No one is saying slavery isnt despicable, that all men and their souls mean more or less to God than mine or yours. No one cares if an individual chooses to be homosexual,transsexual and live that lifestyle. Its their decesion.
What people care about is being told by the left God doesnt belong in our schools,courthouse on our money anymore and that we better fully support the same schools, public and private entities promoting the LGBT lifestyle, agenda. That the only Black lives that matter are the ones who are victims of police racisim. Racisim,police brutality are wrong all day long. But where are you lefties,the MSM at when Black lives are the victim of Black on Black crime, just this weekend 3 kids in 3 seperate incidents where killed by drive by shootings. Not a peep. The 4 Mineapolis cops should be charged with 1st degree murder. But the overwhelming majority of cops who keep law and order in our country deserve better than the total spit in the face they receive from the Democrats, left.
The lefts solution, defund police, have less law and order. Raise taxes and let the federal govt be the daddy, caretaker.
Sorry friend but the Democrat soloutions are a dead end for this country and its time to stand up to this continous negative false Indoctrination that is peddaled on a daily basis by academia and the main stream media.