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Political Thread

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Yeah that monumental goal post shift shows up again. Remember when trump said we only had 15 cases that were going down to zero? As deaths march on the bar is raised to when some people will believe this is serious. Maybe when we hit 100k deaths it might matter to the death squad.....probably not though.

I bet those same ones saying the elderly have to take their chances were the same ones crying that the ACA had death boards to decide who lives and dies.
Well my mom 72 yo cancer survivor goes out. We have been with my in laws whose in their 70’s. They are being safe but living. Shaggy I’m not sure why you call us death squads when you have been going out to store and Lowe’s. You can order your food from online and have it delivered. You could be spreading it or picking up the virus at the grocery store.
Yeah and now Trump is playing it like 70K deaths means we won since 200k didn't die, so re-elect him cause he saved all those lives by banning flights from China lol....this of course ignoring the months of downplaying and doing nothing Trump did to protect his re-election chances the stock market/economy at the possible expense of American lives......
When are you and Shaggy going to go to a food bank and tell all those people your sacrifice losing your job and supporting your family we’re worth saving lives.
Sure. Then let’s make sure when flu comes around to count heart attacks, strokes and other medical conditions as flu deaths also. It does not matter. All these numbers are wrong. Guaranteed it’s 2-3 times as many have had this virus already than we will ever know. It’s just another way to make people scared. What we do know is most hospitals are not over run and that’s why we sip and shut down economy for. The states can monitor and react accordingly if certain areas becomes hot spots.

They do count those deaths as flu deaths......they also count every pneumonia death regardless of cause in those numbers.....the difference here is several fold....

In a bad year you might see 20-60k deaths from flu, flu like illnesses and pneumonia the CDC list them all together.....on March 30th there were a little over 4k COVID deaths on April 30 there were 60K.....so 55k people or about the average we see in a entire year with the flu died in 1 MONTH.....and that is with shutting everything down.....55k people in ONE MONTH....now imagine we had not done anything.....even if it only doubled that's 100k in a month, now do that times a year and that 2 million number you scoffed at up thread doesn't seem so silly does it....
They do count those deaths as flu deaths......they also count every pneumonia death regardless of cause in those numbers.....the difference here is several fold....

In a bad year you might see 20-60k deaths from flu, flu like illnesses and pneumonia the CDC list them all together.....on March 30th there were a little over 4k COVID deaths on April 30 there were 60K.....so 55k people or about the average we see in a entire year with the flu died in 1 MONTH.....and that is with shutting everything down.....55k people in ONE MONTH....now imagine we had not done anything.....even if it only doubled that's 100k in a month, now do that times a year and that 2 million number you scoffed at up thread doesn't seem so silly does it....
So now your saying that our government's leaders did a good job in saving lives? Man, you are confusing me.
So now your saying that our government's leaders did a good job in saving lives? Man, you are confusing me.

Yes the governors of the states have done a excellent job for the most part.....the Fed response not so much.....had it been better and more timely then I imagine some of these deaths may have been avoided....
Yes the governors of the states have done a excellent job for the most part.....the Fed response not so much.....had it been better and more timely then I imagine some of these deaths may have been avoided....
Lolol.....dude you are comical. Cant get out of your own way!
You give Trump a lot of credit, he is not much of a businessman, he has had money his entire life and most people that had the kind of money Trump had back in the 80's made billions more than he did....Trump is a bloviated, self centered egotistical maniac, who does not care about anything but himself, heck even today he bashed GW Bush's very presidential and sane message of unity because GW Bush didn't defend Trump in his deserved impeachment,....Trump is mentally unstable, and has no business leading this great nation.

Here's the link: unity is apparently a bad thing to Trump. I thought he was for a stronger America. Reagan and even GWB he is not!

Lolol.....dude you are comical. Cant get out of your own way!

It was the governors that started shutting down schools and businesses while Trump made empty promises of 15 going to zero, or saying over a month ago that in a week anyone that wants a test can get one and they couldnt….I could go on but you get the picture....
Speaking to Rolling Stone in 2015, he said of her: “She's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father...’”

this is our fuhrer talking about his daughter. What a sick twisted soul.
Man these didn’t take long to age terribly.
Again Trumps exact quotes

Feb. 26: “And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” — Trump at a press conference.

Feb. 26: “I think every aspect of our society should be prepared. I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.” — Trump at a press conference, when asked if “U.S. schools should be preparing for a coronavirus spreading.”

Feb. 27: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” — Trump at a White House meeting with African American leaders.
It was the governors that started shutting down schools and businesses while Trump made empty promises of 15 going to zero, or saying over a month ago that in a week anyone that wants a test can get one and they couldnt….I could go on but you get the picture....
It was Trump who allowed the "States" to handle the shut down as they see fit....AS IT SHOULD BE! Im sure you can go on one of your Google searches and find the positive remarks from the governers of these states praising the President's leadership and response. Of course you dont understand the meaning of the words "positive" and "leadership"
It was Trump who allowed the "States" to handle the shut down as they see fit....AS IT SHOULD BE! Im sure you can go on one of your Google searches and find the positive remarks from the governers of these states praising the President's leadership and response. Of course you dont understand the meaning of the words "positive" and "leadership"

LOL.....Trump could not stop them from doing what they want to do...... little thing called the Constitution.....
If I were so inclined, I could find a quote, an article, a source, to back up any position I might choose to take ... glad in my line of work I'm trained not to do so ...
Well my mom 72 yo cancer survivor goes out. We have been with my in laws whose in their 70’s. They are being safe but living. Shaggy I’m not sure why you call us death squads when you have been going out to store and Lowe’s. You can order your food from online and have it delivered. You could be spreading it or picking up the virus at the grocery store.

I call you the death squad because you're willing to accept deaths in any numbers to reopen the economy.

How about telling this girl thank you for her parents sacrifice and it's now time to open the economy.

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