Its scary as hell that there are millions of American's that either do take him seriously or their feelings are bruised so bad from Donald Trumps no nonsense approach that they readily accept Biden's mental condition as a better alternative. These folks evidently have low expectations
The majority of prophecies I read in 2016 said that Trump would win. I didn't believe many of them at the time, I was rather sceptical. But,the same ones are saying Trump will win in 2020. Of course you can't believe everything you read or hear but there is a prevailing theme that Trump will win in 2020. And also of course there are always kooks just trying to get attention with false information so it's really just a wait-and-see thing.Can we revisit this in December and see if it indeed happen or not
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What poll?
Have you heard the word salad coming out of Trumps mouth from day one?Wait until the debates start and the hectic grind of days with little sleep begin. My god there is no telling what might come out of his mouth
Difference in rambling on about something and not being able to form a complete sentence like Biden.Have you heard the word salad coming out of Trumps mouth from day one?
Difference in rambling on about something and not being able to form a complete sentence like Biden.
I would agree with much of this but those streaky independent "swing" voters change their winds like a fart in the wind. Most people see Trump as an asshole, He might as well play the part 100% and pound on Biden relentlessly. Joe has been around 4 decades and not much has changed sans his brain function going in the crapperI'd bet that as time goes on you will begin hearing things from Biden that more reflect his campaign ads, displaying a capable, competent person saying generic things that we all agree on. He certainly won't legislate that way, but his tone will reflect his ads. If the Dems are smart, and they are, expect little out of biden other than media narratives sprinkled with short snippets of Biden talking to crowds followed with praise clapping. It gives you just enough Biden and populus appeal.
I don't need debates, they don't swing me. We know what both people are about or should at this point. And we know how they both legislate. Legislation is most important to me, not how someone speaks, looks, style, appearal, and all that stuff that people put stock in with candidates.
You do realize Biden has had a speech impediment his whole life, right? I've heard Biden speak recently and he sounds pretty competent to me. LOL Trump rambles on, not knowing what he's talking about, speaks like a 4th grader when he can form a complete sentence.Difference in rambling on about something and not being able to form a complete sentence like Biden.
Yeah I'll pass lolI didn't because I saw "Russian and chinese army aiding in a civil war" and knew it was probably as bad as the lady in Florida screaming about the masks and 5G and deep state stuff.
So he has a speech impediment along with his dementia......not a great combo. With that being said YES Trump is a horrible speaker. I can't listen to him so I try to avoid it unless its a stae of the union addressYou do realize Biden has had a speech impediment his whole life, right? I've heard Biden speak recently and he sounds pretty competent to me. LOL Trump rambles on, not knowing what he's talking about, speaks like a 4th grader when he can form a complete sentence.
Yeah I was kind of surprised that Seattle would allow the cops to do that was my original thoughts if was true.One of the posters commented that this is footage from 6/2/2020 and not recent. It may be so, but it still needs to happen.
More race baiting BS
None of which they need? Disagree 100% about that. I see nothing wrong with them acquiring semi-automatic rifles, NVG's, flash bang grenades , breaching equipment and sniper rifles used by SWAT and gang units. I work with LEO's to utilize these tools and to implement useful military tactics that save lives. Do they need armored vehicles? They can be useful to certain departments in certain situations but as a whole...NoI imagine that would be cutting costs associated with the militarization of the police. So many departments all across the country used their bloated budgets to buy military equipment. None of which they need to police a city.
Or may I come ask you at the end of the year. What you think then when this stuff starts happening? That ok with you
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Should I even watch it? Is it some end of time BS?
Wait until the debates start and the hectic grind of days with little sleep begin. My god there is no telling what might come out of his mouth
No. You will lose brain cells. It’s fifteen minutes you can’t get back. Your time is better spent scraping the skin off your taint with a cheese grater.
None of which they need? Disagree 100% about that. I see nothing wrong with them acquiring semi-automatic rifles, NVG's, flash bang grenades , breaching equipment and sniper rifles used by SWAT and gang units. I work with LEO's to utilize these tools and to implement useful military tactics that save lives. Do they need armored vehicles? They can be useful to certain departments in certain situations but as a whole...No
You get my first downvote for that absolutely horrible yet accurate to the situation image that is now in my head.
More training in de-escalating is needed. More focus on community policing. Taking that money away and not putting it to better use is insane. More training on less lethal use of force would be great.
Yes.....They already receive this training but not enough of it. I work more with SWAT and gang units on entry, room clearing, shooting situations but what little de-escalating and use of force training they get (while excellent) just isn't enough. They should be hammering situational training non stop. I know policing isn't war but look at the amount of training I had before ever being deployed (close to 3 years) and the amount of training we did between deployments. You have to do this to increase effectiveness and limit unnecessary casulaties. Defunding sure as hell isn't going to accomplish thisMore training in de-escalating is needed. More focus on community policing. Taking that money away and not putting it to better use is insane. More training on less lethal use of force would be great.
When a criminal opens fire on them is the worse case scenario. Its the situations like what happened in Atlanta that need to be rectified. They did a great job at de-escalation but the gentlemen should have never gotten that tazer. With that being said, don't run from the policeI agree but what do police supposed to do. When a criminal opens fire on them? Also resource officers should not be removed from schools. They protect our children.
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When a criminal opens fire on them is the worse case scenario. Its the situations like what happened in Atlanta that need to be rectified. They did a great job at de-escalation but the gentlemen should have never gotten that tazer. With that being said, don't run from the police
No. You will lose brain cells. It’s fifteen minutes you can’t get back. Your time is better spent scraping the skin off your taint with a cheese grater.
It was a rush to judgement yes and this is going to cause major problems down the road regarding LEO's being able to do this job safely for all involved. The atlanta cop will walk away but his life is obviously changed foreverI don’t think that cop should have been fired. May suspended with pay and put back in police academy. I certainly believe it was a bad mistake. Definitely not a George Floyd situation though
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You are thinking too much my man......So this is the second time you have held up Nathan Jessup as a figure to be emulated and admired as an officer. I find that hard to believe coming from someone of your standing. Nathan Jessup, the commanding officer in the movie "A Few Good Men" ordered two Marines to break the law and was going to allow them to be court marshaled for the crime he ordered them to commit had the defense atty not caught him in the lie. If that is the kind leadership you respect then a lot of your posts make sense now.
So this is the second time you have held up Nathan Jessup as a figure to be emulated and admired as an officer. I find that hard to believe coming from someone of your standing. Nathan Jessup, the commanding officer in the movie "A Few Good Men" ordered two Marines to break the law and was going to allow them to be court marshaled for the crime he ordered them to commit had the defense atty not caught him in the lie. If that is the kind leadership you respect then a lot of your posts make sense now.
This is from a pastor. It’s about 15 minutes long. I recommend people watch this. It involves the possibility of a civil war possibly troops on the ground possibly Russian and Chinese troops. It’s scary but should be watched. I would recommend stocking up on food guns ammo right now!
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Yes!.....You want men looking out for you that are willing to be called grotesque while taking the heat so others can sleep comfortable at night under that blanket. Being a great leader doesn't always mean being an asshole (Jocko Willink was certainly NOT a Jessup) but you have to be willing to do things other see as unsavory to be effective. One day people (some people) will see this about TrumpI think the compare/contrast of Colonel Jessup is a good one. He is what you want in a leader. A man who is respected by his men. The problem runs up the chain of command. NCO tells the LPO, LPO tells section chief, section chief tells LT, LT tell XO, XO tells CO. CO, so there is no miscommunication, goes to the LT and explains what exactly he wants done. He knows he is a hard ass, but he is a fair hard ass. Everyone is equally worthless (LOL). There is zero special treatment. He doesn’t mince words. He is abrupt and to the point. That, in my eyes, is what made a couple of my CO’s stand out. A few others? Not so much. Those were the “ladder climbers”. They didn’t care about the men, they just wanted good FITREP’s in their files and they wouldn’t let anyone screw it up for them. They were the worst. I’m a liberal, but I’d respect the hell out of a leader like Colonel Jessup.