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Political Thread

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This sure seems like debunking to me:

In a rare statement late today, the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine declared they “emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Messihi. These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical societies and are inconsistent with current science and epidemiology regarding COVID-19. As owners of local urgent care clinics, it appears these two individuals are releasing biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests without regard for the public’s health.”
Nope. Not debunking at all. I have seen a multitude of medical professionals say pretty much the same thing. We are supposed to be able to trust the WHO too right? Do you because I sure as hell dont
Says the guy who calls people insane

Hmm maybe that's because ya know.. said individual has a history of saying literally the dumbest crap that comes to their head? (like posting articles that claim vaccines are dangerous)

I recommend posting a little less from now on unless you actually have something worthwhile to say
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Curious everyone is worried about Trump and bleach yet find this out. So flu vaccines have disinfectant in them.

Stupidity like yours knows no limits.
Nope. Not debunking at all. I have seen a multitude of medical professionals say pretty much the same thing. We are supposed to be able to trust the WHO too right? Do you because I sure as hell dont

But yes we should definitely trust Trump though who encourages people to inject themselves with disinfectant and bleach while also willfully promoting unproven remedies for covid-19 & then taking absolutely no responsibility for the very predictable repercussions and negative consequences that follow (his followers behave similarly, not surprising really). Clearly though, the WHO is the bad guy here.

Well the goal posts for all those saying sip and Stay in lockdown Keep moving also. Stay shut down they scream. Yet no solution on how to help all those suffering and losing everything. Oh that’s right. Who cares about the young kids and younger millions that will be homeless and in poverty. My wife is a teacher. She is heartbroken because so many kids at her school their only meals are at school. The only nurturing and care they get is at school from the teachers. Oh yes don’t care about the kids. It’s all about the elders that have passed from this virus that were already past the average life expectancy. Most would have died in 1-2 years from any sickness. Yes that sounds cold but it’s the cold hard truth. Sacrifice millions of younger lives for the elders. When in reality many of the younger millions will die also from homelessness, poverty, hunger, sickness, child slavery, suicides, domestic abuse, child abuse, etc. Don’t want to hear that because it won’t happen and is not ever going to happen. The cost of the economic collapse if does happen I hope you own it. I will own it if I am wrong and Lord I pray I am wrong and eat crow.

child slavery laugh out loud for real what a joke
You never see language like that from these kinds of organizations.
Yes, you never see it because MOST of the time (99.9%) nobody cares what the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine have to say about anything. So suddenly they are called upon to chase down some rogue emergency room doctors and get them back in line. Why, I wonder? News never speaks for them and now suddenly they are on record as saying "pay no mind to what is behind the curtain?". Yeah, Wizard of Oz has nothing on these guys.
But yes we should definitely trust Trump though who encourages people to inject themselves with disinfectant and bleach while also willfully promoting unproven remedies for covid-19 & then taking absolutely no responsibility for the very predictable repercussions and negative consequences that follow (his followers behave similarly, not surprising really). Clearly though, the WHO is the bad guy here.

Sigh.....You know Trump didnt tell or encourage anybody to inject themselves with bleach. And you have the nerve to call other people stupid?......LOL
You never see language like that from these kinds of organizations.
Seriously one can find debunking about anyone or anything someone says. Just like the WHO and the UN. I’m sure those organizations have their skeletons in the closet.
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Do you not realize it is happening in today’s times and increases when mobs like in Italy and Mexico take over during a crisis. Sorry to break the glass in your glass house and your anti capitalism friends here
Yes it's happening, for sure.
**That awkward moment when you clearly lost an argument, got horribly exposed for spewing complete nonsense, have absolutely nothing worthwhile to add, and you coincidentally realize how deep your head has been buried in the sand but will never solemnly admit it**

That sand must taste pretty good
Lost an argument no. Had I called "you" an embicil however, I would already be banned for a week (for the second week in a row).....The things I want to say to you unfortunately have to remain tucked in my pocket but its cool!
Hmm maybe that's because ya know.. said individual has a history of saying literally the dumbest crap that comes to their head? (like posting articles that claim vaccines are dangerous)

I recommend posting a little less from now on unless you actually have something worthwhile to say
So besides being a mental health expert you also give internet forum posting guidelines. Wow that's helpful !
Stupidity like yours knows no limits.
Amazing you are allowed to call people all kinds of names and if someone speaks against you they are banned. If you only knew how many PMs are written about you and how people really feel about you. They all agree you’re intelligent but You put down others to make yourself feel better. If someone has a different opinion they are always wrong. Some on here give thumbs down and never give options and solutions. Unable to have conversations wo condescending someone. We hear stay sip and lockdown and test, test and test. With no solutions or beliefs that an economic collapse will be devastating for ALL. Yes it’s awful for those that have died but if you lost your job and all you had what would you do Webber? Do you have kids? There is no right or wrong with this virus. Either path we take their is going to be deaths, sorrow and suffering. That is reality outside the glass houses. Some on here can sit at home and get paychecks and not lose jobs. Count yourself as blessed because majority don’t have that luxury. If the economic collapse happens that glass house will shatter when people start looking for food and bartering items. Don’t think that can’t happen for a moment. Your not invincible nor is your house. How about start showing some sympathy for those that are losing everything and not just people losing loved ones.
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Lost an argument no. Had I called "you" an embicil however, I would already be banned for a week (for the second week in a row).....The things I want to say to you unfortunately have to remain tucked in my pocket but its cool!
He does posses above average weather forecasting skills so he can do or say no wrong on this site.
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