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Political Thread

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Lawsuits lining up. Wonder if judges will say you saved a life that’s all that matters. Your suffering and losing everything was worth it.

I hope the judges do. Then I hope victims of covid sue the the barber and salon owners for careless negligence.
I still don't understand how they weren't arrested on the spot, before a DA was involved. I just don't understand. IIRC they admitted at the scene the pursued, confronted, and killed him. There is no universe in which there can be any claim of self defense when you are the instigstor. And police would have no more right to kill him than a regular citizen, though many people are somehow okay with this.
I've definitely walked through houses under construction. It's cool to see that stuff.
Also, what could possibly be gained by making it legal to brandish firearms? Any idea on the though process of GA lawmakers there?

Not sure why, I would figure make an arrest, then talk. Of course, the DA is now denying it, so we will see. Glynn County is going to get investigated over this, and if those conversations are true (about how the arrest was blocked), they will be in the recorded phone calls.

I have no idea why they're (or maybe they were) going to try to make it legal to brandish a firearm. I remember the first time I heard that they were going to try to pass that law on the radio. I was in the car with my parents and my dad right after sarcastically said something like this: "if this passes I guess this is going to make it legal to wave a firearm in an argument".

People have reached their limit on being told to stay home. Expect more and more of these type of resistance to start happening in states that are treating their people like animals.
You know yesterday I saw an example of people who think like you and the nasty fruit it produces when they get too vocal about it. One guy started yelling at everyone in a line that everything with the virus was a hoax and just being an uncivil POS. These people were picking random arguments with people for no reason and it disgusts me that people act like this. They're the real people that are treating others like animals, not the civil people who are willing to temporarily comply with limits.

Seriously, if you keep wishing for civil unrest, lunatics will start coming out and acting more like this. Just chill with the civil unrest stuff.
You know yesterday I saw an example of people who think like you and the nasty fruit it produces when they get too vocal about it. One guy started yelling at everyone in a line that everything with the virus was a hoax and just being an uncivil POS. These people were picking random arguments with people for no reason and it disgusts me that people act like this. They're the real people that are treating others like animals, not the civil people who are willing to temporarily comply with limits.

Seriously, if you keep wishing for civil unrest, lunatics will start coming out and acting more like this. Just chill with the civil unrest stuff.
In no way do I go out saying anything to anyone nor encourage violence. I encourage Everyone to go out and respect all and live your lives. If someone is scared of the virus then stay home. I encourage business owners to open up but do respect the social distancing. I don’t agree full capacity yet. Now at end of May then it needs to be 1/2 to 3/4 capacity. Restaurants can not survive on Wo full capacity very long. I am not encouraging civil unrest. I have been saying this would start happening but no some on here think America is invincible. Same goes for you wanting to make everyone be locked down with no end in site. That encourages resistance.
With US and other countries all planning to leave China which I agree with eventually will lead to high tensions. China depends on these manufacturing jobs to help their economy and feed their billions of people. When money disappears and people get restless and hungry. Then expect a backlash. China will not be happy as any country would not.

???This lady is a complete lost in space liberal. No sharing air!
Now what would be hilarious is her as Biden VP choice! Talk about stomach hurting from laughing so much.

???This lady is a complete lost in space liberal. No sharing air!
Now what would be hilarious is her as Biden VP choice! Talk about stomach hurting from laughing so much.

Be nice, Matthew. That’s not the way to talk about a lady. I was taught to always be a gentleman around a lady.

???This lady is a complete lost in space liberal. No sharing air!
Now what would be hilarious is her as Biden VP choice! Talk about stomach hurting from laughing so much.

We know what she meant. This doesn't help your talking points to laugh at her. I dont like her either, but it doesn't help you. Dont act like the others when they make fun of Republicans.
We know what she meant. This doesn't help your talking points to laugh at her. I dont like her either, but it doesn't help you. Dont act like the others when they make fun of Republicans.
I respect ladies but that is no lady. She is a liar, thief a disgrace of a politician. I thought politicians are fair game?
I respect ladies but that is no lady. She is a liar, thief a disgrace of a politician. I thought politicians are fair game?
Oh they are, but I would save your ammo on more extreme cases so you dont look petty like others on here can.
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I respect ladies but that is no lady. She is a liar, thief a disgrace of a politician. I thought politicians are fair game?

They definitely are. I’m recommending that you try to be a little more of a gentleman around a lady, even if you don’t like her. I’m not a Pelosi fan either but I still try to treat her with the respect that a lady deserves. Picking on a lady too harshly makes you kind of look like a mean man. Criticize her all you want, of course, but I’m recommending you do it in a gentlemanly manner.
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They definitely are. I’m recommending that you try to be a little more of a gentleman around a lady, even if you don’t like her. I’m not a Pelosi fan either but I still try to treat her with the respect that a lady deserves. Picking on a lady too harshly makes you kind of look like a mean man.
I appreciate your input. She is able to trash Trump and others. She rips up Trumps speech in front of nation. This is a lady? My opinion this is a lady in a position that she should be able to hear not so pleasant feelings about her. I don’t agree with any man berating a lady in marriage or in public or ever physically harming her but when a lady is in the spotlight like she is then that’s part of the job. To me you make ladies sound weak and can not take care of themselves or stand up for themselves. These are words not anything more. To me a lady deserves respect in her position that Pelosi is when she earns it. She in no way has earned my respect. The old saying stick and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me. I’d say Pelosi can take remarks towards her just as she gives them out. Just like Hillary. Sorry I don’t respect her either. I do respect ladies very much but also believe ladies can take care of themselves also. My daughter is one. She is a strong beautiful lady that can take it and give it back.
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