school starting up.
I said I had heard not read. Also never said we lose all our immunity after 2 months lockdowns. Now kids will have not been in school for almost 5 months when it starts back up. I’d say sniffles and coughs will be common come fall school starting up.

Yeah seems like the first couple weeks of school can go that way
Ok heres the part where you provide research to back up your claim.

I can speak on the hand sanitizer part. I generally use soap and water. Only use HS when out and about where S and W aren't available. Stay safe. :)

"CDC recommends washing hands with soap and water whenever possible because handwashing reduces the amounts of all types of germs and chemicals on hands. But if soap and water are not available, using a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others"

I can speak on the hand sanitizer part. I generally use soap and water. Only use HS when out and about where S and W aren't available. Stay safe. :)

"CDC recommends washing hands with soap and water whenever possible because handwashing reduces the amounts of all types of germs and chemicals on hands. But if soap and water are not available, using a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others"

Of course one or the other is preferred but how does that effect immunity?
Now we see Iran and Germany both seeing upticks in new infections as they reopen.

Hope we are paying attention in the situation room so we can prepare for our 2nd wave.

Of course one or the other is preferred but how does that effect immunity?

I hadn't planned to address the immunity question. I was simply passing along what I thought was helpful information. ?‍♂️

Anyway, here you go.

There is some truth to some of that but it's not something you lose in 6 weeks. The antibiotics kill ALL the bacteria in your gut not just the good. Been there done that myself and had cdiff for 5 months off and on. I have also had recurring shingles and YES younger people are getting than before because we are not being re-exposed over our LIFETIMES because kids are now vaccinated against it.

Provide me some scientific data sayi g we will all lose our immunity in 2 months of lockdowns.

C diff is no joke. I was given an antibiotic a couple of years ago. It cleared all the good bacteria in my gut. Month and a half of pure hell. Reached 102.7 temperature several times. Landed me in the ER due to severe dehydration.
C diff is no joke. I was given an antibiotic a couple of years ago. It cleared all the good bacteria in my gut. Month and a half of pure hell. Reached 102.7 temperature several times. Landed me in the ER due to severe dehydration.

Missed my first day of work on Oct 11th 2018. Took my last round of vancomycin and flagyl on Feb 22 2019 and that last dose finally got me straight again.

Hell is a nice way to put it.
Sorry PC but I can’t post on virus thread. If this stat is true. It’s sad but also good. Means we are approaching half the US population has been exposed to this virus. So if need immunity is reall then it will pay off in long run.


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Of course one or the other is preferred but how does that effect immunity?
I would think just like any virus or bacteria. If exposed enough to sanitizer it will build up resistance. Of course bleach has no resistance. No no I’m not saying to drink it or use Ivs of bleach. ??????
C diff is no joke. I was given an antibiotic a couple of years ago. It cleared all the good bacteria in my gut. Month and a half of pure hell. Reached 102.7 temperature several times. Landed me in the ER due to severe dehydration.
Yes I was in hospital for 5 days and when got out I continued to be sick. Then I got those freaking cursed shingles for first time. I thought kidney stones were worse until those. My doc said start taking probiotics everyday along with Metamucil. Since then have been awesome. I am an avid runner and healthy before taking those two things daily. They just boosted my immune system more.
Yeah the individual is begging for confirmation biased "opinions". He wants 1 outcome and that's for this to be a fake event. To that i will post a Facebook meme.

I just posted that meme at that forum as part of my defense. Someone else at that same BB (3rd different person I've quoted (not whom I was addressing my response to) and who happens to be a pro met fwiw) said this in response:

"It doesn't at all address how many died/lives were saved and what the price was to save those lives.........which is THE relevant point that people are making.

There is no formula that tells us a life is worth X amount to the rest of the living in lost economic and other things that contribute to the quality of life.

However, we can use precedent..........how about the flu that has been around for many decades.

Using that precedent, the statement above is completely out of line for not recognizing a loss many orders of magnitude greater to peoples lives compared to the deaths."

So, this pro met is saying that our response to the annual flu hasn't been including widespread lockdowns/social distancing, He appears to be saying that the huge increase in measures taken by the govt for COVID-19 cannot possibly be worth the economic damage done to the country. He's been using the lack of major response to the flu over and over for many weeks as a reason why the govt has gone way overboard with COVID-19.

In making this assessment, I'm tempted to ask him how does he know how bad COVID-19 may have gotten with no lockdowns keeping in mind a) how much more contagious, b) how much more severe (longlasting damage in many cases even if not killed) and c) how much more deadly COVID-19 is vs the typical flu.

I'm also tempted to remind him that 1918-9 was a flu and there were lockdowns done then.
Yes I was in hospital for 5 days and when got out I continued to be sick. Then I got those freaking cursed shingles for first time. I thought kidney stones were worse until those. My doc said start taking probiotics everyday along with Metamucil. Since then have been awesome. I am an avid runner and healthy before taking those two things daily. They just boosted my immune system more.

Some things I lost to cdiff are orange juice, milk and alchohol. Since I had it those things turn my stomach in knots so I avoid them now.

Shingles suck too. Had them on my head and face and those jokers hurt like hell too.
I just posted that meme at that forum as part of my defense. Someone else at that same BB (3rd different person I've quoted (not whom I was addressing my response to) and who happens to be a pro met fwiw) said this in response:

"It doesn't at all address how many died/lives were saved and what the price was to save those lives.........which is THE relevant point that people are making.

There is no formula that tells us a life is worth X amount to the rest of the living in lost economic and other things that contribute to the quality of life.

However, we can use precedent..........how about the flu that has been around for many decades.

Using that precedent, the statement above is completely out of line for not recognizing a loss many orders of magnitude greater to peoples lives compared to the deaths."

So, this pro met is saying that our response to the annual flu hasn't been including widespread lockdowns/social distancing, He appears to be saying that the huge increase in measures taken by the govt for COVID-19 cannot possibly be worth the economic damage done to the country. He's been using the lack of major response to the flu over and over for many weeks as a reason why the govt has gone way overboard.

In making this assessment, I'm tempted to ask him how does he know how bad COVID-19 may have gotten with no lockdowns keeping in mind a) how much more contagious, b) how much more severe (longlasting damage in many cases even if not killed) and c) how much more deadly COVID-19 is vs the typical flu.

I've largely quit arguing on my hunting forum because there is ZERO proof you can provide them that will change their minds...ZERO.

The fact there is a sizable fraction of our population that believes this is all an attempt to win the election in 2020 is troubling. All these countless lives people have sacrificed even non-Americans just to get their one guy.

I use to be thankful stupidity wasnt contagious.....but then the internet said hold my beer!
I've largely quit arguing on my hunting forum because there is ZERO proof you can provide them that will change their minds...ZERO.

The fact there is a sizable fraction of our population that believes this is all an attempt to win the election in 2020 is troubling. All these countless lives people have sacrificed even non-Americans just to get their one guy.

I use to be thankful stupidity wasnt contagious.....but then the internet said hold my beer!

The thing is that this guy is actually an intelligent scientist (pro-met)! He's no dummy! He also thinks the climate issue is way overblown and he thinks GW to this point has actually been beneficial overall. One thing he points out is the increased crop yields/greening of the globe.

He's not a typical conservative by any means. I'm not even sure he's a conservative. He claims to have voted for Obama and mostly Democrats in the past! But he's an ardent Trump supporter who points out over and over that the entire MSM is just out to get him with fake news. He thinks that Trump did no wrong with regard to getting Russian help as well as in regard to Ukraine/impeachment issue.

I do agree with him that much of the MSM is biased against Trump. But where we differ is that I think Trump has asked for a lot of it with his behavior.
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