When it is... Trump will be the poster childWait until adultery is the new political- correct-sin that gives permission to burn, break, and tear down statues.
What did they do that was so grand?let’s stick up Obama, Clinton, and Ford.
Shes GREAT.I like South Dakota Governor she’s pretty sharp
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When it is... Trump will be the poster child
This really isn't about race. This is about Marxists using the cover of race to gain power. To keep people on their heels, they use moral language simply as a smoke screen. They will lose because they picked the wrong time and the wrong president.why do you keep bringing up the 1960's. Most black Americans was not born yet. ( 60 years ago) I thought this was about today's Americans. (2020) But, you are right..... you have every right to kneel. Just a lot more people would respect a power fist over kneeling (called having class. Showing respect while making a statement)
Another casualty of the Tulsa rally.That skank Guilfoyle has the rona. Lol. I was wondering where don jr was before the news broke.
Would do a better job than daddy.I bust out laughing Lol ?View attachment 43676
Well personally having served in the military I find that flag offensive too, but at the same time, there is no legal taboo to burning the American Flag many of us fought for. Word of advice though, while it is legal to burn it, burn it in front of me at your own risk
I’ll say this on race then I’m done with it. I’m not racist despite what people think of me. And I’ve been told I’m racist before and typically I laugh because I don’t care what people think. I treat all people equally Latino black white asian etc. because I like to look at the bigger picture. It’s not skin colors it is how a person acts there attitude there actions the way they treat others. I believe all lives matter and I am sickened by the people that’s been shot by the BLM protests. I am sickened by the erasing of history and people being offended by pancake syrup. And people being offended by master bedroom. The stupidity and actions of others is what I’m sickened by not the color of someone’s skin. I’m just a South Carolina country boy trying to make it paycheck to paycheck to support my family. Racism will always be a problem but I don’t think it’s a majority problem. I think racism is isolated but BLM movement and the stupidity will bring racism back to live so it needs to stop. I’m done with my rant call me names criticize me all you want. Really I don’t care! But I can get along with anyone and everyone even those I don’t agree with. Skin color is never a issue here but your actions are. Break in to my house and I don’t care what color you are I’ll protect my family.
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Sure... slam dunk caseWill you be the judge and jury?
It was slowly dying down until now. It has come roaring back to life due to the new movements and all the stupidity. Just saw a video on YouTube interviewing the father of one of the Seattle victims. Explains it well. Folks of color are losing more lives in this movement than they were before. Is the BLM movement costing more black lives????..... apparently.Bring racism back to life? It never died.
It was slowly dying down until now. It has come roaring back to life due to the new movements and all the stupidity. Just saw a video on YouTube interviewing the father of one of the Seattle victims. Explains it well. Folks of color are losing more lives in this movement than they were before. Is the BLM movement costing more black lives????..... apparently.
I bust out laughing LolView attachment 43676
So few days ago I posted a pastor that had 3 very scary dreams of whats to come. And they where well scary as in time to prepare is now. And people on here said I was crazy a new video came out to back that pastor up with evidence and proof. Check it out if you’d like
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If you're a Christian you never have anything to fear.
Chances are both sides would try and rig in their favor. They're both corrupt. Biden just has to be quiet enough for Trump to look like more of an idiot in states that matter and he wins. He needs Florida among others he surprisingly won in 2016. If they Dems want to win, all they have to do is let Trump make an idiot out of himself. It's not that hard and not everything is a conspiracy. It would be easier for Trump to win if he just shut up on certain things and stopped trying to be the biggest troll around. Purposefully using vocabulary to make one group angry on purpose is one of the things he needs to stop if he wants to win in November.Theory I have maybe the polls are making it look like Biden is leading. Because Democrats plan to rig the election with all mail in votes. The polls will be used to make it seem like the election wasn’t real when in reality it was rigged in Joe Biden’s favor.
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I wonder what part of President Trump's speech last night was funny Rosie ?Great speech by Trump tonight
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The 2020 Red Wave Could Be Starting Already – In Virginia, Citizens Just Voted 3 Democrats Out Of Office (July 3, 2020)
A Virginia city that went for Obama in both elections just ousted Democrat leaders in a landslide result. Three Democrat incumbents were voted out, replaced by GOP candidates.
The 2020 Red Wave Could Be Starting Already – In Virginia, Citizens Just Voted 3 Democrats Out Of Office
Democrats won a majority in Virginia’s government. Soon after, they began to push a radical left-wing agenda. It got even worse
Yes, especially after watching draconian lock-downs.Could Trump win Virginia he barely lost it in 2016
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It’s more likely Trump loses Virginia by 10-15 points than he wins it. Virginia is long gone as a competitive state in national elections.Yes, especially after watching draconian lock-downs.