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Political Thread

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I don't vote for a President to be my moral or religious leader. I vote for a President based on how I think they will run the country. The fact that Trump gets under the skin of the other side is just a bonus !

A POTUS is not supposed to get under the skin of half the country. What kind of BS is that? That weakens the country. Is that what you want? Would you be happier if the US were to somehow break up into two? Do you hate US liberals as much as, if not more, than anyone else in the world? I'm saying this despite almost always disagreeing with them. Besides that, many of them are downright nasty, hypocrites, and won't compromise with the right. Just go to that nasty political forum at the other wx bb to see how nasty they constantly are. But the right and left need to work together if they want our country to become semi-united again. I hope moderates on each side can take control of things.
People on the left defended Pelosi when she said "we have to pass the legislation before we can find out what's in it". LOL
A POTUS is not supposed to get under the skin of half the country. What kind of BS is that? That weakens the country. Is that what you want? Would you be happier if the US were to somehow break up into two? Do you hate US liberals as much as, if not more, than anyone else in the world? I'm saying this despite almost always disagreeing with them. Besides that, many of them are downright nasty, hypocrites, and won't compromise with the right. Just go to that nasty political forum at the other wx bb to see how nasty they constantly are. But the right and left need to work together if they want our country to become semi-united again. I hope moderates on each side can take control of things.

That's exactly what candidates on the left do, and they have the support of the MSM.
A John Kasich and N Haley ticket is looking awfully appealing right now!

No one wants Kasich, Romney, McCain types. They aren't strong enough to get anything done and they don't even defend themselves against the crazy left when they go after them. They simply don't get votes or even energize people. They don't know where they stand, and its hard to unify voters this way.
Also, you aren't going to beat 3 percent unemployment and a continual growth in GDP and payroll. Simply put, people want results. Trump has delivered that. Maybe the socialists can win if they play Santa Clause again and promise voters enticements aka the Green New Deal. That's what the left wants. Its going to be a Trump/Warren presidential run as I see it now.
Lol. That’s why we like him. He rides the nerves of the other side. So satisfying

After birth abortions, Green New Deal, said we should fly airplanes without fuel (Cortes), death tax, have to pass legislation to find out what's in it, 90 percent tax rate on corps. Yeah, lets vote for that instead of 3 percent unemployment and consecutive quarters of GDP growth.
After birth abortions, Green New Deal, said we should fly airplanes without fuel (Cortes), death tax, have to pass legislation to find out what's in it, 90 percent tax rate on corps. Yeah, lets vote for that instead of 3 percent unemployment and consecutive quarters of GDP growth.

Well the fact that they support all those things and Trump has ( maybe moving towards had) such a good economy but is still getting killed in the polls should tell you all you need to know......

Trump is IMO mentally unstable, he suffers from extreme and I mean EXTREME narcissistic personality disorder, and possibly even some dementia, again at some point the GOP leadership have to decide if they wanna go down with the USS Trump.....or do they want to possibly approach him about taking a medical leave and letting Pence pick Haley and give the GOP at least a fighting chance to get a win in 2020....even if Trump somehow won do we really want 4 more years of his "great and unmatched wisdom".....
Trump admin appears to be walking back Syria withdrawl after massive pushback from the right.....

I wonder which option is most likely (frankly, I honestly don't know if it's possible to tell):

1. Trump tweet-stormed after the decision was made to pull out. Then, there was backlash. Then, they huddled up and scrapped the plan.

2. Trump had no idea what was decided. He tweet-stormed what he thought everyone had decided on. They huddled up and concluded he was a moron and clarified the plan.

3. Someone purposely fed him wrong information, knowing he would tweet-storm, hoping he would make a fool out of himself. He didn't disappoint, necessitating a clarification later, and they laughed as their plan worked to perfection.

I guess there's a 4th option: He lied on purpose.

I'd place the highest odds on option 1, but like I said, I don't know if it's possible to know.
I wonder which option is most likely (frankly, I honestly don't know if it's possible to tell):

1. Trump tweet-stormed after the decision was made to pull out. Then, there was backlash. Then, they huddled up and scrapped the plan.

2. Trump had no idea what was decided. He tweet-stormed what he thought everyone had decided on. They huddled up and concluded he was a moron and clarified the plan.

3. Someone purposely fed him wrong information, knowing he would tweet-storm, hoping he would make a fool out of himself. He didn't disappoint, necessitating a clarification later, and they laughed as their plan worked to perfection.

I guess there's a 4th option: He lied on purpose.

I'd place the highest odds on option 1, but like I said, I don't know if it's possible to know.

There was a story out earlier I may or may not have linked here that was a source that was on the Turkey call and said the only turkey was the guy on the US end :) and he totally got played.....then it all blew up in his face.....I think its #2 and Trump will be pissed off they did it and we get a reversal on the reversal in the middle of night rage tweets with a lot of CAPTIAL LETTERS AND MISPELED WORDS!!!!!!!
I wonder which option is most likely (frankly, I honestly don't know if it's possible to tell):

1. Trump tweet-stormed after the decision was made to pull out. Then, there was backlash. Then, they huddled up and scrapped the plan.

2. Trump had no idea what was decided. He tweet-stormed what he thought everyone had decided on. They huddled up and concluded he was a moron and clarified the plan.

3. Someone purposely fed him wrong information, knowing he would tweet-storm, hoping he would make a fool out of himself. He didn't disappoint, necessitating a clarification later, and they laughed as their plan worked to perfection.

I guess there's a 4th option: He lied on purpose.

I'd place the highest odds on option 1, but like I said, I don't know if it's possible to know.

Could this be a gazillion dimensional chess or something?
Trump is the most repulsive person to ever be president. He is only interested in getting his little hands on as much money as possible. He has no desire to make America great again only to divide.
Could this be a gazillion dimensional chess or something?
I don't doubt for one second that there are people who are just itching to throw him under the bus or sabotage him or spin what he says and does into the worst light possible. But he doesn't help himself spouting off the way he does. There's a difference in the idea of "taking it directly to the people" (which, by the way, I wholeheartedly support) and talking foolishly. For instance, saying something like, "l, in my infinite wisdom, will bomb them back to the stone age", is not displaying infinite wisdom. That's foolishness.

Trump has articulated some good ideas, but he has also stepped on his shlong at just about every turn. He's got plenty of heat being thrown at him. He doesn't have to go out of his way to generate more. But he does.

I do believe there is a coordinated effort to work against him, even from inside his own administration. There is a lot of power and money that he is a threat to, but that doesn't absolve him of the way he talks or acts. There are a lot of corrupt entities that move against him, but he could be above that and be just as effective, if he wanted to.
Trump is the most repulsive person to ever be president. He is only interested in getting his little hands on as much money as possible. He has no desire to make America great again only to divide.
I wouldn't say money is what drove him. It could've also been an ego thing. He could've seen himself as "the best pick" so he ran and convinced America to elect him. He's a businessman, remember. The presidency isn't going to grant him more money than what he already has. I wouldn't say most repulsive though, because we've had some pretty low things from presidents in history before. Historically speaking, he may not be the absolute worst, but he won't be on the upper half of must liked by the public, that's certain.
Trump is the most repulsive person to ever be president. He is only interested in getting his little hands on as much money as possible. He has no desire to make America great again only to divide.
I think he likes to make splashes, even if it takes making ridiculous sounding tweetstorms to provoke the splashes.
I have a question for the die hard followers of president bone spurs. Was he joking when he asked China to help him win in 2020? If so was he when he asked Russia to help in 2016? Can the most powerful child in the world make a joke about destroying our democracy? He is negotiating hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs with China and he jokes about them helping. What if China takes him serious and makes a very believable but made up story about Biden to please him? Would his followers not mind how he wins as long as he wins? I can't imagine how Reagan or Eisenhower would look at this situation, the two biggest threats to our country are being courted by our president so he can keep power.
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