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Political Thread

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I agree with you that Trump is an absolutely awful human being and a bad POTUS (I can hardly stand the jerk), but please don't be so harsh on @pcbjr. He doesn't deserve disrespect from anyone, even if you do perceive him to support Trump. He's almost never combative and doesn't like it when it isn't peaceful. As a matter of fact, I think he kind of hates this thread.
Yeah I dont think @LithiaWx was on last week when we were told to be nice or thread would be taken down.
I agree with you that Trump is an absolutely awful human being and a bad POTUS (I can hardly stand the jerk), but please don't be so harsh on @pcbjr. He doesn't deserve disrespect from anyone, even if you do perceive him to support Trump. He's almost never combative and doesn't like it when it isn't peaceful. As a matter of fact, I think he kind of hates this thread.
I don’t feel I was being disrespectful. Not the intent. I was trying to see if he condones what the president has said. He made a passive aggressive post regarding quotes I posted. I wanted him to back off or take a stand instead of skirting the edges.
@pcbjr. He doesn't deserve disrespect from anyone, even if you do perceive him to support Trump.
A) I never have expressed support, or lack of it, for any politician here; my comments have always been confined to law; B) Whatever his problem is he has inferred and imputed meanings to things I never said.
That is sick.
yes I supported and voted for Clinton.
Grow up? All I’m doing is posting what the president has said. His words.
Ok so Clinton was a pervert, abused power, liar, murders people. Biden were just getting started to finding out about him. Trust me much will come out about him in coming months. You support him?
  • His constant insult towards Arianna Huffington; Trump is known to never cease to hurl abuses at Huffington, the co-founder of Huffington Post. While he could have directly opposed her liberal views, he goes on to address her looks and her personal life. One of this is his tweet when she had issues with her husband ‘@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision.
  • Calls Arianna Hufington ugly- As if his tweets about her was not enough, he tweets again ‘How much money is the extremely unattractive Arianna Huffington paying her poop ex-husband for the use of his name.’
  • Belittles Hillary Clinton’s achievement- ‘If Hillary Clinton were to be a man, I don’t think she’d get 5% of the vote’. So was he trying to say being a woman is an advantage?
  • He insult to Carly Fiorina- Carly Fiorina was Trump’s republican rival. He was noted to have said ‘Look at that face, would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president? I mean, she’s a woman and I am not supposed to say bad things but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?
  • When Clinton confronted him on women issues- Upon Clinton’s confrontation, he said ‘Amazing that crooked Hillary can do a hit ad on me concerning women when her husband was the worst abuser of women in US political history.’
Ok so Clinton was a pervert, abused power, liar, murders people. Biden were just getting started to finding out about him. Trust me much will come out about him in coming months. You support him?

I supported both Clinton’s. murdered people? Lol and I’ll be waiting on the dirt to drop on Joe. So far what little has fallen has not been proven credible. nothing has stuck.
... you single-handedly just may have turned me into a Trump freak ... stew on that and what your attitude conveys ...

I seem to have struck a nerve. Was not my intention. I was just asking if you supported the comments I posted earlier this evening.
I seem to have struck a nerve. Was not my intention. I was just asking if you supported the comments I posted earlier this evening.
and I told you 20 ways from next Sunday your comments did not factor one iota into any post I made but you persisted ad nauseam ... in doing so you showed some feathers that ... well, never mind but I'd suggest going forward you act and converse based on facts and not raw or blind emotion ...
And the above posts, ladies and gentlemen, are a microcosm of what Trump has done to our country's unity.
We can agree to disagree. Trump is not the division only. It’s the hate driven by liberals and media. Being called Trumpsters and drinking kool aid. It’s a whole realm of circumstances. The division started with Obama. Then Pelosi and her pathetic liberals that surround her. By saying this is what Trump has done only makes the division worse. All we hear is how reckless he is. All we heard under Obama was how the police were bad and race issues. It’s old. In November we can see what happens. One thing I can assure you. Biden will not change the division. He will only make it worse.
Man this thread can get pretty despicable the amount of hate thrown around in here towards each other based on someone’s political beliefs.
Agree but it’s not just political beliefs. It’s also on people’s opinions. From being called mentally insane to someone can’t spell to today death squads. It’s ridiculous.
He will not get re-elected because of the lives he saved, or because of shutting down the flights to China, or because of the economy.... He will be re-elected because he is the best person to get us out of this mess we found ourselves in due to this virus. WE NEED A BUSINESSMAN right now not a politician. That why we elected him to begin with. We all knew he was not the smooth talker that everyone would rally behind. We hired him to be a hard-nosed man and drain that swamp and trim the fat. Will he make mistakes??? yes, but we expected this from a man with no political experience. Just think about what could have been if this virus had not been released on the world. If it were not for Trump building up our economy before this happened, our country would have been in a really bad position. For Heaven's sake, let the man finish what he started.
The nation is not a business. Please stop peddling this dumb line that we need a businessman as the president. Trump was not "building up the economy," he was sowing the seeds to poison the planet and the people to line some people's pockets.
If I were so inclined, I could find a quote, an article, a source, to back up any position I might choose to take ... glad in my line of work I'm trained not to do so ...
Come on, that's not what he did. We don't have to go find a quote to support a position about the president because almost everything that comes out of his mouth supports how unfit he is. He said hundreds of things in 2015 alone that would have ended the campaign of anyone else.
But few if any other candidates are so nakedly hateful and spiteful, and that is what many people want, because it is a reflection of themselves.
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