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Political Thread

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I guess under the DPA they can and redistribute where they think its needed. I had only heard in passing of the feds dipping their hands in the cookie jar at suppliers warehouses not on existing shipments. Now I'm worried about my inbound ppe.
That’s the only thing the have dipped into on PPE from us. So far gloves, suits, face mask and other medical mask such as cotton have not been taken.
Another reason have to open back up. Hospitals not doing out patient surgeries is loss revenue.
Yes, staying closed for poorly predicted hospitalization rate due to Covid-19 could cause hospitals to close, thereby reducing the availability of ICU beds in case of a real emergency.
Yes, staying closed for poorly predicted hospitalization rate due to Covid-19 could cause hospitals to close, thereby reducing the availability of ICU beds in case of a real emergency.

Yes because in the event cases spike theres zero chance they will open hospitals and would choose to leave ICU beds closed. :rolleyes:
Well sure is pretty crappy of the Trump administration to do that after telling everyone they were on their own to get the stuff. Then they just swoop in and steal it from you? Yet you support the guy.
I do support him, at this time. That could change in November, if there is a better choice. Where do you think the Feds are sending that PPE?
Yes because in the event cases spike theres zero chance they will open hospitals and would choose to leave ICU beds closed. :rolleyes:
I was not referring to the Covid-19 scare. Hospitals have already seen closures in rural areas due to other underlying economic conditions. Shutting out revenue will affect the long term viability of more hospitals on the margins. Thus in the next real emergency, we will have fewer hospitals ready to go. Sure, you could build more when you need them, but how fast can you really do this?
Too much money in politics and congress without term limits. What could go wrong?
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