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You can't prove that. Just as you can't prove that hospitals would have been over-run with patients sans shut-downs/lock-downs. Sweden will be the litmus test/control for this world experiment in socialism.

It's pretty basic math actually


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Yes we will. And it will be better appreciated than before. I promise.

Well, I won't argue with you on the 2nd part of your statement. I do hope people appreciate each other's lives and respect our planet going forward. But I still don't think we go back to normal, at least for a good 2 years. Social distancing will be something that we will be hearing and talking about for years to come.
Well, I won't argue with you on the 2nd part of your statement. I do hope people appreciate each other's lives and respect our planet going forward. But I still don't think we go back to normal, at least for a good 2 years. Social distancing will be something that we will be hearing and talking about for years to come.
Dont listen to the most fearful thing being reported. Fear is never an accurate response to anything. Fear is always over blown.
Never once said or implied I trusted any of their numbers.

The reality is, not trusting their numbers only reinforces my point more that taking no action is infinitely worse than some flawed measures to reduce covid-19 spread which you assert are doing basically nothing.

I didn't say they are doing "nothing". Sweden is not forcing businesses to close. They are leaving it up to the citizens to decide. They are recommending social distancing and good hygiene and other mitigation efforts. I'm not arguing "do nothing", though it sounds like you would like me to be. You can't trust Iran and China, good or bad. That's my point.
Well when people get a cold or have a sore throat or think they have the flu they need to lockdown and not go out. By exposing to others then they could pass away from those illnesses. So America is going to be on lockdown here on out. Sit at home and live off the govt.
Well when people get a cold or have a sore throat or think they have the flu they need to lockdown and not go out. By exposing to others then they could pass away from those illnesses. So America is going to be on lockdown here on out. Sit at home and live off the govt.
People do need to be staying home when they are sick from anything going forward. This is why so much crap out there spreads. They think they need to go to work or do whatever anyway even though they are feeling bad.
Dont listen to the most fearful thing being reported. Fear is never an accurate response to anything. Fear is always over blown.

It's not fear, it's facts that I adhere to. Unfortunately, that can and at some points, lead to fear. Because if we take everything with a grain of salt, the spread will continue. I'd hate to see the 2nd spike in the fall as was the case with the Spanish Flu.
People do need to be staying home when they are sick from anything going forward. This is why so much crap out there spreads. They think they need to go to work or do whatever anyway even though they are feeling bad.
And if that person has no sick pay or sick days what are they to do? Especially after all of this? Jobs are going to be really really tight. So have you ever went out to school or work with a sore throat? Cough? Cold?
It's not fear, it's facts that I adhere to. Unfortunately, that can and at some points, lead to fear. Because if we take everything with a grain of salt, the spread will continue. I'd hate to see the 2nd spike in the fall as was the case with the Spanish Flu.
I'm not saying take it with grain of salt. But saying 2 years not being back to normal is worst of worst case scenario. You have to question everything that you digest information wise.
I am not going to pile on Biden here because I actually feel sorry for him. He is so obviously deteriorating mentally that it is a shame the Democrat party has gone so cuckoo leftward that they are propping him up as some kind of savior for the party. The man is not capable of making sound judgements anymore but they will set him up as a sacrifice for their party before they turn to the real ideologues of the left, if he should win. In other words, he is a figurehead who will have to turn over most of his duties to whomever he picks as his VP so that is who you will really be voting for.
I echoed this same sentiment in a post several weeks ago. Having burried a parent who suffered 8 plus years from altheimers, its sad to see this unfold. Think his is more just dementia based. I keep thinking his wife would step in. Maybe she already has and they are waiting till the convention. Eitheir way its a shame he is being humiliated every day. IM as opposite JB agenda as anyone, but even I have enough respect to not call this out. Said I wouldnt back then abd sticking to it.
And if that person has no sick pay or sick days what are they to do? Especially after all of this? Jobs are going to be really really tight. So have you ever went out to school or work with a sore throat? Cough? Cold?

That's where we need companies to take back some responsibility for their employees. Use to be companies would take care of their employees instead of their CEOs fat bonuses.
I echoed this same sentiment in a post several weeks ago. Having burried a parent who suffered 8 plus years from altheimers, its sad to see this unfold. Think his is more just dementia based. I keep thinking his wife would step in. Maybe she already has and they are waiting till the convention. Eitheir way its a shame he is being humiliated every day. IM as opposite JB agenda as anyone, but even I have enough respect to call this out. Said I wouldnt back then abd sticking to it.

I am sorry for your loss. Alzheimer's is a horrible disease and both of my grandparents suffered from some degree of it. But if we are going to say Biden has dementia, I would argue that Trump does as well. They both exhibit bizarre behavior, at times.
And if that person has no sick pay or sick days what are they to do? Especially after all of this? Jobs are going to be really really tight. So have you ever went out to school or work with a sore throat? Cough? Cold?
Well, that's why there needs to be mandated sick days so this type of abuse of employees forcing them to come into work sick will stop.
Trumps about to get a GAO enema and its gonna hurt. Any guesses on how much he has funneled into his and his families pockets?

Oh, I'm sure a very large amount. That was the only reason he ran in the first place. To grift off the GOP donor money. He had no intention of winning the thing and was doing it to line his own pockets.
Looking for another source but it seems trump was getting updates from US workers with WHO from the start of the outbreak. They were sounding alarms but he wasnt listening. Gonna try to find a 2nd source.
Don’t believe that at all

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About three-quarters of Mr. Trump’s total campaign spending has either gone to reimburse his own businesses or has been covered by funds from grass-roots donors, according to an analysis by The New York Times of F.E.C. reports.

Trump’s Campaign Spends 5 Times More on Rent Now That Donors Are Paying for It

The Trump campaign’s rent for its headquarters at Trump Tower has soared in just a few months.

The Huffington Post (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-campaign-rent_n_57bba424e4b03d51368a82b9) reports that, according to FEC records, until March Donald Trump’s campaign had been paying $35,458 in rent each month since last summer. In July, the campaign paid $169,758—an increase of nearly 500%.

“If I was a donor, I’d want answers,” said a prominent Republican National Committee member who supports Trump, asking for anonymity to speak freely. “If they don’t have any more staff, and they’re paying five times more? That’s the kind of stuff I’d read and try to make an (attack) ad out of it.”
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