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Political Thread

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Interestingly, that video referred to in my post has been taken down. It was an anti-lockdown/anti-Fauci video from a far right wing YouTube site incorporating this one from an ER doc, which is still up;

Yeah I saw him interviewed yesterday. Interesting
Interestingly, that video referred to in my post has been taken down. It was an anti-lockdown/anti-Fauci video from a far right wing YouTube site incorporating this one from an ER doc, which is still up;

You think those left wing media scumbags will inquire about this? No they are hyper focused on clorox bleach and taking down a President elected by the people that doesn't bow down to them.....
Interestingly, that video referred to in my post has been taken down. It was an anti-lockdown/anti-Fauci video from a far right wing YouTube site incorporating this one from an ER doc, which is still up;

Maybe this very strong rebuke?

I also referenced what their pedigrees were like when you first posted the video.

It's a blog so take with the info with caution and an open mind.

Curious everyone is worried about Trump and bleach yet find this out. So flu vaccines have disinfectant in them.
Curious everyone is worried about Trump and bleach yet find this out. So flu vaccines have disinfectant in them.
Thank you for using a source approved by Karen and Karen only.

No seriously there are countless other sources saying flu vaccines do not contain mercury today.
Seems Erickson owns a string of walk-in clinics that have seen reduced business because of covid. Sounds like he has been caught and had his own personal interest at hand........no wonder he is a trump supporter.

This is why trumps a clown. How dare anyone question his response. If you dont kiss his ass then no matter your policy platform is he will turn on you. Yeah that sounds like a guy who only whata best for America :rolleyes:.

Kiss the kings ring or else!!!

Can I cherry pick the ones that just classified as deaths from virus that were really not outta the 55k. Oh wait Gonna need all the deaths from heart attacks, strokes, cancer and etc to get to that 2 million.
Not sure I've ever seen the goal post move that far before. We went from this is overhyped to well it hasnt killed 2 million yet!!!!
Well the goal posts for all those saying sip and Stay in lockdown Keep moving also. Stay shut down they scream. Yet no solution on how to help all those suffering and losing everything. Oh that’s right. Who cares about the young kids and younger millions that will be homeless and in poverty. My wife is a teacher. She is heartbroken because so many kids at her school their only meals are at school. The only nurturing and care they get is at school from the teachers. Oh yes don’t care about the kids. It’s all about the elders that have passed from this virus that were already past the average life expectancy. Most would have died in 1-2 years from any sickness. Yes that sounds cold but it’s the cold hard truth. Sacrifice millions of younger lives for the elders. When in reality many of the younger millions will die also from homelessness, poverty, hunger, sickness, child slavery, suicides, domestic abuse, child abuse, etc. Don’t want to hear that because it won’t happen and is not ever going to happen. The cost of the economic collapse if does happen I hope you own it. I will own it if I am wrong and Lord I pray I am wrong and eat crow.
Seems Erickson owns a string of walk-in clinics that have seen reduced business because of covid. Sounds like he has been caught and had his own personal interest at hand........no wonder he is a trump supporter.

Is that an approved news source? Thought off the wall news sources were not approved on here.
Seems Erickson owns a string of walk-in clinics that have seen reduced business because of covid. Sounds like he has been caught and had his own personal interest at hand........no wonder he is a trump supporter.

LOLOLOL......Im sorry but NOTHING in that link you provided debunked a damn thing! So I have to know and be honest....What did you type into google when you went to "debunk" it because you know that's exactly what you did. You can't stand the fact that they may just be spot on!
LOLOLOL......Im sorry but NOTHING in that link you provided debunked a damn thing! So I have to know and be honest....What did you type into google when you went to "debunk" it because you know that's exactly what you did. You can't stand the fact that they may just be spot on!
This sure seems like debunking to me:

In a rare statement late today, the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine declared they “emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Messihi. These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical societies and are inconsistent with current science and epidemiology regarding COVID-19. As owners of local urgent care clinics, it appears these two individuals are releasing biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests without regard for the public’s health.”
This sure seems like debunking to me:

In a rare statement late today, the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine declared they “emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Messihi. These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical societies and are inconsistent with current science and epidemiology regarding COVID-19. As owners of local urgent care clinics, it appears these two individuals are releasing biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests without regard for the public’s health.”
You never see language like that from these kinds of organizations.
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