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Political Thread

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We owed this year and since we did t get a direct deposit ours is pending. We had to submit our bank info even though they already had it. So ours is delayed for now.

My brother in laws parents both passed away in May. They received payments today!
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We owed this year and since we did t get a direct deposit ours is pending. We had to submit our bank info even though they already had it. So ours is delayed for now.

My brother in laws parents both passed away in May. They received payments today!

What a mess this is already shaping up to be. Got to love how the IRS will garnish wages, etc, right away, with no issues. But when it comes to giving you money, it turns out to be an epic fail. And sending money to the deceased? #notwinning
Vote her out! Love Americans standing up! It’s stupid to tell people they can’t go next-door to someone’s house

So, you want American's standing up and refusing orders? Yeah, it's a harsh law, but it may end up saving lives. MI has been hit hard, I have friends there. Social distancing is exactly what it say's it is. It doesn't give you a right to do whatever. What if you go over a neighbors house, and they happen to have a compromised immune system? They catch Covid and die. That's it. If people would get off their high-horse and quit making this a damn political spectacle, we'd be able to open up a lot sooner. It's all up to us and our actions. If people want to remain ignorant to simply prove a point, we won't ever recover.
Anyone believe South Carolina schools will reopen may 1st?

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Who would? Schools should remain shut until the fall and something a lot of people forget is that after we peak it's not all clear. We have to go down from where we came first. It's like climbing a mountain. It gets harder as you reach the top and you're glad you peaked, but you can't just jump off the mountain or you'll die. You have to go down slowly and the way you came.
Who would? Schools should remain shut until the fall and something a lot of people forget is that after we peak it's not all clear. We have to go down from where we came first. It's like climbing a mountain. It gets harder as you reach the top and you're glad you peaked, but you can't just jump off the mountain or you'll die. You have to go down slowly and the way you came.
Actually, with a backpack on, down is generally harder than up ... ?
Who would? Schools should remain shut until the fall and something a lot of people forget is that after we peak it's not all clear. We have to go down from where we came first. It's like climbing a mountain. It gets harder as you reach the top and you're glad you peaked, but you can't just jump off the mountain or you'll die. You have to go down slowly and the way you came.
Some people say school should be closed until Fall 2021 !
You don't need data to support the obvious.... Remember Occam's razor..... The simplest solution is that it came from the research lab in Wuhan.

Valid point but this is a huge global problem and if it is something like that we need a strong and severe response globally against China. For that I'd prefer 100% irrefutable evidence.
Valid point but this is a huge global problem and if it is something like that we need a strong and severe response globally against China. For that I'd prefer 100% irrefutable evidence.
We are just discussing the possibilities.
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it could be a platypus.

But seriously, I have always held the suspicion that this came from the Wuhan lab, but we should admit that it could just as easily have come from the wet market. We just don’t know.

The thing that gets me is the initial response from the Chinese government. They acted like they wanted to cover up something, far as I could tell at least.
So, you want American's standing up and refusing orders? Yeah, it's a harsh law, but it may end up saving lives. MI has been hit hard, I have friends there. Social distancing is exactly what it say's it is. It doesn't give you a right to do whatever. What if you go over a neighbors house, and they happen to have a compromised immune system? They catch Covid and die. That's it. If people would get off their high-horse and quit making this a damn political spectacle, we'd be able to open up a lot sooner. It's all up to us and our actions. If people want to remain ignorant to simply prove a point, we won't ever recover.
First of all if my neighbors invite me over I would think they are smart enough to not have someone in their house if they are immune suppressed or scared of getting it. Social distancing can be done in people’s houses and in people’s yards. We are all human beings and not an animal to be caged. I understand protecting the public but some of these laws are getting overboard. The govt. is not our babysitter. If someone wants to stay inside because of fear of getting it then have at it. Just by getting deliveries of products to ones house can get it. A fellow co worker in another state. He and his wife have been nowhere and around no one. They have had things delivered to their house left on their porch. She has it now. Her online doctor said she got it off one of the products delivered to their house. The reason for social distancing was to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed. Well a lot states they are not and doing fine. Bottom line is we will ALL be exposed to it sooner or later if we have not already been exposed. Heck now they believe dogs can give it to us. Are we going to round up all the dogs. Remember there were videos outta China them rounding up stray dogs. We have no clue about this virus. I’m sure govt. is hiding much about it. Sometimes nature takes over and does what it feels. Just like flu. We have not cured it and never will. This virus maybe the same. With us from now on.
Who would? Schools should remain shut until the fall and something a lot of people forget is that after we peak it's not all clear. We have to go down from where we came first. It's like climbing a mountain. It gets harder as you reach the top and you're glad you peaked, but you can't just jump off the mountain or you'll die. You have to go down slowly and the way you came.

Well just wish our Governor will go ahead and announce it one way or another

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Some people say school should be closed until Fall 2021 !

TN schools closed today for rest of spring. I’m sure we will be on lockdown come fall and winter. Got to round up all the dogs from giving the virus to us. Next will be the toilet paper is the problem.
Duck and Platypus, not even close
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