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Political Thread

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I think he was pretty convincing in his interview on morning joe. I could be wrong, and time will tell.

Reade's credibility is severely lacking based on extreme inconsistencies over the years regarding various things. Biden is innocent until if/when proven guilty. Regardless, the typical political DS is there and in this case with the Dems.

On another subject, thank you Mr. President! Why does every frickin thing have to be politicized? Both sides are guilty. Please stop! Of course, it won't because each side's extremes hate the other side more than any other groups on the planet imo:

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So those of you who say trump isnt dangerous how do you view his dismantling of the IGs? He is continuing to re ove those who report on his failures. Soon we will have nothing but a trump lackey run admin. Then once he controls all the info you will listen and doubt any other sources. Then the transition to the dark side will complete and we will all be screwed.

This coubtry deserves better than the one in office now.

Here's the thing. They don't care. This is what they want. They don't want oversight, they want a dictator.
Ha! When it comes to "voting" for politicians we are ALL SHEEP MY MAN! You are just the one in the back spinning around chasing your tail. Confused and scared....In last place. But you always have your morals right? Lololol

Like my favorite motto goes - It pays to be a winner!
You'd rather win even it destroys your neighbors house, eh?
As long as you are fine, screw every one else, right?
I can’t post in virus thread but why does this show only 37k death by the virus?

Those are confirmed deaths only, the CDC tells you all about it if you read their site, this has popped up today on another site I post with mostly far right conservatives and several have linked this claiming it proves the MSM is lying blah blah blah, so must be some right wing bloggers running with this as proof the MSM or others are lying about the death count etc....but that would be wrong....

This if from this page....https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html

Last updated on May 2, 2020

Total Cases 1,092,815 30,326 New Cases*

Total Deaths 64,283 1,829 New Deaths*

They even spell it out for you as to how they get these numbers and the criteria they use to get them.

Confirmed & Probable Cases

As of April 14, 2020, CDC case counts and death counts include both confirmed and probable cases and deaths. This change was made to reflect an interim COVID-19 position statement pdf iconexternal iconissued by the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists on April 5, 2020. The position statement included a case definition and made COVID-19 a nationally notifiable disease.

A confirmed case or death is defined by meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence for COVID-19.

A probable case or death is defined by one of the following:

  • Meeting clinical criteria AND epidemiologic evidence with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID-19
  • Meeting presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence
  • Meeting vital records criteria with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID19
Those are confirmed deaths only, the CDC tells you all about it if you read their site, this has popped up today on another site I post with mostly far right conservatives and several have linked this claiming it proves the MSM is lying blah blah blah, so must be some right wing bloggers running with this as proof the MSM or others are lying about the death count etc....but that would be wrong....

This if from this page....https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html

Last updated on May 2, 2020

Total Cases 1,092,815 30,326 New Cases*

Total Deaths 64,283 1,829 New Deaths*

They even spell it out for you as to how they get these numbers and the criteria they use to get them.

Confirmed & Probable Cases

As of April 14, 2020, CDC case counts and death counts include both confirmed and probable cases and deaths. This change was made to reflect an interim COVID-19 position statement pdf iconexternal iconissued by the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists on April 5, 2020. The position statement included a case definition and made COVID-19 a nationally notifiable disease.

A confirmed case or death is defined by meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence for COVID-19.

A probable case or death is defined by one of the following:

  • Meeting clinical criteria AND epidemiologic evidence with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID-19
  • Meeting presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence
  • Meeting vital records criteria with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID19
I know that and I’m not saying anything either way. You also realize that 64k deaths include people who died of heart attacks and strokes and other medical conditions. There really is no correct or exact numbers. Yes the deaths is higher in deaths than CDC says but also the cases is much much higher that have had the virus that will ever be known.
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I know that and I’m not saying anything either way. You also realize that 64k deaths include people who died of heart attacks and stokes and other medical conditions. There really is no correct or exact numbers. Yes the deaths is higher in deaths than CDC says but also the cases is much much higher that have had the virus that will ever be known.
Yes they were and still are saying if anyone died of any reason, but tested positive for Coronavirus they would be marked as death by Corona.
Those are confirmed deaths only, the CDC tells you all about it if you read their site, this has popped up today on another site I post with mostly far right conservatives and several have linked this claiming it proves the MSM is lying blah blah blah, so must be some right wing bloggers running with this as proof the MSM or others are lying about the death count etc....but that would be wrong....

This if from this page....https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html

Last updated on May 2, 2020

Total Cases 1,092,815 30,326 New Cases*

Total Deaths 64,283 1,829 New Deaths*

They even spell it out for you as to how they get these numbers and the criteria they use to get them.

Confirmed & Probable Cases

As of April 14, 2020, CDC case counts and death counts include both confirmed and probable cases and deaths. This change was made to reflect an interim COVID-19 position statement pdf iconexternal iconissued by the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists on April 5, 2020. The position statement included a case definition and made COVID-19 a nationally notifiable disease.

A confirmed case or death is defined by meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence for COVID-19.

A probable case or death is defined by one of the following:

  • Meeting clinical criteria AND epidemiologic evidence with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID-19
  • Meeting presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence
  • Meeting vital records criteria with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID19
Yeah. The 37k count is a lagging indicator and will catch up with the 60k+ number in the end, most likely, as deaths are confirmed.
I know that and I’m not saying anything either way. You also realize that 64k deaths include people who died of heart attacks and stokes and other medical conditions. There really is no correct or exact numbers. Yes the deaths is higher in deaths than CDC says but also the cases is much much higher that have had the virus that will ever be known.

Not sure your point, the CDC list the criteria for all of this, the vast majority of these deaths are directly caused by COVID, if anything the number of deaths from COVID is LOWER because many people have died due to it and never tested etc.....most of the heart attack and strokes are occurring in patients on ventilators etc because their bodies wear out on the machines.....or from day after day of running high fevers etc.....so you bet it counts if someone has a heart attack or stroke after days on a ventilator or fighting lack of oxygen because of COVID.
Still nowhere near 2 million. Not even world wide.

Yeah that monumental goal post shift shows up again. Remember when trump said we only had 15 cases that were going down to zero? As deaths march on the bar is raised to when some people will believe this is serious. Maybe when we hit 100k deaths it might matter to the death squad.....probably not though.

I bet those same ones saying the elderly have to take their chances were the same ones crying that the ACA had death boards to decide who lives and dies.
Yeah that monumental goal post shift shows up again. Remember when trump said we only had 15 cases that were going down to zero? As deaths march on the bar is raised to when some people will believe this is serious. Maybe when we hit 100k deaths it might matter to the death squad.....probably not though.

I bet those same ones saying the elderly have to take their chances were the same ones crying that the ACA had death boards to decide who lives and dies.
I have already stated the solution to this problem..... Keep the elderly safe by isolation, then get the rest of the country back to work. Practice safe-distancing when possible and wear masks when we can't. It really is simple folks.
Yeah that monumental goal post shift shows up again. Remember when trump said we only had 15 cases that were going down to zero? As deaths march on the bar is raised to when some people will believe this is serious. Maybe when we hit 100k deaths it might matter to the death squad.....probably not though.

I bet those same ones saying the elderly have to take their chances were the same ones crying that the ACA had death boards to decide who lives and dies.

Yeah and now Trump is playing it like 70K deaths means we won since 200k didn't die, so re-elect him cause he saved all those lives by banning flights from China lol....this of course ignoring the months of downplaying and doing nothing Trump did to protect his re-election chances the stock market/economy at the possible expense of American lives......
Yeah and now Trump is playing it like 70K deaths means we won since 200k didn't die, so re-elect him cause he saved all those lives by banning flights from China lol....this of course ignoring the months of downplaying and doing nothing Trump did to protect his re-election chances the stock market/economy at the possible expense of American lives......
He will not get re-elected because of the lives he saved, or because of shutting down the flights to China, or because of the economy.... He will be re-elected because he is the best person to get us out of this mess we found ourselves in due to this virus. WE NEED A BUSINESSMAN right now not a politician. That why we elected him to begin with. We all knew he was not the smooth talker that everyone would rally behind. We hired him to be a hard-nosed man and drain that swamp and trim the fat. Will he make mistakes??? yes, but we expected this from a man with no political experience. Just think about what could have been if this virus had not been released on the world. If it were not for Trump building up our economy before this happened, our country would have been in a really bad position. For Heaven's sake, let the man finish what he started.
Not sure your point, the CDC list the criteria for all of this, the vast majority of these deaths are directly caused by COVID, if anything the number of deaths from COVID is LOWER because many people have died due to it and never tested etc.....most of the heart attack and strokes are occurring in patients on ventilators etc because their bodies wear out on the machines.....or from day after day of running high fevers etc.....so you bet it counts if someone has a heart attack or stroke after days on a ventilator or fighting lack of oxygen because of COVID.
Sure. Then let’s make sure when flu comes around to count heart attacks, strokes and other medical conditions as flu deaths also. It does not matter. All these numbers are wrong. Guaranteed it’s 2-3 times as many have had this virus already than we will ever know. It’s just another way to make people scared. What we do know is most hospitals are not over run and that’s why we sip and shut down economy for. The states can monitor and react accordingly if certain areas becomes hot spots.
He will not get re-elected because of the lives he saved, or because of shutting down the flights to China, or because of the economy.... He will be re-elected because he is the best person to get us out of this mess we found ourselves in due to this virus. WE NEED A BUSINESSMAN right now not a politician. That why we elected him to begin with. We all knew he was not the smooth talker that everyone would rally behind. We hired him to be a hard-nosed man and drain that swamp and trim the fat. Will he make mistakes??? yes, but we expected this from a man with no political experience. Just think about what could have been if this virus had not been released on the world. If it were not for Trump building up our economy before this happened, our country would have been in a really bad position. For Heaven's sake, let the man finish what he started.

You give Trump a lot of credit, he is not much of a businessman, he has had money his entire life and most people that had the kind of money Trump had back in the 80's made billions more than he did....Trump is a bloviated, self centered egotistical maniac, who does not care about anything but himself, heck even today he bashed GW Bush's very presidential and sane message of unity because GW Bush didn't defend Trump in his deserved impeachment,....Trump is mentally unstable, and has no business leading this great nation.
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