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Political Thread

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??. Well if it makes you feel any better. I feel same about some of your posts also. Truth hurts that the media lies.

The media lies about half as much as trump does..........Obama left him broken corona virus tests was his latest monster koolaid dose I'm sure SOME of yall are drinking up.
The media lies about half as much as trump does..........Obama left him broken corona virus tests was his latest monster koolaid dose I'm sure SOME of yall are drinking up.
Lol. It’s always Trump and Trumpsters fault. It’s comical that almost every single thing you say goes back to those two words. Well you have you an independent candidate to vote for now. That should make you happy.
Hopefully people of Hawaii see what electing idiots like this to run your state does to your rights. So many mayors and governors that are so called democrats trying to take away rights. People need to wake up and realize the liberals put democrat after their names to suck you in. They are fakes. Yes some Republicans are also but many more democrats are more than republicans. Both parties are not what they say they are but Democrats are completely opposite of what they should be.
You are not alone. ;)

On another note, how serious are you about Justin Amash as a Libertarian? Do you think he could get Johnson numbers like 2016? If so, that could be a big impact in some states (like NC).
I saw where Jessie Ventura is probably going to run also. Seems like I saw it was green party??‍♂️. Another choice!
You are not alone. ;)

On another note, how serious are you about Justin Amash as a Libertarian? Do you think he could get Johnson numbers like 2016? If so, that could be a big impact in some states (like NC).

Most of the other libertarian candidates were not to my taste. Some of their views went beyond libertarian and into crazy. Like calling our soldier heros reprehensible names. That candidate had no chance with me.

Amash is a solid pick. Probably better than Johnson by far. Johnson wasnt bad but a little aloof. Amash will be sharp and more in tune with foreign policy and other national and international interests. Hopefully he gets on all 50 ballots like Johnson.

Thinking the best we have is trump and biden is mental slavery and in the words of marley "emancipate yourselfs from mental slavery only ourselvrs can free our minds"
Most of the other libertarian candidates were not to my taste. Some of their views went beyond libertarian and into crazy. Like calling our soldier heros reprehensible names. That candidate had no chance with me.

Amash is a solid pick. Probably better than Johnson by far. Johnson wasnt bad but a little aloof. Amash will be sharp and more in tune with foreign policy and other national and international interests. Hopefully he gets on all 50 ballots like Johnson.

Thinking the best we have is trump and biden is mental slavery and in the words of marley "emancipate yourselfs from mental slavery only ourselvrs can free our minds"
Thanks. I know Johnson almost got 3% in NC. (I'm sure he probably got similar results in other states) I'm trying to gauge how much impact Amash might have in 2020 if he's the nominee.
I think they are protesting the tyranny, not the response to the virus. They might be reminding public officials that they are servants to the citizens and not kings. I would hope more people would identify the heavy-handed, draconian and authoritarian responses of local and state governments and protest with far greater numbers. You don't necessarily need to show your firearms at this point, though. In fact, it would be wise to keep knowledge of what you have to yourself. When the time comes to use them, let the enemy only see your supersonic projectile right before it impacts it's target. That's when the tyrants need to know what arms you really have.
Those protestors are the tyranny.
Well how have you not seen?
Lowest employment we ever had before this virus
No country would mess with us
Pride in America And to be an American was high
The economy was doing the best it has ever done
Military was coming home fromAfghanistan and Iraq
He started no wars Which some said he would
I don’t know how you don’t see how good he has done for this country the last four years
This is BS. He is the traitor in Chief, but the real problem isn't him, but those who enabled him. They'll still be here, whatever the outcome of the election this year.
Uh, how do you figure that? Every citizen has a right to free speech and protesting is protected. How is that tyrannical? Please explain.
Protesting with guns isn't protesting. It's threatening others to get your way. It's childish. Don't bring your guns out unless you intend to use them.
Breaking911 (@Breaking911) Tweeted:
Florida attorney at the beach dressed as the Grim Reaper to protest... people being at the beach

It’s a publicity stunt to raise money for Democrats


Lol. He sure got really close to that reporter.
John D'Amico (@johndamico) Tweeted:
Gov Cuomo to those who want to go back to work but can't due to government restrictions: "You want to work? Get a "essential" job." he bloats. So demeaning. Over 26 million Americans have lost their jobs, I'm sure we can all just go out and become a nurse, doctor - or politician.

What a great governor. ??‍♂️
Thanks. I know Johnson almost got 3% in NC. (I'm sure he probably got similar results in other states) I'm trying to gauge how much impact Amash might have in 2020 if he's the nominee.

Johnson was polling well going into 2016. A small percentage ended up going to trump I believe.

Its imperative we support Amash this go around because we can not continue with candidates like we have had in 2016 and 2020. If we can get smash to 5% nationally then libertarians can get federal funding and be present on the debate stage. We HAVE to do better picking candidates than we have been.
What a great day of remembrance for me. I was deployed in Afghanistan when I heard the news "we got him"....9/11 Never Forget

Date of death: May 2 2011

DEVGRU SEALS - The only easy day was yesterday!

160th SOAR - Night Stalkers dont quit, death waits in the dark!

Have a great day e everybody!
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