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Political Thread

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Come on, that's not what he did. We don't have to go find a quote to support a position about the president because almost everything that comes out of his mouth supports how unfit he is. He said hundreds of things in 2015 alone that would have ended the campaign of anyone else.
But few if any other candidates are so nakedly hateful and spiteful, and that is what many people want, because it is a reflection of themselves.
Damn it ... not you too? My post was a global comment not directed at anyone or any particular thing.
Maybe you'll do a double thumbs up this, but if folks cannot read simple English without somehow trying to magically tie a stand alone post to something it was/is not even remotely associated with, then I retire or sabbatical at the very least ... the effort isn't worth it ... ?
I agree with you that Trump is an absolutely awful human being and a bad POTUS (I can hardly stand the jerk), but please don't be so harsh on @pcbjr. He doesn't deserve disrespect from anyone, even if you do perceive him to support Trump. He's almost never combative and doesn't like it when it isn't peaceful. As a matter of fact, I think he kind of hates this thread.
Larry, I'm signing off ... though I'd like to close the day by saying that I've never intentionally been combative ... except in sports, or in a courtroom, and then with respect ... Phil

Though Biden could be guilty and the Dems shouldn't be hypocrites and instead be open-minded to that possibility, Tara Reade appears to be a nutcase who lacks credibility (similar to some of the accusers of Kavanaugh) based on extreme inconsistencies. I'd like for Biden get those records released from the University of Delaware and see what they show.
Though Biden could be guilty and the Dems shouldn't be hypocrites and instead be open-minded to that possibility, Tara Reade appears to be a nutcase who lacks credibility (similar to some of the accusers of Kavanaugh) based on extreme inconsistencies. I'd like for Biden get those records released from the University of Delaware and see what they show.
Agree I’m sure she is a nut case as most in politics are. I think it’s attention and money seeking Individuals that come out after so many years have passed. Never fails. I’m sure things will continue to come out about him. Just as they will on Trump. Dirty laundry sells as Don Henley wrote a song about.
Agree I’m sure she is a nut case as most in politics are. I think it’s attention and money seeking Individuals that come out after so many years have passed. Never fails. I’m sure things will continue to come out about him. Just as they will on Trump. Dirty laundry sells as Don Henley wrote a song about.

bs At comparing trump and Biden in this egard. Trump has 25 plus women accusing him. He is also on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women. There is zero comparison here.
bs At comparing trump and Biden in this egard. Trump has 25 plus women accusing him. He is also on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women. There is zero comparison here.
Well to me even just one is one too many. No lady should ever be treated that way. Either way all politicians have skeletons in their closets. Anyway I’m not here to argue nor even try to change your mind. Biden will have plenty of dirty laundry to come out. It’s just starting.
Well to me even just one is one too many. No lady should ever be treated that way. Either way all politicians have skeletons in their closets. Anyway I’m not here to argue nor even try to change your mind. Biden will have plenty of dirty laundry to come out. It’s just starting.

One too many? There is no such thing as "too many" if you have or will vote for trump again. If you voted for him then 25 is just fine.
One too many? There is no such thing as "too many" if you have or will vote for trump again. If you voted for him then 25 is just fine.
Both Trump and Biden and every other politician that runs for president have skeletons. Ok so let’s say Trump has 25 ladies and Biden 1 even though we know it’s many more. Both are just as bad. Either 1 or 25 both to me are sad. I will vote for Trump again. Yes I know his character as we have heard over and over is terrible. No politician running for president is going to have good character. I vote for him because he’s the best at being Able to get us out of this economic depression we are going into in my opinion. Anyway it is what it is with what we are faced with in politics anymore.
Incredible the more and more and more asymptomatic carriers. No way checking temps which is totally useless because once show a temp they have spread it for days or testing will ever stop this virus.
The following is spot on imo with regard to Trump’s inability to properly handle his duty of head of state. This person is clearly too liberal for my liking, which can be seen in his critique of GWB policies. However, in this, he compliments GWB for his ability to bring the US together during his presidency and his recent call for unity for the current crisis, which Trump unfortunately criticized:

“It's a quality I've come to appreciate, admire, and miss terribly through the civic desert of the Trump administration: the capacity of a president to rise above partisanship to speak from and to the nation as a whole.”

I’m proud to say I voted for GWB twice. This is what he released recently in his call for unity:

If you after listening to this can’t feel the huge difference between him and Trump on the issue of trying to unify the country, then I don’t know what else anyone can say to ever convince you.
The following is spot on imo with regard to Trump’s inability to properly handle his duty of head of state. This person is clearly too liberal for my liking, which can be seen in his critique of GWB policies. However, in this, he compliments GWB for his ability to bring the US together during his presidency and his recent call for unity for the current crisis, which Trump unfortunately criticized:

“It's a quality I've come to appreciate, admire, and miss terribly through the civic desert of the Trump administration: the capacity of a president to rise above partisanship to speak from and to the nation as a whole.”

I’m proud to say I voted for GWB twice. This is what he released recently in his call for unity:

If you after listening to this can’t feel the huge difference between him and Trump on the issue of trying to unify the country, then I don’t know what else anyone can say to ever convince you.

I like GWB very much so. Hes a good man. But, as of right now no other candidate is addressing issues of trade and other things that have been ignored for 30 years.
The following is spot on imo with regard to Trump’s inability to properly handle his duty of head of state. This person is clearly too liberal for my liking, which can be seen in his critique of GWB policies. However, in this, he compliments GWB for his ability to bring the US together during his presidency and his recent call for unity for the current crisis, which Trump unfortunately criticized:

“It's a quality I've come to appreciate, admire, and miss terribly through the civic desert of the Trump administration: the capacity of a president to rise above partisanship to speak from and to the nation as a whole.”

I’m proud to say I voted for GWB twice. This is what he released recently in his call for unity:

If you after listening to this can’t feel the huge difference between him and Trump on the issue of trying to unify the country, then I don’t know what else anyone can say to ever convince you.

Agree Bush was a good man and leader. No way I would ever compare Bush and Trump. Bottom line is we are faced with either Trump or Biden. Lesser of 2 evils.
The following is spot on imo with regard to Trump’s inability to properly handle his duty of head of state. This person is clearly too liberal for my liking, which can be seen in his critique of GWB policies. However, in this, he compliments GWB for his ability to bring the US together during his presidency and his recent call for unity for the current crisis, which Trump unfortunately criticized:

“It's a quality I've come to appreciate, admire, and miss terribly through the civic desert of the Trump administration: the capacity of a president to rise above partisanship to speak from and to the nation as a whole.”

I’m proud to say I voted for GWB twice. This is what he released recently in his call for unity:

If you after listening to this can’t feel the huge difference between him and Trump on the issue of trying to unify the country, then I don’t know what else anyone can say to ever convince you.

what I wouldn’t give for W right now.
If people don't want to hear or see Trump, DONT LOOK! STOP LISTENING! Cut your TV off so you don't have to see him people. Don't look at his Twitter. The individuals who despise him as bad as some here do, refuse to look away. They are so obsessed with this guy, what he says and how he says it they are willing to spend hours a day bashing him. For what? Live your life and get over it folks! These people look like fools complaining about unity.

If you put the people that post most often in this thread, put them in a room where nobody knows the other and don't talk politics, I doubt there would be a single argument amongst anybody in the group. The divide doesn't come from the President (any President). It comes from people's inability to control their damn emotions over 1 Man. Jeez what a miserable life some of you must have if Donald Trump gets to you this much
If people don't want to hear or see Trump, DONT LOOK! STOP LISTENING! Cut your TV off so you don't have to see him people. Don't look at his Twitter. The individuals who despise him as bad as some here do, refuse to look away. They are so obsessed with this guy, what he says and how he says it they are willing to spend hours a day bashing him. For what? Live your life and get over it folks! These people look like fools complaining about unity.

If you put the people that post most often in this thread, put them in a room where nobody knows the other and don't talk politics, I doubt there would be a single argument amongst anybody in the group. The divide doesn't come from the President (any President). It comes from people's inability to control their damn emotions over 1 Man. Jeez what a miserable life some of you must have if Donald Trump gets to you this much

The mans president of the USA.........you say we should ignore him but theres nothingt he is doing that dkesnt effect every one of us.

Essentially you are asking us to bury our heads in the sand just as you have done.

No thanks I'll continue to hold the firm belief we can and do deserve better than this loser we have in office now.
If people don't want to hear or see Trump, DONT LOOK! STOP LISTENING! Cut your TV off so you don't have to see him people. Don't look at his Twitter. The individuals who despise him as bad as some here do, refuse to look away. They are so obsessed with this guy, what he says and how he says it they are willing to spend hours a day bashing him. For what? Live your life and get over it folks! These people look like fools complaining about unity.

If you put the people that post most often in this thread, put them in a room where nobody knows the other and don't talk politics, I doubt there would be a single argument amongst anybody in the group. The divide doesn't come from the President (any President). It comes from people's inability to control their damn emotions over 1 Man. Jeez what a miserable life some of you must have if Donald Trump gets to you this much
I have never really read political threads at other boards or this thread until recently, I had no idea people really got this emotional and personal about politics. I don't think it's a bad thing but it was certainly surprising to me.
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