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Political Thread

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Very true , but , it is what being taught and over played for political reasons.
The American flag represents an idea that all are free to live a just life. A right given by no man, therefore, no man ever take it away if they never could give. "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is why some get mad when others won't stand for it . Kneeling is seen as disrespectful .They have that right to kneel. Totally legal. But, standing with a black power fist, would be much more recepable as has been done in the past. Kneeling can be viewed as being self center and ignoran,t for,the many, many thousands of white Union soldiers that died to make all free under this flag.

Again until the 1960's blacks were not afforded those rights equally at all......the point of kneeling is to make a statement, its to say that even though the things I highlighted above exist they are still not being applied equally....I imagine most of the soldiers that died under the flag understood that kneeling during the anthem is exactly the kind of freedom they were fighting for.....
The problem though is that for a long time blacks were not really Americans, they have a completely different view of American history from whites....white America wants blacks to love the America that frankly poop all over them until just recently.....also its never stopped being about race, it always has been.

That's a fair point. Unfortunately, it's also more poop-throwing. A lot more people reacted better to the burning buildings in Minnesota than the individuals that burned a flag. There's just more to the pledge of allegiance and the flag. A race of people fought their own race of people to free an entirely different race of people from slavery while carrying the American flag, and standing for the pledge of allegiance is meant to honor those, and other, soldiers. The whole Kapernick situation was just a disrespectful and offensive gesture that was devoid of logic. There's bad aspects to everything. American Democracy was provided by Andrew Jackson for the purpose of promoting slavery, but it would be ridiculous for someone to protest an election cause of the racist history of Democracy. Right? I think that makes sense. Maybe that's the reason Kapernick didn't vote in the election.
Perhaps we should have kept this thread locked. lol

November is a lifetime away.

Naw it will just spill over in other threads, the people need a outlet, folks just need to put on their big boy/girl pants and try to keep insults and name calling to a minimum, basically act like adults......maybe put a disclaimer that the faint of heart need not click on the thread :) because ultimately at the end of the day everyone in here is here because they want to be no one is forced to visit this subforum.....
Diametrically opposing view points on this election, but both articles are a good read with info I didn't know.

I never said it was racist. I said that it was a white national anthem because POC were not considered citizens when it was adopted. Natives, blacks, and Hispanics, were not considered citizens of this country when the song was adopted. Like I said, if you have evidence to the contrary, show it to me.
That doesn't make the song racist..... dude, wake up. I can't believe we are stepping back to the 60's instead of moving forward. The race wars are never going to end if we keep saying "blacks and whites"...... I thought we were over it and then this new generation has started it right back up.
Every race can be racist. Not just white but Latinos and blacks can be racists to. Like If a white person moves in a black neighborhood. There’s cases where the white person treated differently.

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You are correct. A number of years ago I went to the house of a black friend and his father would not let me in because I was white and he didn't allow white people in his house. I said that I understood and waited quietly outside while my friend got the item we came for. So yes it works both ways. If we down-play it....... this thing will go away.
I hate to see people burn the flag. I think it's highly disrespectful, particularly to those who have served to protect our country. But I dont think it should be illegal to do it.

So do I but heres the thing. As I pulled into work this morning theres a boat with the American flag on it. The flag is altered and fades into the yellow "dont tread on me" flag. Not sure who it is but my guess is they are against disrespecting the flag but yet fly an altered version of it.
I wore a kippa (Jewish hat) to school, and received all kinds of jokes about ovens. I was offended at the beginning until I realized that some of them were actually hysterical, and one of those jokesters became a life-long friend that took me on vacation with his family. Then there was some nice Hispanic kid at my school that was always respectful to me, but it came up in class that his parents didn't sign the permission for the class to watch schindler's list cause his family didn't believe in the Holocaust. He said, "We don't believe in the Holocaust".

What you just described in your post is like the first example. Mexican or Mexican't is something I've heard from multiple interactions with my friends, including my Hispanic friends of different national origins and my black friends. It ain't racism. It's more like you not seeing the forest from the trees.
I think we have forgotten that kids can be very mean. I got picked on all throughout school. Is that right? No. But children are not wise people. Many of them are cruel and very clique-driven....even those of good parents. It takes a while to develop wisdom and character. Anyone using the fact that kids are mean as the supporting pillar of systemic racism is misguided.
We are responsible for how we treat each other in every aspect of society including message boards.

This thread doesn't have to be this way if we all just think a bit before we post.
Politics makes people too emotional, because it filters into so many social issues that affect people in so many different ways.

But yes, we all need to think before posting in this thread. If it starts going negative again, it will be locked again, for longer.

And I hope everyone remembers that no matter where we stand politically or socially, we are all here primarily because we share the love of weather. It's easy to miss the stuff we have in common when we get so wrapped up in our differences. But we need to remember those commonalities, especially when we are engaging in other threads.
"Each year we celebrate the 4th of July as America’s birthday. But with all the fun and festivities, we sometimes forget what that date really means.

It’s not the date when the British surrendered at Yorktown in our Revolutionary War. That’s October 19. Or when they formally recognized our sovereignty. That’s September 3. It’s not even the date of our Constitution. That’s September 17.

Instead, we look to July 4th, 1776 because that’s when our founders adopted the Declaration of Independence. First and foremost, we celebrate because the Declaration’s concepts and ideas were truly revolutionary.

And you can see it with the first words of the Preamble:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

At a time when kings and queens ruled the world, Thomas Jefferson’s words were explosive. They said that liberty and freedom weren’t rights to be won in battle or granted by a king—they were God-given.

It reads, “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

In 1776, our founders put at risk everything they had and everything they hoped to be. And they put it up against an empire."

This was from a speech delivered at US embassy in Tanzania, in 2010.

The president of Tanzania was present during this speech, and was ready to give his. As he stood to address those in attendance, he folded the piece of paper that held his words, and placed it in his pocket.

He looked at everyone, smiling, he told his audience, "I was prepared to speak, deliver a long message."

Then he continued "However, it is simple; we want what you have." That was all he had to say.

In these uncertain times, it is up to us for the direction of our country, not those sitting in the seats of DC. They are there because we put them there.

We have the right, a "God given right" to have our voices represented. All voices of every American. We must remember that, and always work to maintain that right.

This country is not about the economy. It is about you and I, the rights and the freedom of every American.

Never forget, We Are The Government.

A good friend, staunch patriot and retired career military officer posted this on another forum and I felt compelled to share it here.

Happy Independence Day to you and yours my friends you deserve it.

Stay Well.
For reference why is this flag ok but kneeling for the anthem or burning a flag, flying it upside down taboo?


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By saying “my life is harder than yours because I'm (insert any race other than white)” we delegitimize the MILLIONS of other struggles that make life harder for everyone. Even the coronavirus is racist in nature because allegedly it is harder on the black communities. I know this because they play a commercial about it over and over and over on the radio. This is all intertwined and further feeds the victim mentality. It’s one big “woe is me” echo chamber.
So I think we all look at problems in the country as someone elses fault or insurmountable. When my son was born 4 years ago my entire attitude changed on a lot of things. So when I read this article and see how many people are disillusioned with America and the way its heading it makes me question something.

What are we doing individually daily to change this? What little acts can we do and do we do them enough.

I try to meet everyone with a smile. Before covid I held the door for EVERYONE following even if I had to wait. When I got a thank you they were met with yes sir, yes ma'am, my pleasure. It's a small act but maybe that show of respect brightens someones day?

So I think we all look at problems in the country as someone elses fault or insurmountable. When my son was born 4 years ago my entire attitude changed on a lot of things. So when I read this article and see how many people are disillusioned with America and the way its heading it makes me question something.

What are we doing individually daily to change this? What little acts can we do and do we do them enough.

I try to meet everyone with a smile. Before covid I held the door for EVERYONE following even if I had to wait. When I got a thank you they were met with yes sir, yes ma'am, my pleasure. It's a small act but maybe that show of respect brightens someones day?

All that is good stuff. And what you're saying is that all change starts with the individual. The world is not and never will be a fair place. Circumstances are not and will not ever be equal for everyone. But how we choose to think about, react to, and deal with that adversity is what matters.

Acts of kindness and respect, like what you're describing is the way to start. Unfortunately, we are being fed the message every day that the odds are stacked against one group or another. That our situation is the result of someone else's fault. That we should be offended by this or that. That this group should have to make more sacrifices so this other group can better succeed. That you've had enough and now it's my turn. We're told all of these things to the point that they become real in our lives. And it's all a bunch of crap.

The onus is on each of us, if we want to make the world a better place. I can choose how to react to something. I can choose what course I want to pursue. I can choose whether or not I allow someone else the control over my life to offend me. I can choose to blame someone or stand up and make a difference. It's up to me. Not some movement or group or TV show or the media or some politician to tell me how to think and behave and live. It's up to me to use my God-given brain and heart and spirit to do what I want to do. Some people are going to have to take the hard road. And some are going to have it easy.

That might not always be fair, but that is life. We need to quit being mental slaves to the state and start realizing that life can be hard...yes harder for some than others. But what we do and how we do it is always up to us. There is always a way. When we stop letting others tell us how to live, then we will find that way. And little by little, things can get better for all people. But it starts with the individual. It is up to you and me. The day we stop relinquishing control of our lives and emotions to everyone else is the day you will see a real change toward unity take place.
Nobody’s saying White People do not experience racism, but trust me when I say White People do not and have not experienced the level of discrimination and centuries of racism loathed onto other races. Everyone has hardships and struggles, but for a white person they’re typically not synonymous with the color of their skin.
There is nothing in the National anthem that is racist. Show me in the lyrics where it’s racist. It’s always been the National anthem there’s never been a problem with it until now. So no reason to change what’s always been.

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The little known third verse of the Star Spangled Banner is a bit messed up, to be honest, though. I don’t support changing the anthem, though.
I’ll say this on race then I’m done with it. I’m not racist despite what people think of me. And I’ve been told I’m racist before and typically I laugh because I don’t care what people think. I treat all people equally Latino black white asian etc. because I like to look at the bigger picture. It’s not skin colors it is how a person acts there attitude there actions the way they treat others. I believe all lives matter and I am sickened by the people that’s been shot by the BLM protests. I am sickened by the erasing of history and people being offended by pancake syrup. And people being offended by master bedroom. The stupidity and actions of others is what I’m sickened by not the color of someone’s skin. I’m just a South Carolina country boy trying to make it paycheck to paycheck to support my family. Racism will always be a problem but I don’t think it’s a majority problem. I think racism is isolated but BLM movement and the stupidity will bring racism back to live so it needs to stop. I’m done with my rant call me names criticize me all you want. Really I don’t care! But I can get along with anyone and everyone even those I don’t agree with. Skin color is never a issue here but your actions are. Break in to my house and I don’t care what color you are I’ll protect my family.

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I just wanna say despite political differences here I'm glad that this board isn't as vitriolic when it comes to differing views.

I'm probably the wrong guy to say that considering things I've said on certain other boards, but it was mainly because people habitually insulted people and I got angry to the point where I just snapped and said things I regret now.

That being said, I hope we all stay friendly towards each other.

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Professor who predicted Trump's 2016 win explains why he thinks Trump will win again

Norpoth’s “Primary Model” shows that President Trump has a 91 percent chance of being reelected and also shows he would get 362 electoral votes. The model is based on a statistical and historical theory that the professor outlines.

I don't know if many here know this (I just learned this, myself), but just 2.5 years before becoming President, Lincoln clearly expressed white supremacist/anti-equality views in a debate for an Illinois Senate seat with Stephen Douglas on 9/18/1858:

“I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

This shows how much Lincoln evolved within just a few years.

I don't know if many here know this (I just learned this, myself), but just 2.5 years before becoming President, Lincoln clearly expressed white supremacist/anti-equality views in a debate for an Illinois Senate seat with Stephen Douglas on 9/18/1858:

“I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

This shows how much Lincoln evolved within just a few years.


Wait until adultery is the new political- correct-sin that gives permission to burn, break, and tear down statues.
Wait until adultery is the new political- correct-sin that gives permission to burn, break, and tear down statues.
I think it’s interesting ! In the past the church in many European nations had power ! Even in our colonies. People would be shamed and cast out by large judgemental mobs .

Now the same exact thing is happening except the mob is liberal , probably mostly non religious .
U.S. Supreme Court blocks Alabama order easing voting restrictions (good news)

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday blocked a lower-court ruling that would have relaxed voting restrictions in Alabama state during the coronavirus pandemic.

I think it’s interesting ! In the past the church in many European nations had power ! Even in our colonies. People would be shamed and cast out by large judgemental mobs .

Now the same exact thing is happening except the mob is liberal , probably mostly non religious .

Again until the 1960's blacks were not afforded those rights equally at all......the point of kneeling is to make a statement, its to say that even though the things I highlighted above exist they are still not being applied equally....I imagine most of the soldiers that died under the flag understood that kneeling during the anthem is exactly the kind of freedom they were fighting for.....
why do you keep bringing up the 1960's. Most black Americans was not born yet. ( 60 years ago) I thought this was about today's Americans. (2020) But, you are right..... you have every right to kneel. Just a lot more people would respect a power fist over kneeling (called having class. Showing respect while making a statement)

This is what Mount Rushmore should look like.

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