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Political Thread

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Well well well. Let’s get the bashing Biden train started or defending like us Trumpsters do lol.
Hype master.
What the heck is wrong with you dude. The man just pointed out facts to you and you choose to ignore it out of hate for Trump. You are part of our problem here in America. If you hate your leader so much..... MOVE.
Ah the classic refrain of unimaginative people who know their ideas can't stand the test, so they suggest other people move.
No wonder Kim Jong-un being dead is trending on twitter again. The memes are flying on there again as well, including one about pallbearers dancing.

Not much sympathy from me at all IF this actually turns out to be true but I'd kind of like to know definitely soon lol.
Ah the classic refrain of unimaginative people who know their ideas can't stand the test, so they suggest other people move.
You really are a piece of work dude...... I will once again remind you that you are the one who refuses to stand with the leadership in America. I fully support our leadership and believe that this type of government is far better than the alternative. If I didn't, I would move away and let you Liberals have it.
Kim Jong Un in 'vegetative state', Japanese media claims; China medical experts dispatched to North Korea
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