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Political Thread

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So far every time someone posts something, you think it “helps Trump”. I want to know where exactly you stand geopolitically. Explain to me your world view and where the United States, as a beacon of Freedom and Democracy, should place itself on the world stage. Make me understand how, in your own words, a Trump win would strengthen our standing among the G7. I’d also like to know where you want to see the United States improve itself in trade partnerships. Give me your views on NAFTA and the TPP. What about the Keystone pipeline? Can you adequately explain what exactly we can look forward to with another four years of Trump? Economically, socially, politically, and Constitutionally? Please @Jesse89 enlighten me. Don’t give me the usual Trump good, Democrat bad, durr, durr, durr. Don’t give me cut and paste answers. I want well thought out answers from your POV.
Trump good because fox told me he is good.
So far every time someone posts something, you think it “helps Trump”. I want to know where exactly you stand geopolitically. Explain to me your world view and where the United States, as a beacon of Freedom and Democracy, should place itself on the world stage. Make me understand how, in your own words, a Trump win would strengthen our standing among the G7. I’d also like to know where you want to see the United States improve itself in trade partnerships. Give me your views on NAFTA and the TPP. What about the Keystone pipeline? Can you adequately explain what exactly we can look forward to with another four years of Trump? Economically, socially, politically, and Constitutionally? Please @Jesse89 enlighten me. Don’t give me the usual Trump good, Democrat bad, durr, durr, durr. Don’t give me cut and paste answers. I want well thought out answers from your POV.

I’m not a politician if I was I’d run for president myself. So my answer will be rusty at best but I want run from your question even if I can accurately answer it. But here goes. Anyone who knows anything about NAFTA knows the United States lost jobs that left for China and Mexico and probably other countries as well. So I was all for renegotiating nafta. The TPP I don’t believe ever went into affect because didn’t Trump pull us from that? Not sure because I’m not cheating or looking. But bottom line is you have to look at unemployment rate before the virus showed it’s ugly face. And this country had record low unemployment. Jobs came back to the USA and manufacturing came back strong. As far as the G7 summit Trump is a strong leader he knows how to talk how to negotiate. Biden to me is a pushover he’s weak and other countries will love Biden because he could be easily persuaded. Freedom and Democracy you only have to look at events you burn a USA flag nothing will probably happen. You riot and protest most people get away with it. You go to idk Iran burn there flag and let’s see what happens your probably going to jail. We have freedom for now all subject to Change of course. But as far as Trade China has ripped us off for years Trump has only been trying to balance the scale to even the advantage between China and USA. That’s it and I am a big supporter of that. Biden thinks China isn’t a problem. Do you really want things going backwards and China being the world powerhouse in trade and everything else? Do you really believe Jobs won’t leave again if Biden raises taxes? Because if it’s cheaper to move to Mexico or China why wouldn’t they? I believe the USA benefits from another 4yrs of Trump. Because taxes will remain low and Jobs will continue to come back home and grow. The Economy will come back stronger then ever. The seeds are already planted. Trumps policy supports a strong economy and job growth more then Biden’s. Elect Biden China will rule our economy will slow or crumble jobs will be loss over time. I’ll add this as a bonus I like having police Trump supports law and order and is strong on it. Lets see the keystone pipeline well it is beneficial because it creates jobs as well as oil production. You can never have enough oil right? I’m sure my answers are not as crisp as you are expecting but i could turn this around. How do you think 4yrs of Biden will help the USA? How do you think he will keep jobs and add jobs? How do you think he will step up to foreign leaders? How would he keep the economy from falling apart?

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So far every time someone posts something, you think it “helps Trump”. I want to know where exactly you stand geopolitically. Explain to me your world view and where the United States, as a beacon of Freedom and Democracy, should place itself on the world stage. Make me understand how, in your own words, a Trump win would strengthen our standing among the G7. I’d also like to know where you want to see the United States improve itself in trade partnerships. Give me your views on NAFTA and the TPP. What about the Keystone pipeline? Can you adequately explain what exactly we can look forward to with another four years of Trump? Economically, socially, politically, and Constitutionally? Please @Jesse89 enlighten me. Don’t give me the usual Trump good, Democrat bad, durr, durr, durr. Don’t give me cut and paste answers. I want well thought out answers from your POV.
lol...... Sounds like you are taking a politics class online and want someone to answer your essay question. You already know why it helps Trump. Your post was not directed at me....... however I will just say that I have a personal hatred for NAFTA. I lost a very good job due to our entire business going to Canada. Bill Clinton was the culprit behind that one. So, yeah I despise the DNC platform. It that enough of a direct POV for you bucko?
lol...... Sounds like you are taking a politics class online and want someone to answer your essay question. You already know why it helps Trump. Your post was not directed at me....... however I will just say that I have a personal hatred for NAFTA. I lost a very good job due to our entire business going to Canada. Bill Clinton was the culprit behind that one. So, yeah I despise the DNC platform. It that enough of a direct POV for you bucko?

NAFTA was horrible I know so many jobs left. I’m not to familiar with the TPP though.

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lol...... Sounds like you are taking a politics class online and want someone to answer your essay question. You already know why it helps Trump. Your post was not directed at me....... however I will just say that I have a personal hatred for NAFTA. I lost a very good job due to our entire business going to Canada. Bill Clinton was the culprit behind that one. So, yeah I despise the DNC platform. It that enough of a direct POV for you bucko?

Nah. Never took political science. I am however an astute observer of what is going on politically. Nice snark though.
He won’t even be on most of the ballots. He isn’t getting 1-2 million votes. I’m 100% sure

I say that because if Kanye only gets on 25 state ballots. He’d only need 40k votes in each state to get one million votes. Is that to unrealistic?

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I hate the media and how they frame things. Black supremacists = black demonstrators???

kkk stronghold? lmao . so is the media now equating black panthers to black lives matter and making the group seem less racist than it is , or is it equating black lives matter to the black panthers so saying they are a racist group. hmmm

the media sickens me man. they really do
I don’t think it can be any more obvious after the last few weeks that the left isn’t trying to unite America at all. They want more division than ever and are willing to destroy the country to get Trump out of office. This isn’t about unity, and if your brainwashed into thinking that, wake up!
I don’t think it can be any more obvious after the last few weeks that the left isn’t trying to unite America at all. They want more division than ever and are willing to destroy the country to get Trump out of office. This isn’t about unity, and if your brainwashed into thinking that, wake up!

Same can be said for the right as well. They complain about the pandering to the left but they demand their racist relics remain untouched. The left just needs to get over the centuries of racism and move on.

Neither side is for unifying anything.
I don’t think it can be any more obvious after the last few weeks that the left isn’t trying to unite America at all. They want more division than ever and are willing to destroy the country to get Trump out of office. This isn’t about unity, and if your brainwashed into thinking that, wake up!
To be fair, Trump is dividing America with his actions as well. Both sides are creating bad forms of division. We need to stop electing idiots as leaders in both parties or we're really going to have issues. I hate seeing our nation be divided over the stupidest things and each side reacting like one thing or election is the end of civilization or syrup and rice is oppressive. People need to just chill and stop liking disgusting rhetoric from both sides.
@Jessy89 check out this polls(you can scroll down to religious groups) evangelical losses for trump in the last month. They have cratered bigly. From 81% down to 62%. He loses even 1 or 2% of that vote and Kanye can win 1 million and trump will still get trounced.

I’ve seen the polls I may take them more seriously when debates start. Till then it’s just entertainment

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Independence Day 2020....statues of Christopher Columbus are thrown into harbors, 67 shot/13 killed in Chicago is called "progress", and Kanye West is running for prez. ?‍♂️
November 4th: Kanye wins the presidency.
Delete 2020 at that point if it happens lol. Only thing weirder would be literal aliens showing up.
So far every time someone posts something, you think it “helps Trump”. I want to know where exactly you stand geopolitically. Explain to me your world view and where the United States, as a beacon of Freedom and Democracy, should place itself on the world stage. Make me understand how, in your own words, a Trump win would strengthen our standing among the G7. I’d also like to know where you want to see the United States improve itself in trade partnerships. Give me your views on NAFTA and the TPP. What about the Keystone pipeline? Can you adequately explain what exactly we can look forward to with another four years of Trump? Economically, socially, politically, and Constitutionally? Please @Jesse89 enlighten me. Don’t give me the usual Trump good, Democrat bad, durr, durr, durr. Don’t give me cut and paste answers. I want well thought out answers from your POV.

Geopolitically I stand a bit left of center. I consider myself a fiscal conservative and a social libertarian. I feel the United States should use its standing in the world to show others who value what we have, how to be an example of what a Democratic Republic should be.

Globally I feel that the tariffs on imports into the United States is a two-sided coin. I feel that there has been a disconnect in between our exports and imports. We have had a percentage that is skewed towards imports. When you have a trade deficit that is in favor of another country, something has to change. Granted, the tariffs have helped us to some degree, but the consequences will begin to rear their ugly head, like when the EU started hiking tariffs on US imports. That can, in and with of itself, eventually broaden that trade deficit as countries start to get less and less imports. There has to be some kind of happy medium where even if there is a trade deficit, it isn’t skewed to far from the midline either way, and then both countries are happy.

Our standing in the G7 should be as a leader and not just a member. We need to strengthen our resolve and push forward ideas that put America first. I understand that Trump has parroted this on numerous occasions, but his refusal to call out Putin and Russia over the election scandal has him looking clueless (IMHO).

NAFTA was a huge kick in the nuts to the manufacturing industry in the United States. The Southeast United States was known worldwide for textile manufacturing, but when NAFTA took hold, those plants closed and operations moved to Mexico. Bush 41 and his administration were the brains behind NAFTA. Yes, Clinton enacted NAFTA, but it had already been passed in both the House and Senate with bipartisan approval before the end of George H.W. Bush’s term. This wasn’t a Democrat thing. It was more of a Republican thing, but it went through with approval from both sides of the aisle.

As far as the TPP goes, in countries within the Pacific Rim that are a part of the TPP, they have increased prices for American exports. The tariffs were up to 59 percent for American made cars and up to 40 percent for American poultry. Globally, due to these tariffs (within the TPP) America finds itself at a disadvantage. If we could eliminate the taxes on cars, crops, and consumer goods that our workforce produces, it will support American jobs and create new opportunities to sell to the world’s fastest-growing markets (the Pacific Rim). Our domestic market is already open to the world. The TPP tears down barriers to other markets so that we can compete financially. Every billion dollars of exports contributes to around 6,000 domestic jobs. Almost 80% of all imports into the US are tariff free. By aligning within the TPP, nearly 18,000 separate items will have their import tariffs removed which benefits American workers.

As far as the Keystone pipeline, I’m a supporter. We need a way to help remove the glut of light crude from Oklahoma. This helps. Obama did not support expansion. I’m not sure, but with Canada, the Keystone pipeline is supposed to be able to bring heavy Canadian crude from Alberta into the US.

I see the divisive tone that Trump takes in his speeches. It’s an us versus them mentality. He should want to be someone that brings us all together. I know that’s a pipe dream, but hey, this is my opinion. Economically the country was on an upswing until CoVid-19. There’s been a bit of a bounce back, but until there is a proven vaccine, this thing is going to hang around. Mask wearing in public should be done, but until everyone bands together to knock this thing out, it’s always going to be the Karen’s of the world not wearing masks because, “Muh freedom!” Socially we aren’t going to gain any ground as a country until the hateful rhetoric from both sides is squashed. Constitutionally our First Amendment rights are under attack. The Trump administration has wanted to quell the freedom of the press since day one. The Bill of Rights is non-negotiable. You don’t get to pick and choose what ones you agree with.
To be fair, Trump is dividing America with his actions as well. Both sides are creating bad forms of division. We need to stop electing idiots as leaders in both parties or we're really going to have issues. I hate seeing our nation be divided over the stupidest things and each side reacting like one thing or election is the end of civilization or syrup and rice is oppressive. People need to just chill and stop liking disgusting rhetoric from both sides.
very dividing stuff by the president ....
Imagine if Kanye was actually a serious moderate running. This is a year in which you'd would probably get all of the moderates rejecting both candidates. I know that I've felt lately because of some actions by the far left that if there was a serious moderate 3rd party candidate, I'd most likely reject voting democrat (like my parents do, although my dad drunkenly told me again last night that he didn't like either Hillary or Trump in 2016) and vote for them.

The far left doesn't realize how damaging they're being by using the wording "defund the police" instead of talking about police reform, especially if you show that in a commercial to people that might not be as smart. That's one way they're just handing free ammo to the GOP. That and some other antics, like blocking up interstates for protests and taking down statues just as a beginning, is an awful look. You would be better off laying low at this point with what's been going on.
very dividing stuff by the president ....

Wasn't even referring to that. More of the way he chooses to say things like "Kung flu" over covid. He said coronavirus until people were like "Oh no he's saying/ is gonna say chinese flu" And he chose to start talking like that. Just an example there but his choice to change rhetoric to piss his opponents off is just divisiveness.
I was hanging out with some friends last night that had some high school age kids... those kids were posting pictures on Instagram of them holding a flag, and celebrating the 4th. Those kids were getting attacked by their fellow classmates because they were celebrating the 4th.. I would say 40 to 50% of their comments on Instagram were negative.. the kids told me that the those kids tell them they shouldn't celebrate the 4th and this is in suburban Charlotte.
Wasn't even referring to that. More of the way he chooses to say things like "Kung flu" over covid. He said coronavirus until people were like "Oh no he's saying/ is gonna say chinese flu" And he chose to start talking like that. Just an example there but his choice to change rhetoric to piss his opponents off is just divisiveness.

Trump strikes me as the kinda guy that in high school locker rooms would snap your ass with a wet towel and walk off laughing.
I was hanging out with some friends last night that had some high school age kids... those kids were posting pictures on Instagram of them holding a flag, and celebrating the 4th. Those kids were getting attacked by their fellow classmates because they were celebrating the 4th.. I would say 40 to 50% of their comments on Instagram were negative.. the kids told me that the those kids tell them they shouldn't celebrate the 4th and this is in suburban Charlotte.
Thank god I was born when I was. There is a huge difference in the kids that I graduated with in high school and the ones there today. If I was born 2 years later who knows. Maybe I would be a gender-fluid unicorn.
lol...... Sounds like you are taking a politics class online and want someone to answer your essay question. You already know why it helps Trump. Your post was not directed at me....... however I will just say that I have a personal hatred for NAFTA. I lost a very good job due to our entire business going to Canada. Bill Clinton was the culprit behind that one. So, yeah I despise the DNC platform. It that enough of a direct POV for you bucko?

Thank you for your very direct POV, bucko.
Wasn't even referring to that. More of the way he chooses to say things like "Kung flu" over covid. He said coronavirus until people were like "Oh no he's saying/ is gonna say chinese flu" And he chose to start talking like that. Just an example there but his choice to change rhetoric to piss his opponents off is just divisiveness.
Oh, so don’t hurt people’s feelings by exposing the truth. Got it.
Oh, so don’t hurt people’s feelings by exposing the truth. Got it.
You're really not getting what I'm saying. I said that on the right side you have people who are purposefully using divisive rhetoric to piss the other side off and taking advantage of their flaws to make themselves look better. It's almost like some people don't want unity. And as I said, the left is a problem too being stupid calling syrup racist suddenly.
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