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Political Thread

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Nobody cares anymore? The very reason why you are nothing but a FRAUD! You talk all this smack like you are some middle of the road, stand up for whats "right" do gooder. You are as fake as they come!
He means no one cares about the BS falsehood conspiracy accusations Trump and his cronies and his voters are always spouting to distract from their crimes.
Most Americans see through it. We'll see if that's enough to avoid his re-election this November.
Lol. So now the thinking is to infect people with a less dangerous makeup of this virus. Well I would say 98-99% is already less dangerous enough. Yes line up to get infected on purpose. Wonderful idea. NOT! I will take my chances with virus naturally instead of a made up version. Organic or preservatives shot. Take your pick?
He means no one cares about the BS falsehood conspiracy accusations Trump and his cronies and his voters are always spouting to distract from their crimes.
Most Americans see through it. We'll see if that's enough to avoid his re-election this November.

Theres a bed that's been made by SOME of trumps supporters.

Remember when the details of the QPQ to investigate biden was unfolding and trumps team tried to do anything to rationalize it. At one point trump said he had the power as president to investigate anyone. His supporters ran with it and agreed.

What they fail to recognize is that completely negates any criticism of Obama for any investigation he started against Trump. Just as they agreed trump can investigate anyone that gives Obama 100% cover. They cant have their cake and eat it too but they sure try hard.
Despite some 750 media reports that Liberty University was writing COVID-19 death sentences for some 1,100 students returning after spring break, the Virginia Christian college recorded no cases with students on campus and is now holding itself up as the “model” to follow in the fall.

After the students left for home at the end of the college school year last week, President Jerry Falwell Jr. said, “We finished this year strong — maybe even stronger than ever before because of the hard work of our administration, faculty, staff, and students who pushed through the challenges that this pandemic caused and never quit safely serving our students.”

He added: “Liberty University created the model that other universities should follow for pandemics by protecting its students, faculty, and staff from COVID cases in the local community. We are thankful to God that nobody who lived in a campus residence hall or who worked in a campus office tested positive for the virus.”
Despite some 750 media reports that Liberty University was writing COVID-19 death sentences for some 1,100 students returning after spring break, the Virginia Christian college recorded no cases with students on campus and is now holding itself up as the “model” to follow in the fall.

After the students left for home at the end of the college school year last week, President Jerry Falwell Jr. said, “We finished this year strong — maybe even stronger than ever before because of the hard work of our administration, faculty, staff, and students who pushed through the challenges that this pandemic caused and never quit safely serving our students.”

He added: “Liberty University created the model that other universities should follow for pandemics by protecting its students, faculty, and staff from COVID cases in the local community. We are thankful to God that nobody who lived in a campus residence hall or who worked in a campus office tested positive for the virus.”

Yes because 1100 students is equivalent to schools with 25k plus. My kocal.communtit college has 10xs more students than liberty is bragging about.
I appreciate your input. She is able to trash Trump and others. She rips up Trumps speech in front of nation. This is a lady? My opinion this is a lady in a position that she should be able to hear not so pleasant feelings about her. I don’t agree with any man berating a lady in marriage or in public or ever physically harming her but when a lady is in the spotlight like she is then that’s part of the job. To me you make ladies sound weak and can not take care of themselves or stand up for themselves. These are words not anything more. To me a lady deserves respect in her position that Pelosi is when she earns it. She in no way has earned my respect. The old saying stick and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me. I’d say Pelosi can take remarks towards her just as she gives them out. Just like Hillary. Sorry I don’t respect her either. I do respect ladies very much but also believe ladies can take care of themselves also. My daughter is one. She is a strong beautiful lady that can take it and give it back.

Interesting that's how most of us feel towards trump that I have bolded. We get told we have TDS and are haters blah blah..

Guess this means you have PDS.
Interesting that's how most of us feel towards trump that I have bolded. We get told we have TDS and are haters blah blah..

Guess this means you have PDS.
I never said nor will stop you from bashing Trump. Bash away. Some think Obama and Biden were innocent. No politician is innocent. No it’s Karma for the liberals and media. I wish Trump would just do fireside chats and stop press conferences. Then again it is fun to watch the liberal media scum squirm when he owns them or his press secretary owns them. I sure hope he gets 4 more years. Then it will be serious clean the swamp time. Expose all the sorry liberal scum. He can use the bleach to clean the scum out of the water. MAGA!
I never said nor will stop you from bashing Trump. Bash away. Some think Obama and Biden were innocent. No politician is innocent. No it’s Karma for the liberals and media. I wish Trump would just do fireside chats and stop press conferences. Then again it is fun to watch the liberal media scum squirm when he owns them or his press secretary owns them. I sure hope he gets 4 more years. Then it will be serious clean the swamp time. Expose all the sorry liberal scum. He can use the bleach to clean the scum out of the water. MAGA!
You literally just contradicted yourself over and over again in that post. No politician is innocent means Trump is just as scummy. If we want to make America great, we need to stop encouraging people to polarize and taunt each other because of their party. If you want to say "Trump is a businessman" you can, but once he became president he signed the "I am a politician" label onto himself permanently.
Well when governor Cuomo made nursing homes take actual virus patients. That was a death sentence to those nursing homes. Everyone knew the older population was the most vulnerable. Would not be surprised if that idiot intentionally wanted more deaths to help his the sky is falling prophecy. He wanted to try and show he needed 40k ventilators.
You literally just contradicted yourself over and over again in that post. No politician is innocent means Trump is just as scummy. If we want to make America great, we need to stop encouraging people to polarize and taunt each other because of their party. If you want to say "Trump is a businessman" you can, but once he became president he signed the "I am a politician" label onto himself permanently.
I never said Trump was innocent. Don’t put words into my mouth. ALL politicians are dirty. I still feel Trump is still better than the garbage the liberals and Democrats put forth. Trump believes in capitalism. That I can look past all his stupid comments. He had MAGA until this virus. I will never support a party that wants socialism and open borders. Period. The days of having a candidate like Reagan are gone. It’s either socialism or capitalism candidates. I sure as heck don’t want no buttercup President either. We live in times we need strength in WH. A buttercup president lets the media control them. Last thing this country needs since it’s fos liberals.
Well when governor Cuomo made nursing homes take actual virus patients. That was a death sentence to those nursing homes. Everyone knew the older population was the most vulnerable. Would not be surprised if that idiot intentionally wanted more deaths to help his the sky is falling prophecy. He wanted to try and show he needed 40k ventilators.

You were on a decent path to a good post until half way through then it jumped the rails.
You were on a decent path to a good post until half way through then it jumped the rails.
I put nothing past some politicians. Especially Cuomo. He a dictator and only cares about himself. Just like the governor of Illinois. He can send his family to Florida but no one else can leave the state or go anywhere. He’s another that hopefully Illinois people see you vote out. Hopefully people will see thru this virus the type of governors and mayors you do not want leading your city or states. They are dictators who want to take away your freedoms and want everyone to live off govt.
Reports now coming out many of the Obama deep states are now lawyering up. Lol. This is going to be fun to watch unfold. Even NBC on Meet The Press changed what Barr said. The liberals are in meltdown!
The shutdown did at least 90% of the mitigation of the death toll. Herd immunity is clearly not responsible for that much, the weather isn't either as it's spread in nations that have much warmer temps than the US has been in lately. Also for the record, the whole nation didn't ever shut down. Parts were shut down accordingly and governors made their decisions accordingly, some poorer ones than others.
What number are you basing that 90% on? 2.2 million? You can’t possibly know how many would have died if we took some other action in lieu of shut downs.
What number are you basing that 90% on? 2.2 million? You can’t possibly know how many would have died if we took some other action in lieu of shut downs.
Just a guess, but I'm pretty sure that logically they had a large impact. Denying they had a massive impact on their own in reducing numbers is foolish in my opinion. Had there been no shutdown restrictions would have been nearly useless because people don't understand the importance. We saved lives with the shutdown and we are slowly reopening. We're doing the best we can at this state I would say aside from of course Kemp closing too late and opening too early. We will see in a month where we stand among states that had longer shutdown periods.
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